posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:26 PM
Worthless piece of human scum....
Im a big believer in Karma.. Treat people well, do the good thing.. and in turn fate and luck will treat you right.
Ahh fooey...
This morning I woke up at 5am like any other morning...
left my apartment... set to jump on my mountain bike and make the journey to work..
but alas.... the pole where I had chained my bike too was seemingly bare...
Hands in the air, trying to think If I was having a blonde moment.. I retraced my steps from the night before and assured myself.. yerp... thats
definately where I parked her last night..
Upon looking around the area.. I noted that the car roof next to the pole was crumbled in..
It looks to me like some sob has stood on this cars roof, and dragged my chain over the top of the 12ft sign post.
Sorry, but this has po'd me something cronic this morning and the day has turned to crap before I even got to the office.
You piece of @#($&(@*#$