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Asking Congress about the "vetoed troop withdrawal bill"

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:22 PM
When the announcement took place on the "vetoed troop withdrawl bill", I immediately wrote a letter to my Congressional representatives. Here's the letter I wrote along with any responses I happen to get.

Senator Roberts, Senator Brownback, and Congressman Moran,

I urge you to vote "yes" to override a veto by President Bush.

4 years ago, President Bush had declared the "War in Iraq" a success
and promise our troops would not remain there indefinitely.

The American people have called for our troops to be returned home

The veto issued by President Bush is a blatant disregard for what the
American people say.

We Want Our Family Members Home!

I look forward to your vote to override and correspondence in regards
to the same,


[edit on 5/9/2007 by Infoholic]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:26 PM
Here's a response that I got from Senator Pat Roberts.


Thank you for sharing your views regarding our current involvement in Iraq. I appreciate your taking the time to contact me on this important issue.

As a former Marine, my first and foremost responsibility is to provide for the national security of the United States and our citizens. It is because of this obligation that I stand in strong support of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who are fighting overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the War on Terror. I do not take the decision to send troops into battle lightly, and I am humbled by their daily personal sacrifices.

There is a landmark debate occurring in our country today regarding the future of the United States' presence in Iraq. To be sure, our challenges there have never been greater. However, the stakes have also never been higher. As our military leaders have repeatedly testified in the past year, the key to winning the War on Terror rests with success in Iraq. To risk allowing Iraq to become a haven for those who wish us ill is an unacceptable risk I am not willing to take.

I share with all Americans the desire to see stability achieved in Iraq and the return of our troops as soon a possible. We are now sending more troops with the message to Prime Minister Maliki, the Iraqi government, and the people of Iraq that Iraqi forces must conduct the military action necessary to end the sectarian violence and achieve stability. I believe General Petraeus is the right man to lead this military action. It's important to note that he has promised to report openly and honestly to Congress regarding progress in Iraq by the end of the summer. His guidance will be key to determining our future in Iraq. Not only do I support General Petraeus, I support our troops as they perform this dangerous this mission. I do not believe it is possible to support our military men and women, but not their mission. Rather, I offer them my full support in both.

As the United States increases our presence in Iraq, I will continue to work to provide our soldiers with the best equipment, training, and support possible to see their missions through. I, too, want those who sacrifice so much in volunteering to serve to come home as soon as possible. However, it must be on our terms, and we must leave behind a stable and secure Iraq when we depart.

If you would like more information on issues before the Senate, please visit my website at

With every best wish,


Pat Roberts

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:27 PM
And here is a quick response to Senator Pat Roberts.

Senator Pat Roberts,

I have received your correspondence and I feel I must express my disapproval in your reasoning. I am shocked at your blatant belief in the ignorance of the American people. I am extremely disgusted in this response, Mr. Roberts.

You stated: “As a former Marine, my first and foremost responsibility is to provide for the national security of the United States and our citizens. It is because of this obligation that I stand in strong support of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who are fighting overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the War on Terror. I do not take the decision to send troops into battle lightly, and I am humbled by their daily personal sacrifices.”

First, as a member of the Marines you should know that your first responsibility is to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, as proven by United States Code (law)Title 10, Subtitle A, Part II, Chapter 31 § 502… which reads as follows:

--“I, XXXXXXXXXX, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”--

It is because of this obligation that you should see that your stance is incorrect, for several reasons. 1) The Constitution provides clearly that the laws of the land must be followed. There are inappropriate resolutions that have allowed this aggressive behavior by President Bush, of which the American people have asked for an end to such. 2) The “War in Iraq” is nothing more than a misused power by the President that was granted by Congress by H.J.Res.114. That resolution was not a formal declaration of war against Iraq. Or maybe it was S.J. Res. 23… which still has no clear cut defined enemy. 3) President Bush has repeatedly lied to the American people as to why our loved ones are in Iraq to begin with. First, it was the WMD. Second, it was to free and liberate the people of Iraq. Third it was to protect the oil. Fourth it was to continue the War on terror.

I, too, am humbled by the daily sacrifices that the troops make. However, I fail to see why the US troops constantly are put in the line of fire needlessly.

You go on to state: “As our military leaders have repeatedly testified in the past year, the key to winning the War on Terror rests with success in Iraq. To risk allowing Iraq to become a haven for those who wish us ill is an unacceptable risk I am not willing to take.”

The “military leaders” have testified that the success in Iraq is needed to “beat a ghost”? As I mentioned above, S.J. Res. 23 has no clear cut defined enemy. Congress has authorized the President to fight something that cannot be seen. Congress has authorized the President to fight anything he wishes it to be. You (Congress) have authorized a never ending war… a war about fear. Your stance, as shown in the above quote, proves that the “terrorists” have already won.

You further your statement as: “We are now sending more troops with the message to Prime Minister Maliki, the Iraqi government, and the people of Iraq that Iraqi forces must conduct the military action necessary to end the sectarian violence and achieve stability. [SNIP] I do not believe it is possible to support our military men and women, but not their mission. Rather, I offer them my full support in both.”

The only message President Bush is sending to the Iraqi government, is the message of failure. The message is clear. “If you can’t/won’t/whatever… we will.” The Iraqi government that has squandered the precious lives of our brethren will never take responsibility of their own nation if the US is always there to do it for them.

