Hello, I really dig this site, been on and off it for about 7 yrs never signed up though till like last week, im lazy thats why anyways just
thought id say hi and its good to finally be a member of this great community of ppl.
and thanks for having me!
Right now, I just started to make Avatars Ragavatars!, you see the pretty red black and
white picture on the left of the screen below my user name "ragster", I am sure you might know what it is, but just in case if not, I will be glad
to make you your very own personalized avatar with your name or whatever you want abstract type of an avatar.
But if not, make sure to check out Member Art to see many different types of people who have
very unique avatar designs.
And if you do not want someone else to make your own avatar for you, you can do it yourself here
Avatar Ultimate Help Thread
Don’t forget to set up the “Comments” section in your profile, so folks can drop by to say,
“Hi!” All it takes is a “Howdy” from you to get the ball rolling.