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What was Flight 93s intended target?

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:21 PM
I believe the plane was shot down, I dont know why its just a feeling I have.

I have yet to find a good reason that it was shot down though...

I hear the target it might of been after was the white house, but surely right after the 2nd plane hit the white house was evacuated right? So if the plane hit it they wouldnt have to cover up what happened... They would just have to rebuild the white house, and probably the same amount of life would have been lost.

I also read somewhere that it might of hit Air Force One, and I find that ridiculous because can a normal plane even see AF1 on its radar if it wanted to?

Plus AF1 had to be escorted by fighters, right?

I do believe that Flight 93 was shot down, but I have yet to find a good reason. But then I find it hard to believe that the plane that hit the pentagon was not shot down, UGH I keep contradicting myself!

Back to my original question:
What do you think the target was for the Flight 93 terrorists?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:47 PM
I agree, the plane was not forced down but rather blasted out of the sky by a military jet (F-16 but I forget what kind of fighters that were scrambled).

One such inconsistency is the six minutes of Black Box audio recordings that are missing. Destroyed during the crash? Highly unlikely.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:49 PM
I agree about the black box, but I need a reason for this plane to be shot down! I just have a gut feeling, with all the other 9-11 lies I highly doubt this plane was not shot down

But what would be the motive of the jets to shoot down Flight 93, if they were not willing to shoot down planes that went into the pentagon!!

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:57 PM
They thought it was heading to the White House. But it didn't and I never heard it was ever shot down. Your the second person, that I know of who said it was shot down. I'm not deny nor confirming that. They had jets trying to pin it down but it was said flight 93 crashed.

Here's the link to the Flight 93 crash.

And also search keyword Flight 93 in the ATS search bar. Lots of stuff.

[edit on 5/11/2007 by Leyla]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 05:17 PM
I think a lot of people believe there is something fishy with flight 93, I've read several eye witness accounts of other planes around flight 93 as in military jets.

Also that it was on fire before it hit the ground, either the terrorists had a real bomb or the military shot it down

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:17 PM
I believe that United 93 was shot down.

I always thought the target was suppose to be the White House or Capital Building, But I also remember hearing on the news that it was planned to crash into the Sears Tower in Chicago – Don’t know how true that is.

But I reckon it was probably going to be the Capital Building.


posted on May, 15 2007 @ 06:52 PM
I still dont understand why the pentagon plane was not shot down and flight 93 was shot down, what is a more important target? By now 3 planes have hit 3 very significant buildings in america so they would all be evacuated right?

Im pretty positive that no one would of been inside the white house worth shooting it down, to me it would of been better for them to let the plane hit the white house, it gives them more credibility to retaliate and they wouldnt have to cover up the shooting down of flight 93.

And I never heard the sears tower but that would be a good reason to shoot it down, I guess

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