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America's death toll on the world: 27,000,000++

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posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by powerbomb1123
"fast food guzzling"

you don't like fast food. The rest of the world does. Would you rather have China or Russia being in charge of the world or maybe some barbaric African dictator.

How about NOBODY in charge.... can you get your head around that?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by KonigKaos

How can information which is generally considered factual be considered anti-american? It is what it is.

Information is neutral. You equate the messenger with the information, and make a personal attack because you don't like what's being said.

What if I said your grandmother is going to die? Would that make me a grandma-hater? It's a fact, and it has nothing to do with me.

I wish your grandma well.

[edit on 3-12-2007 by dionysius9]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

This is total garbage. There weren't even ten million dead Native Americans. And I bet you wouldn't call Custer's last stand genocide...or Wake Island, or Malmedy, or the POWS in Vietnam. Just another post from an anti-american freak.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Englands Death toll on the world: 54,000,000++

51,000,000 in India due to famine, direct result of the British East India Company.

1,200,000 Seven Years War

907 Faulklands War

75,000 from King Henry VIII

2,000,000 British Rule Irish potatoe Famine.

285 Gordon Riots

11 Peterloo Massacre

150,000 Harrying of the North by William the Conquer

See, I can take a bunch of numbers on countries and make it look like they were evil blood thirsty godless killing machines too. But thats justa fact of life. Death by human hands is a fact of life, and a staple of the human condition. Wherever we go, no matter what civilization we found, our staples follow.

live with it.

UK has never been angels. And these stats, which probably are the tip of the iceberg for the US, are done with their counterparts in crime. The cartel that control the federal reserve and make money off all the wars, in addition the killings done for various businesses in general. For years the US has simply been a tool for these men, one family in the US and one in England are the fronts.
Death by human hands is not a fact anyone needs to accept. The US has blatantly ignored treaties and international law and bombed civilians countlessly for whatever agendas its on. Throughout my life alone, in Canada, I've watched in horror time and time again. I would have marched on my government for not doing something about it if anyone had shown the slightest interest in being with me, but none of them ever got the issues. The people are always divided and conquered on every issue, while civilians are being murdered!
I always wished Canada could somehow work some magic and remove itself from its close proximity with the US. The people across the line usual were wonderful, caring human beings. But the US government is one the most frightening things on earth. A rule of thumb, its never okay to dismantle another countries democracy, and bombing civilians is a no, always, it just is! I had to phone the crisis line when the bombings of neighborhoods started in Afghanisan, and a father with his one remaining son, who had been hiding in the shed described what happened to his wife an numerous other young children and baby. My baby was lying in his playpen, and I nearly passed out. Then an incredible rage filled me and I was going to drive to the the border with a bullhorn and declare war personally on Bush on behalf of the all the women and children of the world.
Now in Canada, we have quite a specific set of guidelines for the crisis line. I knew immediately that he had a Texas type accent, was US, was some kind of damage control and actually had the nerve to say to me that these were black babies weren't they, and it wouldn't be an issue unless Oprah Winfield made it one. You'd be fired for that!!!! Maybe even sued!!!! I told him that she didn't empower me!!!! And that not listening to the news was not the answer!!!!

[edit on 20-8-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Ranger23
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

This is total garbage. There weren't even ten million dead Native Americans. And I bet you wouldn't call Custer's last stand genocide...or Wake Island, or Malmedy, or the POWS in Vietnam. Just another post from an anti-american freak.

So then, how many dead NA were there? Custer took part in instutionalized genocide, yes. If you can't at least admit that wha tthey did was wrong then you might consider seeing a psychologist for psychopathy treatment.

Nam: It sucked that so many "Americans" had to die and etc for a tyrannical war that was stated on a false pretense (FACT: The US Navy attacked itself to engage in that imperialist war.). But what about the MILLIONS of Vietnamese and others who died because a decade before the war the US refused to help liberate them from the French Empire (US Empire allys)??? Again, if you can't even see their side of things then consider psychopathy treatment.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:06 PM
This is truly a sobering number. I don't think the number is up for debate here, whether true or not. I think we should stop blaming others for bad things if we have enough dirt to clean up in front of our steps. All I ever hear is the US talking about how bad the Germans were, one movie after another keeps emphazising on the fact. Then a movie comes out that shows the other side, and nobody even ever heard of it, such as "Valkyrie". And why? Because American History does not teach it's children everything, only what makes others look bad. Most people don't even know that Hitler himself wasn't even German, he was Austrian. Do we want to talk about the millions of Native Americans killed? do we want to talk about the concentration camps that America had for Germans, Italians, anybody of asian decent? Come on!!! Why is it that this is never talked about? Because it's much easier to condemn someone else for doing wrong instead of admitting you've done something wrong yourself. I've read many posts here and agree with some, but not with others. It's been years since some of this happened, and even though we should never forget....we should forgive and move on and not blame second generations for their forefathers mistakes, instead try to make it better in teaching your children right from wrong.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:39 PM
sucks for the dead people but they shouldn't have been there. it's all about timing. you'll learn just keep it up.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:50 PM
Wait just a minute there bud, 27,000,000? You left out the British, in two wars, the Mexicans in 3 wars, the Spanish in one war, the Germans in two wars, the Japanese in one war, the Soviets and Chinese in the Cold War, the North Koreans and Chinese in Korea. That 27,000,000 is more like 50 or 60 million.

