posted on May, 12 2007 @ 04:02 PM
This is quite an interesting sign of one particular group of scientists shifting into a more consensual position on climate change. The American
Association of Petroleum Geologists have probably been the main scientific organisation that have been denouncing the science behind anthropogenic
climate change.
The previous statement of the organisation was one that took a strong denier position by not accepting that current warming is beyond natural
variation and proposing no action to reduce emissions. They simply denied an area of science few of them actually work in, quite possibly with little
reference to the validity of the science, and a large slice of industry bias.
Old AAPG Policy Statement
Well, there seems to be a a shift in policy of this organisation under way. They have a draft statement being discussed that, whilst still opaque, is
a move towards that of most scientific organisations.
Proposed AAPG Policy Statement
You can follow the web discussion they are having:
Welcome to the 21st century AAPG?
[edit on 12-5-2007 by melatonin]