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Alien apocalyptic scares: trying to get us to cede control?

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posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:15 PM
Many posts (and aliens) warn that humans may ruin the planet by misuse of the new scalar technologies. It has certainly happened to some alien worlds. But why don't they advise us HOW to avoid it? Marshall Vian Summers' books (the Allies), despite their flaws, say the abducting gray alignment is trying to hustle us---that they only swarmed in now, warning about nuke apocalypse, then scalar, because we're on the verge of being capable of independently determining our own technological future (and THEY want to gain control here before we do so). The aliens in Summers' books say technology is easy to come by... you can devise it yourselves.

Without the apocaplyptic doom scenario (built into the gray alignment's prophets strategy and genetic hijacking scheme), we would think we can go it alone. Or at least that appears to be their thinking, hence abductees are treated to global destruction scenarios, often at an early age. The message is: it WILL happen, then we'll return and rescue you and you'll work to help us in that time of crisis. But how would a planet destroy itself with scalar technology?

My alien sources say next to no planet dies from ecological consequences, almost NONE! Instead, it takes a major, sudden misuse of the new scalar systems on a global scale. One alien told me that the gray planet died when they tried to use "a direct IEW line," which I surmise means a kind of direct-into-planetary-core gravitic, or scalar power demand. Seismic disturbances can result. And, if there are heavy metal radioactive concentrations in a planet core, the use of the planet's core as a capacitor could cause nuke reactions and seismic disturbances (Tesla wireless energy transfers use the metal core of a planet to store electrical charge). HOWEVER our science, to date, DOESN'T register uranium down at the core. Ironically, it's fine-scale scalar energy devices that will be most effective in actually surveying the material composition of the planet core.

The real danger in scalar energy is that it does a simple trick. put out a report about 2 years ago on a Bearden-like convergence of light waves in lab (i.e. electrogravity) that caused atoms in the focus area to essentially disappear into a black hole-like spot, then explode outward. In other words, like Bose Einstein condensates (many atoms lose individual identity and merge to form one superatom), which are made a la Bearden, if we use a too-direct entire planetary scalar system, it will cycle through the planet core, deeply condense matter there, and if we screw up, the matter can explode outward---end of planet's seismic stability. It's a very real danger.

Solution? Physicist Mark Comings reported that in 1984 when he tested and succeeded with an overunity device (a pizoelectric crystal made of barium titanate), it was immediately detected by a then-existing scalar detector system in this country. It's like Bearden's report of a "woodpecker grid" that can hear/detect uses of electrogravity (it's the same as zero point energy, also known as scalar electromagnetism). Cops came in and Comings' lab was dissembled; he was fired from Lawrence Berkeley labs. It was then a kind of scientfic COINTELPRO--attempting to ruin the careers of the best, most forward scientists (or recruit them into Frankenstein's lair, in other cases, no doubt.) Comings said that after the Cold War, the men in black only come in to foul up industrial production of overunity devices. Comings later worked at the Sara Corp. with other overunity achievers who told him about the scalar detection network. The point being, the US, Russia, China, India, various EU countries, Brazil, and probably Israel and maybe a few others most certainly have scalar technology, at present. It's common knowledge.

So, the US and all those countries can now easily sign a mutual safety treaty saying they all watch for stupid abuses of scalar systems, and they all coordinate to participate in a global system that reserves special computers, satellites, and scattered towers to instantly map any misuse of scalar tech, then counter it with focusing of scalar energy on the electrical circuits of the offender, completely frying his/her apparatus without killing anyone. Then the global convention takes the culprit to task, saying Watch out! Don't use it that way or we can all be harmed (by the way, now you can be part of our convention, which is underscored by trade and scientific programs to keep us all above water). It's the only solution, and it's doable right now!!!

The US, Canada, Europe and Australia and maybe Russia and others probably have their own, unilateral ability to do exactly that, now. It's simple common sense. No terrorist hoax group, no Al Queda or such, can get away with destroying the planet. Why would they even want to? Only NWO fear propaganda makes you think they would (ironically all purported terror threats are fighting the NWO, in one place or another---indeed, humankind's only route to a decent government is through revolutionary alternatives, which WILL, OF COURSE ALSO BE LABELED "TERRORIST" BY THE NWO---try to end the Federal Reserve, try to bust CIA-DuPont/Bush/Rothschild narco, try to jail Rockefeller and "YOU ARE A TERRORIST!!! A THREAT TO ORDER). The solution is simple: shared science, awareness (plus the maturity that comes with it) AND DISCLOSURE ABOUT ALIENS. Rather than leave people worrying about whether aliens will kill our planet, or we'll do so, simply effect the necessary conventions.

