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Are Ouija Boards a Gateway of Evil?

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posted on May, 21 2007 @ 04:14 PM
Try this site first.............

It speaks but I cant make sense of what its saying.

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 06:40 PM
ive played with a few ouija boards, i can say some did not work,but one i remember being a very strong board. When you have a strong board you know theres more there than meets the eye.

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 01:47 PM
Hells yeah ouija boards a gateway for evil

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 03:20 PM
Here is my experience.....This was about 15 years ago. I had a little get together at my house(around 8 or 9 people)and a friend brought over a board.

They messed around with it for a few hours, taking turns, asking silly questions. The ones using the board claimed it was giving them all the right answers.

There was a guy who had recently moved to town that showed up with a friend of mine. We were chatting for a bit and all of a sudden he starts getting upset telling us he has a feeling that something bad has happened. We decide to go ask the board. Keep in mind that this person only knew my friend that he came with. 3 of us started asking the board questions(neither my friend or our new guest were on it at the time) and this thing through a series of questions spelled out "tree" and "car". We then asked for the persons name and it spelled out a first and last name. Our guest completely lost it at this point and left.

His uncle was drunk driving that night and was killed when his car hit a tree.

That event not only scared me half to death but it really got me interested in the paranormal.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 05:30 PM
Me and friends have tried with one to no avail... but My friends mum apparently sued one and the flat she was staying in got trashed with the words "Do not interfere" engraved into her fridge- shes a strict catholic. Also, my (strict catholic) mother won't let films like the exorcist be shown inside our house or anything remotely occult performed because she had a similar experience...

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 01:35 PM
I'm seeing a lot of responses from those with Christian backgrounds. I wonder has anyone in the Judaism, Buddhist or Muslim faiths had any strange happenings with the Ouija?

If anybody know anyone with those backgrounds, ask them about Ouija's. I'd much appreciate it

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 10:21 AM
I have had a very bad experience with a homemade board,people all have different ideas but unless you experience it for yourself you will always dismiss story is long and wont bore you with it feel free to u2u me if you want info.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 01:45 AM
If its really this simple though, couldn't you just make your own ouija board?

I did a web ouija and asked "Is anyone there" and the reply was "No"
oh well

[edit on 5/31/2007 by MrAndy]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 07:05 AM
I have to say that in my post i said that it was homemade,that was meant to say homemade by myself with a board and chalk from my home which i think made the big difference in why it worked so well...or badly.i also used a glass from my home.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:40 AM
I'm at a dinner party a few years ago, at my friend and her husband's old apt. after dinner, she pulls out a ouija board they found in some cubbyhole when they moved in. It wasn't store-bought, but hand-made. She wanted to try it out, I initially advised against it, but went ahead and did it anyway. so, it's her on one side, me on the other. first, nothing...then subtle movement from the little pointer we had our fingers on..then she starts to freak out..according to her she could see spirits coming out of the walls..I didn't see them, but I DID feel a very cold spot, right behind me. She's sobbing at this point, and we stop..this was all in just 5-6 minutes or so, maybe less. She's gifted, sees auras and so forth, and I have my gifts as well..and she's a rock-solid woman, no bull# from her..that's enough for me to know to leave those damn things alone.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 11:50 PM
Last night I was speaking to two friends about the seances (with wine glass and alphabet - see my prev post in this thread for more info) that I did many years ago. I noticed one of my friends was not looking directly at me whilst I was relating my experiences but her gaze was intent on something just passed my left and right shoulder.

About five minutes after we went to the kitchen to make a cuppa (tea) and Kate said " When you were speaking about all those seances you did, there was a line of people walking just behind you and disappearing into the wall on the right of where you were on the couch".

I freaked and a shiver ran through my whole body and I replied "WTF did you tell me that for Katie? That will just spin me out now". I then asked her
what they looked like. She said "Just like regular men, women and children and there was about 20 of them" She also said they did not look at me, acknowledge me or stop... they were just filing past and disappearing.

I have been thinking about this since last night and I have come to the conclusion that these people may be all the souls I have ever contacted.

