Unfortunately Satansque has a view of karma based in ignorance of the wider teachings:
The reality of the situation is that it's basically a joke, because it's not even close to being fair. Good people treat others with love, and still
suffer. Bad people screw good people and prosper.
Karma is most easily thought of as like a bank account, where our actions or deeds are the currency.
You can save in your account, spend lavishly and waste your savings or go into debt in which case you become enslaved by repayments over this and
future lives.
No consideration of karma can exclude the concept of re-incarnation or past incarnations.
Sometimes the rotten luck which good people have is indicative of debts they have to repay from past lives. Other times it indicates that their souls
have chosen to learn a specific lesson in this incarnation, before moving to another level.
Incarnation and spiritual development have ascending or descending levels like school has different class grades. The mistake is to view this learning
experience as a tragedy.
The third aspect of this teaching or Dharma is that attainment of wisdom will free you from your bonds or debts of Karma.
This was the teaching of Buddha. there are many different and conflicting schools in Buddhism, which just in the same manner as Christian and Muslim
sects fued over interpretations of original teachings, tend to focus on specific aspects of teachings and exclude others.
Generally the earliest teachings (in common with Hinduism) preach rigid abstinence and self denial of the material world. Later teachings of Buddhism
talk of a middle way, being neither too good nor too bad, but focusing on the development of personal wisdom.
The historical Gutama Buddha only dictated one of the teachings personally and that was the Lotus Sutra.
Karma isn't a joke, but if you approach it with partial and incomplete understanding of what the teachings say it may make no sense.
Satansque makes the first mistake which most westerners make... that is to believe in the concept of personal injustice, or to believe that good deeds
require material rewards. Some people have amazing wealth, but unhappy marriages, troublesome teenaged children and problems with alcoholism, so that
they are only successful by one yardstick.
If your yardstick for happiness is simply money then like satansque, karma wont make much sense.