The truth is that we CAN do it right, right now. We simply don't use scalar crudely, too directly. Instead, we open up carefully and do global research in testing, avoiding dangerous core-concentrating scalar configurations. Then the planet is good for as long as is the sun! We're saved, by us, not abducting, planet-killing aliens. Alien apocaplyptic propaganda is meant to make us think we're incompetent, hence those aliens must control this planet so that we can survive. Their subtext is always that we're evil, primitive and animal-like, incapable, hence we must be controlled. Obey, obey, obey and you will know the wonders of the universe (like those grays, who, ooops, destroyed their own planet....)

Meanwhile, the intervention breeds conflict and operatives who apparently try, like Rothschild's Federal Reserve Bank scheme, to sow inequities and tensions that assure that rogue elements (often controlled by Rothschild's and confrere's criminal networks) seem a threat to the planet.

The truth is, we're past the alien apocalyptic risks. No major power will use scalar ruinously. The Soviets made some mistakes that EVERYONE has learned from (read Bearden). And sympathetic aliens are already hinting at how to avoid a planet kill. The real danger, here, now, is the pig-headed gray alignment's inability to lay off and not seek to manipulate further conflicts. The real danger is their internal propaganda, their reluctance to withdraw from THEIR Vietnam.

Their operatives are among the worst of our elite structures and will sow further tensions as part of the "pacification program." They admit this, in various venues. I've heard it many times, along with its rationalizations. It may have been exactly such an intervention that killed the gray planet: sowing of tensions, cultivation of an NWO-like elite divergence that used scalar and genetic improvement technology so much, with so much underground installation, that NO government had effective global control, due to social schisms and lack of communication, global standards. Instead, the planet could be pushed into self destruction. Then the refugees and all the surrounding resources, plus alien basing in the vicinity was in the hands of the so-called ~federation of note. Ironically, that so-called galactic federation isn't even important in the Milky Way; it's from a distant galaxy. There are about 150 galaxies of mixed sizes that are closer to us than that one.

They seem to thrive on fear, power and control, plus trade with easily isolated minor populations like ours. You can see why: overgrown bureaucracy, dominance of the alignment by a technologically more advanced, more numerous population, plus a trading scheme. The only way to avoid their menacing, dogma-heavy scheme is through disclosure and real science, not the simple-minded propaganda (religious strains, apocalypse as bliss, "rescue" by a planet-killing alignment) that they now hold over our heads.

Self sufficiency is responsibility; everything else either leads to control by offworld opportunists or trading weakness (just imagine how the NWO would enter into such trade---it would look like the alien bases and stupid "joint arrangement" that we see here, now, ironically). Part of every alien society wants control of a population, and resources, like ours, but part of them better respects and can rely upon a more self-sufficient, responsible planet that has evolved its own technology rather than feed out of the palm of a planet-killing empire. They don't want a screw-up threat like the one that is being bred here, by the abducting alignment. They want humans to pull their heads out of the sand and be more mature. They want us to accord re no weapons in space (which doesn't mean we can't protect our planet on its surface, of course---they all do the same).

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:25 PM
We don't even know for sure if Aliens exist yet, so how can we assume that they are "telling us" things? lol, Do you see what I'm saying? All these people supposedly communicate with Aliens inside of their head and then relay their little messages to us on the internet. Most of those people are probably just imagining that they are talking with Alien beings.

I just don't see how we can assume that Aliens are giving us warnings about the way we treat our planet when we don't even know if there ARE aliens...


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:43 PM
You don't know; others DO. In my opinion, any thoughtful person can read the many officials, astronauts, ranking brass, aviation officials and now-public documents and easily see that such people aren't lying; there IS an off-world presence visiting here. The evidence is there. Just because you haven't seen an alien or ufo doesn't mean others haven't. Moreover, no competent astronomer denies that aliens HAVE TO exist. All indications are that life is ubiquitous. On this website, the assumption is that they're here, now what? Read Skeptic magazine if you want to feel comfortable in assuming otherwise.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by gl2
My alien sources say....

One alien told me that.....

could you tell us more about your alien sources?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:53 PM
Well you can sit in a corner of a room and imagine that you are talking to Aliens inside your brain all you want, but I will stay here in reality thank you...