The US losses in all those wars combined? Less than 2 million.

From where I sit it looks like the good ol' USA really kicks ass! You better watch out, we may be coming to a country near you.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

You make some good points but be carefull about calling the internment camps in WWII, "concentration camps". They were not extermination camps, which is what concentration camp has come to mean.

Not all German, Itallian, Japanese, etc. were interred. The Japanese for instance, could avoid the camps by agreeing to relocate away from the West Coast. Also, there was an entire division of Japanese-Americans who served in Italy. So, double check your facts and check your history.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by lunarminer
Wait just a minute there bud, 27,000,000? You left out the British, in two wars, the Mexicans in 3 wars, the Spanish in one war, the Germans in two wars, the Japanese in one war, the Soviets and Chinese in the Cold War, the North Koreans and Chinese in Korea. That 27,000,000 is more like 50 or 60 million.

The US losses in all those wars combined? Less than 2 million.

From where I sit it looks like the good ol' USA really kicks ass! You better watch out, we may be coming to a country near you.

LOL - I loved it! This thread is a joke but let's keep the body count rolling....

Everyone knows we have weather machines and have caused any and all weather related deaths, our earthquake machine has crushed millions. We create diseases all the time just to kill off people. The Spanish flu was our invention. Malaria.. that was us too. Polio was our idea of a sick joke. We invented the black plague and sent it back in time. Elvis didn't really die, we sent him back to be a Pope and he started the inquisition for us to get our kicks. Charlton Heston was "really" Moses and the real story there was just about bringing some plagues to Egypt. Danny Devito was sent back to become Napoleon so count those bodies as well.

The great flood... that was us.
Rome... that was really us.
The Dark Ages ... well, we got sick of Rome and thought chaos would be fun to watch for awhile (we actually have all of this suffering and death on tape and watch it when nobody is looking.)

Hell, let's tell them the truth...It is a secret that every American knows but is sworn to secrecy.... Stalin, Hitler, and Mao were really our lackeys and even though they didn't want to kill a soul... we made them do it.

But the biggest secret of all is we actually have mind control machines now and although the entire world would be at peace and harmony, every murder and war is designed by our mind control programmers and sent out to the brains of millions hourly to keep a steady death count rolling (THE Debt clock is really the body count clock, we all smile and wink when we see it and the rest of the world has no idea).... were actually the cause of all death in this world and in my different time periods. We even use our mind control devices to cause what YOU think are "accidents".

You think aliens are here...Your right... those are just the couriers of our tribute left over from our galactic genocide. They are allowed to keep bringing the tribute to us... or else Shatner is going back to finish the job!

OK. I broke the oath and spilled the beans.... Have a good night.

[edit on 12-1-2009 by infolurker]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by infolurker

Hey, I really liked your post. Not only did we send Danny Devito back to be Napolean, but we financed him through the Louisianna Purchase. Also, we financed the Tzar through the Alaskan Purchase. We also brought him down, because if he had still owned Alaska, then he would have had a safe haven from Lenin.

I noticed that the OP didn't mention Panama. We killed thousands needlessly just to dig a ditch.

He also failed to mention Iran. Hundreds of thousands died when we allowed the Shah to be overturned.

The list could go on and on. We are the big evil in the world. Yet, everyone wants to come here. You know, if we declared Arizona as the true homeland of the Palestinians, Gaza and the West Bank would be empty within a week.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:06 AM
Great OP, sad to see the usual ostrich behaviour from those wilfully ignorant of their own history.

Of course, it goes on and on. 27m is probably a low figure. Did you mention the death squads across South America during the post-WWII period? And of course in Iraq. John Negroponte, famous for organising death squads in Nicaragua, turns up in Iraq, and the death squads there start up shortly afterwards. Coincidence? Yeah right.

Good luck, IIB.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by shadow_soldier1975

Does the US kill some people they shouldnt? Do we kill people to rid the world of scumbags? Do we make sure the bullies and terrorists stop picking on the little guys? WE SURE AS HELL DO!!!!

No, you do it so the corporations owned by your corrupt fascist elite gain more resources and profits.

You are a fool if you believe your government cares about some little guy!

Edit to add: After reading some of the replies here I have concluded that the average American ATSer is suffering from a dash of denial and a mild case of minority complex.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by Waldy]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:04 AM
Panama, Chile, Haiti x5, etc,etc,etc

America is what it is a Religious Military Empire run by a dictator - fact. The only other state that comes close to being so profoundly bent is Pakistan - although they just got rid of their military command so that just leaves the US as the most powerful person being a military person (Commander in Cheif), a religious nut (God told me), and a dictator (Patriot act).

At least your global violence is at least official now - god Im looking forward to the day when the Chinese are having their annual victory parade in Washington DC while the WHOLE WORLD looks on and celebrates.

