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"Lost" photos show ground level WTC7 damage and FEMA disinfo coverup

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posted on May, 17 2007 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
There is absolutlety no way that it could have been compartmentalized and all the people at FEMA and NISt are in on it.

Based on the way you use the word here, I'm not even sure you know what it means.

Btw, none of the other buildings hit completely collapsed. Both WFC towers were hit and neither of them were in any danger. The Winter Garden was hit much harder and it wasn't in any danger. Banker's Trust was hit and in no danger.

WTC4, 5, and 6 were all hit massively and were suffering from much more severe fires than WTC7, and were much less structurally sound to begin with because they didn't have the redundancy of a skyscraper, yet none of them failed any more than the damage the debris itself did. Because fire doesn't collapse steel buildings.

Even WTC3's bottom-most floor(s) remained, even though the small, thin building was impacted by its own weight from above + massive sections of falling building that already had KE. And it still didn't collapse to the base.

These are the pieces that hit WTC 7 and the surrounding areas. So much is stated about everything bieng pounded to dust and it is bull.

"So much is stated" and yet you still don't understand it.

The concrete was pulverized, not the steel. No one's ever said that. The only thing you show pictures of is the steel.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
One last time I will ask, where is the proof of demolition? Physical evidence, where is it? Just one piece. Not occluded photos or theories about nano thermite, but true demolition residue. From any of the 3 buildings. With no physical evidence, there is no reason to debate. There is no true evidence of a coverup. There is absolutlety no way that it could have been compartmentalized and all the people at FEMA and NISt are in on it. I would actually believe reptillians shot it from the dark side of hte moon before I would that it was Mossad with micro nukes and nano thermite.

Does this have to do with the thread topic? I don't think so. Please stay on the thread topic and STOP trying to derail this one.

The rest of your topic is ad nauseum blah, blah blah. No one is saying that WTC 7 didn't get damaged.

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