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9/11 Video: "Chromakey Assassins"

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posted on May, 13 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by gen.disaray
here we are once again . minute after minute , hour after hour , day
after day and so on and so on .. everyday it's the same old waste of space
bs looking for some non-exsistant 911 " smoking gun "

If it's such a waste of time for you, why are you here? Shouldn't you be wasting your time somewhere else? I say good day to you then and let the rest of us use our time in the way we see fit.

I concur, 100%.

People showing extra ordinary conflicts of interests coming on ATS makes you wonder why they bother at all.....

Please do let us continue to waste our time and don't feel obligated to waste your time gen.disaray. We really won't mind if you leave, don't worry.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 03:46 PM
Lets not get into an insult competition between our members.

You want to trash on the video, or support the video, go ahead.

Lets this keep discussion relevant to the topic, and not each other, regardless of whomever has whatever conflict of interest with whatnot.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 02:13 AM
If we would have insulted anyone we would have received a warning on our name.

We were simply pointing out the obvious.

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