Are you trying to say that you and others "know" for sure that Alien beings exist simply because you think you are "sensing" their presence through gravitywaves and whatever else you think you're "sensing?"

You also just implied that Astronauts say that Aliens exist? Show me one astronaut who said anything like that on official record. Only thing even close to something like that I can think of is Buzz Aldrin saying he once saw something that was unidentified.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:56 PM
gl2, I'm trying to gain some value from your post and I have to say I'm having a hard time. I'm not following what you are trying to say. You seem to be flitting from one subject to another. I know the word 'scalar' is in there a lot, but you don't lay the groundwork to say what it even is.

One thing I did pick up is the idea that the Greys are hustling us. That would be fun to talk about as long as we kept it as purely speculative. But I don't think you'll get many takers on the total post becaus eit is a little fuzzy. I'm not trying to criticize you badly here, just saying I don't quite get it. :-)

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:24 PM
Don't kid yourself, humans haven't ever had any "control" other than what They have given us. Don't even try to fight back, there are probably races that achieved sentience billions of years before the first life on earth, humanity has no chance of catching up.


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:12 PM
It's not a matter of catching up, but simply being decent, minimally competent in terms of aliens.

*Gordon Cooper's biography Leap of Faith tells how he chased alien craft--as alien, NOT human. He was a CSETI witness. And Aldrin's fellow Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell PhD speaks openly of aliens, as aliens. He also says he's seen documents about alien technology at Roswell. Other astronauts have made more nuanced statements but have absolutely seen ufo's.

More info on my interactions can be seen in an old version of my book Alien Mind - a Primer, which is on I'll be posting the extended, edited and tighter version on a new website within a week. I can't post more than 6500 words on this site--it's the limit per post, so look at the book for further details. Sure,

And for any skeptics: various surveys show 40% or more in this nation think the government is lying about aliens. 25 percent think we have direct artifacts of alien tech. That's very mainstream: REALITY. 40 percent is more than 100 million, more than vote here in midterm elections. And in China, 50 percent think aliens exist.

Welcome to the 21st century, skeptics.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by gl2
And for any skeptics: various surveys show 40% or more in this nation think the government is lying about aliens. 25 percent think we have direct artifacts of alien tech. That's very mainstream: REALITY. 40 percent is more than 100 million, more than vote here in midterm elections. And in China, 50 percent think aliens exist.

Welcome to the 21st century, skeptics.

A goodly percentage of Christians believe Jesus ascended directly to heaven. Many Muslims believe Muhammad the Prophet ascended to heaven from the Jerusalem Mount along with his horse. Mormon's believe the angel Moroni gave the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith, but he couldn't read the tablets until he put on some magic glasses. Fundamentalists believe the world was created in six days and was completed in 4004 BC on October 23rd at 10:00 in the morning.

Citing who believes what is not evidence for anything except their beliefs.

Sorry, but I'm thinking more and more that this thread is incoherent.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:33 PM
Blah blah blah,

Sorry but that's all I get when I read something like this. I'm very open minded but I also am pretty darn familiar with Bearden and his theories. None of anything he has said has ever been proven true. Where is the SEG that he has made? None existent. Scalar waves? It's a pipe dream (or nightmare). He's a fast talking flim-flam man.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:34 PM

by Schuyler
Textbecaus eit is a little fuzzy. I'm not trying to criticize you badly here, just saying I don't quite get it. :-)

Go to:Eyepod
There are 17 chapters. Should give you a firm understanding of the GL2 post.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by gl2
And for any skeptics: various surveys show 40% or more in this nation think the government is lying about aliens. 25 percent think we have direct artifacts of alien tech. That's very mainstream: REALITY. 40 percent is more than 100 million, more than vote here in midterm elections. And in China, 50 percent think aliens exist.

Welcome to the 21st century, skeptics.

Okay, do you have a link to those surveys?

Also it shows what percentage of people "think" aliens exist. It is a far stretch from "knowing" aliens exist.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that with how vast the universe is, that surely intelligent life must exist elsewhere.

But also I believe that it is highly improbable that they are here, or ever have been.

my 2 cents.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:44 PM
Orig. by Schuyler

I know the word 'scalar' is in there a lot, but you don't lay the groundwork to say what it even is.

I happen to live next to one of the major US scalar facilities so I've been aware of it for years. Try:Scalar technology
THEY don't want us to know about this stuff!