Perhaps they have always been around whenever I related my adventures with the paranormal...and Katie was gifted enough to see them

Freaked but amazed

[edit on 2-6-2007 by resistancia]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:49 PM
I used a Oujia board when I was a wee lad LOL

Anyway nothing happened, the things didnt move no matter how many hands

we had on the darn thing.

Possibly me and my friends dont possess any psycic ability all LOL.

Anway I was short of some wood while building a dog house and theres were

the Oujia board is to this day.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:56 PM
This is an interesting thread.

I've never tried the Ouija board, it sounds kinda scary, plus i believe there is such a thing as evil so I don't think I'd mess with it.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by thehumbleone]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 06:16 AM
My boyfriend totally agrees with you Nemo1111

He told me about five years ago (when he was 18) he and a couple of mates thought it would be funny to create a ouija board to see what happens (they were watching a show that featured a segment about ouija boards)
Now my boyfriend doesnt scare easy and is a sceptic about ghouls and goblins (lol) but he told me that he sat in the lounge room alone (no light apart from the kitchen illuminating thru the crack in the door) his two mates were in the kitchen waiting for food.
So hes gone ahead with out them and he started to ask "is there anyone in here?"...and he said there was no hes decided to be a total doorknob and has then began to ask "Anybody in? Anybody in here? Anybody in here?" (yes very childlike)
And then suddenly hes felt this jolt in his spine....

I asked him maybe one of his mates had kicked him from behind as a joke..
but he said it was different..he said he felt the force go thru his skin...
Hes pretty spooked about it to this day..its one thing he hates to discuss

Ive had a few people tell me to try and use a ouiji board to help me out, but my boyfriend refuses to allow me to use one.

I tease him about it "Not so funny now is it?" hahahahahaha

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 09:18 AM
A very enjoyable/interesting thread.

I see we have all the usual remarks..

"it's all BS"
"it's in your head"
"It's evil"
"It's a communication tool"
"Don't use it, I have used it and had a bad experience"

I have a talking board, and use it at family gatherings. We take the board seriously and don't fool around. I have had many experiences and never anything that I would deem 'bad'. I have encountered mischeavious spirits that just mess about, but I never felt like it was doing us any harm.

I am pretty open minded on most things and I think this helps somewhat. It isn't going to work for someone that has the pre-conceived notion that it will not work. So a certain amount of faith or openness is required to get anything from it.

My opinion of the board is that it is a tool that is used for communication. Like the poster said about the mobile phone. And like any tool, it has to be used in the correct manner, and can be abused.

I am never likely to get anything bad from the board because we will always use the board in a responsible manner. My guess is that its always better to be safe than sorry.

So I'm afraid that I don't have any scary stories to tell, all I have is the truth from my experiences. And none of them are interesting enough to share.

To people that say that they have had a bad experience, but won't go into details, I say this: You frustrate the hell out of me! If your experince was that bad, surely you would want to share it with people here. Tell us your story bad juju experiencers!!!

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 08:19 PM

I don't understand what you mean, if I were to use it, how could I use it responsibly? Do I need a priest in the room with me?
I'm just wondering how I can protect myself if I were ever to try one.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Quiji boards are neutral tools that make you more noticable to forces of either temperment. They are tools designed to make profit, easy to use, built with someone who has no idea what they're doing in mind.

If you know what you're doing, there are easier, safer ways to go about doing what you want.

If you don't know what you're doing, you should avoid using one anyway, due to the inherent risk factors.

Quiji boards are sold because people can make money off of them. In scientific communities there is little to no serious talk about this sort of thing. No risk in their view. Drugs are sold that can be harmful, both legal and illegal, in either case, people still acquire them no matter the danger involved. Don't expect them to go away.

If this sort of thing interests you, there are a number of spiritual/magical paths that you can take for more information. Quiji boards are neutral, like doors. They don't care what comes through, they just do their job. If you don't know what you're doing, it's a wise choice to avoid this medium.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by MrAndy

I don't understand what you mean, if I were to use it, how could I use it responsibly? Do I need a priest in the room with me?
I'm just wondering how I can protect myself if I were ever to try one.