One thing you jokers dont get - if you dont give a stuff about anyone else - why do you think anyone is going to do do anything but cheers when you go down - and you are already going down.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:07 AM
I made a similar post about the USSR, using the same techniques as this post I reached a figure of 167 million. My point was to show that these sort of threads are moronic.

At least your global violence is at least official now - god Im looking forward to the day when the Chinese are having their annual victory parade in Washington DC while the WHOLE WORLD looks on and celebrates.

Yeah, I'm sure the whole world will celebrate China taking the USA's place.

[edit on 13/1/09 by Cthulwho]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by audas

If you want to see a real Religious Military Dictatorship, take a look at Iran.

I am sure that you will come back with some lame statement that Iran has an elected government. (That doesn't seem to count in the case of the US)

I would point out that the real power in Iran is the religious leaders and they are heirs to their positions and are not elected.

The "President" of Iran is a trained Chimp that they put in that position to spout the script that the Ayatollah writes for him.

If we played this game of "who killed the most people", Iran would be right up there, since their history goes all the way back to the Persian Empire.

On the subject of theocratic military dictatorships, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, are also on that list.

Another one that is a theocratic dictatorship but not militarily inclined is the Vatican. Nobody contradicts the Pope on the grounds of the Vatican.

I would like to include China on that list as well, since they follow their religion (Maoism), and they are a military dictatorship. North Korea is another one on that score.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:33 PM
I am absolutely against the validity of your findings as you associate the US with millions of deaths that were caused by the actions of others. For example, while the US certainly invaded Iraq, which caused thousands of deaths, not all of them are at the hands of the US. The US did not intentionally kills all these people. Extremist had a hand in a large majority of these casualties. You simply cannot associate the US millions of deaths by counting the death toll of every military engagement by the US. Your count is flawed.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by MasterRegal

Yes that was the point of my post attributing 167,000,000 deaths to the USSR. You can't just count up the total number of deaths attributed to a war, a certain country was involved in without looking into the details.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Ok, let me explain something Every country in the world has blood on their hands. No one is incocent, war has dominated human life for 10,000 years. it has made and destroyed countries and teritories over and over. Russia alone comited genocide on their own pepole. throug the gulag system it had during the soviet times. and u acuse america of killing pepole..... Open your eyes.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Rufuz

What a minute, how can I trust a guy who has a Nixon avatar? How do I know that you're not lying?

Anyway, you are correct that war and conquest have been with us since the beginning of the human race. So far, we have not found any cure for it.

I think that the major difference between the modern western powers and those that went before, is that we no longer recognize conquest as a reasonable way to expand one's territories.

We are in the middle of a great political experiment. We still don't know if our experimet is going to succeed. I hope that it does.

I do find it interesting though, that there are some who would like to ignore the historical context of conflicts and the actions of the US, UK, USSR, etc. Instead they would like to take the simplistic view that all deaths and casualties are the fault of one of the participants. The truth is that all sides that participate in a war commit acts that cost lives. This cannot be avoided, what can be avoided is the commission of atrocities, like trying to exterminate a people under the cover of a war, or strapping bombs to kids, or using weapons that continue to kill long after the war is over.

On the issues raised over the Native Americans. I have seen an estimate of 2 million Native Americans at the time of the founding of Jamestown. So, I think the figure of 10 million dead is way too large. We really don't know how many there were, there were no census at the time. It is true that many Native Americans died, as did many colonists, Americans, Brits, etc. Neither the colonists nor the Native Americans are without blame in this. There were many conflicts and wholesale wars in the 300 years from the first explorers to the last Indian war. Some of the conflict was caused by the settlers, other times it was the Indians. If we could look at it case by case, then I think that we would find a roughly equal deathtoll. That doesn't make it right, nor does it excuse the abuses that occured.

On the issue of genocide. This particular tactic was widely used in the 20th century as new weapons and technologies made killing much more efficient. Turkey, Germany, Italy, Japan, USSR, China, Cambodia, Serbia, Ethiopia, Rawanda, all committed genocide on a massive scale. The deathtoll from all of these is way over 100 million. Much more than all of the deaths from all of the wars before the 20th century.

Does that mean that US is innocent? Nope. However, the numbers show that the US is not the "greatest evil ever seen". Quite the contrary, the US was on the oposite side of all of the genocides that I mentioned. The US was a force for good, trying to stop the bloodshed. This is not a trivial point.

Besides genocide, what about slavery? The US abolished slavery in the 19th century after the bloodiest war in our history. If you want a comparison of the Civil War with the War in Iraq for instance. The US lost more soldiers in each and every day of the Civil War that all of the soldiers that we have lost in Iraq. Think about that. The US also had a population that was 1/10 of the current populace. Think about that the next time you whine about the cost of the Iraq War.

On the subject of slavery, many countries around the world still practice slavery. Most the countries of the Middle East for instance still have a thriving slave trade, although it is a blackmarket in some. Millions of people are still bought and sold into slavery.

Also, consider the forced labor camps of Japan, Germany, USSR, and China. Tens of millions of people lived and died in these camps. Including thousands of American POWs from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Cold War. All of this happened within the past 100 years.

So compare all of this with the actions of the US, while you sit safe and warm in your easy chair and post.

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