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:55 PM
There are more than likely many more races visiting Earth than just "The Greys" that people seem to tout around and I'm sure they care about our welfare and out future in a non-negative way.

Government misinformation and disinformation techniques are trying to work the majority of people into thinking that there are shape shifting reptilians that have "penetrated" the highest levels of government, or that we are constantly being abducted around the world and that cattle mutilations are really due to aliens who are "hungry for cow".

Despite what scare tactics they use. It takes a high understanding of not just physics but metaphysics as well and a tinge of spirituality to push forward in light of advancement.

They're here to help us or communicate but you have the government seeding out all these stories of dis/mis-info.

Why don't they just land and get it taken care of?

Wouldn't really work to their purpose of setting a good image of themselves.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:55 PM
It aliens are trying to scare us into giving up control, I'm afraid they're too late. Most of us have already given up whatever control we have to the current government, the media, and Microsoft.

In fact, most people don't want the responsibility of being in control of their own lives. They just want things to go smoothly. They want to go to their little jobs, where they can earn money to buy cheap food and a few fun toys and maybe raise their children without them being killed. That's all. For that, they are willing to turn over most of the decisions to others.

So all the aliens have to do is take control of the government and the media, and as long as people can still eat and make babies, they don't care who's in charge.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Interesting post gl2,

The greys may not be as benevolent as they appear, but there is another worry, when zero pint energy becomes avaiable to the public, so may scalar weapons, via internet maybe.

It may not be so hard to construct such weaponry as it may not require controled radioactive elements to create them.

While the governments of the world will generally not risk misusing such technology, example in all out engagement like that of nuclear stand offs with other countries, (I think they may have to much to loss.) the same cannot be said about any greedy or insane, indiviuals or groups.

Companies can be held accountable or controlled to certain extends but Mafia and religious groups are difficult to reasoned with.

The Key to prevent the abuse of such powerful technology would be resonsiblity but more importantly the development of our moral ethics and virtues to stop the insane from creating destruction and chaos.

Most people are reasonable, however, the mafia follow their own rules outside that of most normal societies, and the fanatical fundamental religious groups follow their own agenda, armegedon, religious supermacy, blackmail, etc, etc, trusting in their faith above any logical, rational, or reasonable doubt.

The Mafia maybe selfish but they value their lives, the fanadmental religious groups may view this reailty as nothing more than an illusion and see the afterlife as the real deal. They may have no respect for this world, their lives and that of others.

I don't see a solution to this problem happening anytime soon. These groups and others can become total unreasonable and be unaccountable to the world or universe at large except for their own. The NWO, may just be another mafia/cabal group held by elites. We maybe our own worst enemy.

[edit on 11-5-2007 by ixiy]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:05 PM
I love it when people talk about "The Grays" as if they know all about them first-hand. People come on here and explain how the Grays act, what their plans are, whether they are benevolent or not, etc etc. It's hilarious to me...

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
I love it when people talk about "The Grays" as if they know all about them first-hand. People come on here and explain how the Grays act, what their plans are, whether they are benevolent or not, etc etc. It's hilarious to me...

They are all just theories, not facts, until they can be proven, isn't that how most scientific theories start out until proven wrong? Flat Earth etc, etc,.

Not that Grays are a scientific theory, just speculation at best without confirmed truths/facts, like bigfoot, spirits, angels, etc, etc.

Afterall, this is a discusion site, people have the right to come out with any theory they want based on whatever information that they may have, the truth is yet to be found/confirmed.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:28 PM
Originally quoted by gl2

Te Cops came in and Comings' lab was dissembled; he was fired from Lawrence Berkeley labs. It was then a kind of scientfic COINTELPRO--attempting to ruin the careers of the best, most forward scientistsxt

Very interesting post, gl!
Why do you suppose that the Irish company Steorn link to Stoern has not been killed by black ops? Or have they already bitten the dust and we don't know? Is their overunity detectable by the scalar network?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by ixiy

Originally posted by Diplomat
I love it when people talk about "The Grays" as if they know all about them first-hand. People come on here and explain how the Grays act, what their plans are, whether they are benevolent or not, etc etc. It's hilarious to me...

They are all just theories, not facts, until they can be proven, isn't that how most scientific theories start out until proven wrong? Flat Earth etc, etc,.

Actually no, there have been countless people on this board who claim to have actually been in contact with Grays and they come on here trying to tell us all about them and how they live. They aren't just theories, they are real people trying to convice us that they have first-hand knowledge about some alien race...

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