Hi MrAndy,

I thought it was obvious how to use a board responsibly.

No priest required, but you should refrain from calling demons or bad spirits, and you should definately refrain from asking a spirit to enter your body.
You may like to say a prayer before you begin, or you might like to perform a cleansing of the board. Neither I think are necessary, but if it makes you feel better then feel free.

If you have never tried one but are feeling curious, then I used to be exactly like you and the only way to cure the curiosity is to give it a go! I recommend doing it with a friend or two and make sure that your friends are as serious as you about it. In my experience the spirits don't like to be mocked or tested, if you ask for a sign - you will get one, so don't freak out!

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 05:02 AM
I remain on the fence on this one. I have used homemade Ouija boards hundreds of times, and have experienced many odd things. I’ve always used the boards in the company of others; which means that someone could’ve always been manipulating it. Given the things I’ve experienced I think this is unlikely; unless of course all the events surrounding our Ouija experiments were purely coincidental. (Which I’m not ruling out)

Off the top of my head the following things have happened during ‘Ouija periods’:

A ‘presence’ on the board introduced itself as ‘BC’:

- Told us some town history (nothing spectacular)
- Warned us against interacting with other ‘entities’ going by certain names
- Taught us to ask ‘permission’ before breaking physical contact with the glass

When asked to show itself:

- Light bulbs have exploded
- Cords have been torn from plug sockets
- A third shadow has manifested itself next to TWO of my friends

A ‘ghost/spirit’ we named ‘Walter’ moved into my bedroom closet:

- He stinks (you can physically trace him in the house by following the scent)
- Becomes particularly agitated (and smelly) when large furniture is moved
- He physically interacts with furniture
- ‘Drags’ heavy objects around the house
- Paces up and down at the end of the bed
- Has shown himself to us on THREE separate occasions
- In the late nineties Walter repeatedly mimicked my mother by calling my name

After about a year of messing with this board my friend’s sister visited a medium who in turn told her that her brother had been “toying with Ouija boards” in the garage and had inadvertently awoken four ‘spirits’ that now occupy the four corners of the house. This was terrifying in many ways as 1) we’d sworn never to mention it to anyone in the house and 2) it kind of explained the dog’s fascination with the corner of rooms…

We finally disposed of the board only to witness the grass around us crumpling as if several invisible bodies were approaching us – I’ve never been more terrified in the whole of my life, you could ‘feel’ whatever it was around us.

If I can prove anything here, it’s the existence of ‘Walter’. We know he still occupies my parents’ house; as I said you can smell him. When I moved out something interesting happened. My mum awoke to the sound of a dull thud in the back attic bedroom. She found an old photo in there of me holding a dog we used to own. The framed photo had fallen from the wall and was now leaning upright against the skirting board. The really odd thing was that the glass panel from within the frame had been inexplicably removed and placed to one side of the frame. This of course is physically impossible unless you remove the glass panel from the rear. However, being an old photo, the frame was TAPED up at the back… My dad - the world’s most sceptical individual – was baffled. So many things have happened, I’d be here for weeks trying to list everything.

Reading what I’ve just written it’s easy to see how others find it hard to believe… but it doesn’t change the fact that these things happened.

Walter is in there, smelling the cupboards and closets out. The ‘smell’ wanders the house, sometimes it’s difficult to locate, but it’s always there… How does one go about turning this into tangible evidence?

[edit on 8/6/07 by thebox]

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by TheObserver
Hi MrAndy,

I thought it was obvious how to use a board responsibly.

No priest required, but you should refrain from calling demons or bad spirits, and you should definately refrain from asking a spirit to enter your body.
You may like to say a prayer before you begin, or you might like to perform a cleansing of the board. Neither I think are necessary, but if it makes you feel better then feel free.

Oh hehe, well that would be common sense not to call something evil out.
I figured there was something more to what you were saying.

Since I've never used this though, are you not able to do it by yourself or what?

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