How preposterous?! Of course we can support our troops, but not the mission. Are you suggesting that the American people should blindly follow the warmongering that is clearly evident in today’s Administration? Are you suggesting that we, the American people cannot love our family members that are sent to Iraq… for something that no one to this day has any clear cut idea of why we’re there in the first place? Are you suggesting that we, the American people cannot be supportive of our troops and loathe the reasoning (or lack thereof) for the chances they take on a second by second basis? Or are you suggesting that you, as being the voice of the Kansas people, will voice your own will as opposed to the will of your constituents?

You final statement: “As the United States increases our presence in Iraq, I will continue to work to provide our soldiers with the best equipment, training, and support possible to see their missions through. I, too, want those who sacrifice so much in volunteering to serve to come home as soon as possible. However, it must be on our terms, and we must leave behind a stable and secure Iraq when we depart.”

You make it clear you, as well as the rest of America, want our troops to come home as soon as possible. What makes it possible? Is it the ousting of Saddam? Is it the freeing/liberating of the Iraqi people? Is it the safety of the Iraqi oilfields? Or will it be when the U.S. Military finally captures that ghost, the ghost of fear?

I wish to make it very clear to you, Mr. Senator. If this is your honest reasoning, it will be my obligation, as an American citizen, patriot, and Constitutional protector, to vote you out of office at your earliest term expiration.

I am truly very concerned.

I look forward to your written correspondence.


As always, I'll post any further replies.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:16 PM
Please do...

It would be interesting to see if the 2nd letter he sends you, is the same as his 1st response...

Cookie cutter answers from a cookie cut Government.

In all honesty, the first letter you sent, probably never even came across his desk, or even his eyes. His administrative assistant(s) probably took care of that for him, and will do so with the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th letter you send.

Don't you just love politics.

If your not the head of a Right Wing Corporation , you think he has time?

Anyone in power who supports our current situation and administration will not buckle to a letter campaign. just my 2 cents

[edit on 11-5-2007 by squidboy]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:12 PM
You can count on it. It's high time our elected officials are held accountable, even if by someone as unknown as myself. "I'm but only one man"... but look what I can do.

I'm also certain his secretary replied for him, but never the less, I won't be swayed. I'll exercise my 1st Amendment right until I'm blue in the face. I'll be happy to keep bugging and bugging and... you get the idea.

I'll be happy to post any and all responses I get, even if just to show anyone reading my posts how incompetent our Congressional representatives really are.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 10:40 AM
Here's a short response from Congressman Jerry Moran.


America 's involvement in Iraq is an important issue facing our nation and a topic of much debate in Congress this year. I think about our situation in Iraq every day and I appreciate you sharing with me your concerns.

Our service members are working hard, but the Iraqi people must step forward and take responsibility for their own country. While Americans disagree on the initial decision to send U.S. forces into Iraq , now that our troops are deployed, future decisions about our country's role in Iraq must take into account the dire consequences of a premature withdrawal. Such an exit would jeopardize the future of the Iraqi people and threaten the stability of the region.

I believe we must develop a strategy that builds up the capabilities of the Iraqi people, government, and military so we can bring our servicemen and women home. As Congress seeks to advise the Bush Administration on U.S. policy in Iraq , I will remember your thoughts and concerns.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Each week, thousands of Kansans stay informed about activities in Congress by reading my email newsletter, This Week in Congress . If you are not already a subscriber, I welcome you to sign up for these updates by visiting

Very truly yours,

Jerry Moran

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 04:40 PM
info another fine example of how to "get involved" keep it up!

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:45 AM
Here's a response that I have received from Senator Sam Brownback.


Thank you for your correspondence regarding America's military presence in Iraq. There is no better guide for making tough decisions than hearing from the people whom I serve.

Iraq is a central front in the war on terror, and our continued commitment to securing peace in the region is critical. We must win in Iraq for the future of Iraq, for the future of the region, and for the future of America. The long-term security interests of the United States are best served by an Iraq that can sustain, govern, and defend itself, and serve as an ally in the war against extremists.

While I did not endorse the troop augmentation as proposed by the President, I believe that we must, as a Congress and as a nation, rally behind our troops and give them the opportunity to fully implement the strategy under their new commander, General David Petraeus. The President, General Petraeus and other top leaders have said we will be able to assess whether the new strategy has been successful in the second half of this year. For the sake of our troops and Iraq's future, I hope that it succeeds. I look forward to a detailed assessment of this strategy following its full implementation.

General Petraeus has stated that military force alone is not sufficient to end the violence in Iraq. Based on what I heard from Iraqi leaders in Baghdad earlier this year, I certainly agree with General Petraeus. I believe victory in Iraq will require more than bullets; it will require political arrangements inside and around Iraq, to end the sectarian violence and move towards a peaceful future for the Iraqi people and stability for the region.

We must not pull out of Iraq precepitously and we must have bipartisan support for our military commitment in Iraq. The mission for which 3,000 of our nation's best and brightest have died is not yet complete. I will continue to support our soldiers in their mission to defeat terrorist, help Iraq consolidate it's democratic gains, and take responsibility for its own security. I look forward to the day when this mission is complete, and our soldiers can return home safely.

Rest assured, I am committed to achieving security and stability in Iraq and in the region. I encourage you to visit my website at for additional information on my activities in the United States Senate. Thank you again for contacting my office, and please do not hesitate to do so again in the future.


Sam Brownback
United States Senator

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