posted on May, 11 2007 @ 11:37 AM
The Body Electric by Robert Becker...
what is the difference between a frog and a salamander...
what if we could be a salamander and not a frog!
the current of injury...
bottom line is you, me and frogs, top line is a salamander, it is the electrical potential at the stump that allows humans this
process occurs when a bone breaks (99% of the time we have union/regeneration) or with a partial lobe of a liver/will regenerate into a whole liver!
Dr. Becker did his work on a NEW YORK STATE trapper who had a femur that would not knit, he applied the correct - voltage poltential required and it
healed after 7 years of nonunion!
lets take that to the next step, lets allow our genes to manipulate the voltage as it does in the salamander!
some new ways to cause organ/limb regeneration %255E29677,00.html
limb regeneration mice
[edit on 11-5-2007 by junglelord]