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Would YOU ever disclose TOP SECRET INFO upon fear of death?

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Not sure about you, but I am used to being alone and can stand it better than most. I like my solidarity in my home, the only real contact I have is with store workers, place of work, and on ATS. Before ATS it used to be just the two. Anyway, never, EVER doubt my resolve to survive, never EVER doubt my ability to carry on as a hermit.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Well, it would depend on the what it was.

If it was like how a top secret plane worked and what its weakness was, or something like that,
I would not divulge the information, though I would probably set up a biomonitoring system,
so that if I were to die, the information would be shot across the Internet, sent to every major
media outlets, and downloaded to the government networks of the governments of every country.

Better hope that enemy does not know about this system, your side will not kill you, but I am pretty sure the enemy will....hahahaaa


I agree that it would depend on the information.

I would like to disclose information if I think the information/secrets are handled unethically, irresponsibily or immorally used to harm innocents. I generally do not tolerate an abuse of power, I would take it as my duty to expose such an abuse to the public, risking my life, maybe even my family, depending on how bad I think the situtation is.

I think that most of these secret unethical organisations run tests on their members to see if they are morally flexible enough to trust them with any immoral secrets.

[edit on 9-5-2007 by ixiy]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:00 AM
As others have said "depends on the subject".

If it would help an enemy, like the stuff the New York Times does, no way. Treason is not my bag.

If I found they are hiding information that would help people, like free energy or cures for disease? I'd out them in a heartbeat and let the chips fall where they may.

If I willingly swore an oath to keep a secret? I'd have to keep it otherwise I'd be a worthless human being. Of course the only way I'd do that is if I knew the nature of the information before taking the oath and if I were lied to; that would be a different animal.

Would I do it just to look cool on the Internet. Never! Only an emotional child would do that.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:17 AM
Actually, Vekar. I live in the exact same manner.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:23 AM
I'd say it depends on the plausibility on the info & the info itself.
Also i'd take more precautions than just spreading the info (like leaving hidden messages behind in a special manner).

eg.: If I were to find out that we are all carrying chestbursters from the movie ALIEN within us, would anyone believe it? Probably not, it'd just get debunked with *we can't see anything in there so it isn't there*.

Thus REALLY high chance that it's useless.

And without the proper precautions you'd probably get killed by the government anyway, which is why you need *special* hidden messages.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 01:48 AM
First off, if you had access to any kind of information that could get you killed telling the world would not be an option because i doubt the government gives that type of info to just anyone. You would be someone who could be trusted with that kind of info. Secondly these types of questions suck, you never will get an honest answer because most people will answer, yes they would, because they have not nor will be ever put in this type of situation. If most were faced with this type of real situation they would crap thier pants, cry and beg for mercy. So to those who answer yes to this, it's easy now to say yes but think about it hard. I faced death and survived. It wasn't me or the info type but it was life or death. I chose death at the time but luckily it did not happen and i came to realize what a stupid decision that was for me to make.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by soulstealer2099]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:17 AM
I guess it depends on the information and the subject. Massive government fraud, kiddie fiddlers in high places etc, then a definite yes. After all, if I am paying the wages of some member of government (local or national) then I expect them to act in a moral and ethical manner. I f I found they were not then I'd shout if from the rooftops

I think that's the problem these days, the mass media ignore, or are told to ignore, major issues when it comes to wrongdoing by highly placed people.
With a single phone call the press in this country can be issued with a cease and desist order, effectively gagging them. This has been used in the past to kill investigations into fraud on a huge scale and effectively ignore the rule of law.

As another poster said, most people are too comfortable in their middle class lives to take an interest in such things and prefer the status quo, even if they strongly believe that something is wrong. I think it's a product of conditioning.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:02 AM
I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of intense pain however.

I HOPE that I would be strong enough not to disclose.
It's very easy to sit on my computer and say for sure that I wouldn't.
But until you are in that situation it is absolutely impossible to say.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:30 AM
I wouldn't tell anyone no matter what the information was. Aliens, free energy, ancient civilizations that perished on Mars, an asteroid headed for Earth can rest assure I wouldn't be of any assistance to the general public. I'd take those secrets to my grave. Sorry but I am extremely allergic to having metal objects compromise my person.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:39 AM
this is really quite a hard question and I probally won't know the truth until it happens. But if the information was incredibly important I think I would try and send it out without showing that the information came from me.

I think that in truth very few people would as I'm sure someone from the CIA would have given out some infomation on the evil they have done.
But they rule with fear, after all the CIA are trained at watching peoples every move so if you worked there you'd be pretty paraniod.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 08:24 AM
If you're have information that is morally and ethically wrong, information that might save lives if the public was aware of it, and you hold on to that information your entire life until the day you die, I say you're chicken $#!+ piece of crap. You were afraid to have the balls to say something while you're alive and took the easy way out... what can they do to you when you're dead? Nothing, that's why people wait. But I believe people like that are in for a little treat once they do in fact die.

Regarding holding top secret information... I started this thread US Government... Murderers and Liars or Just Doing Their Jobs? At What Cost? about the Intelligence Committee knowing that Bush and Cheney were lying to the public about the reasons to go to war and said nothing. It's sad IMO and sad that the thread receieved little response.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by mecheng]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:42 AM
Yes knowledge is much more important than my own life.

I just hope people would listen and take the info to heart.

It also depends on what kind of information it was:

World-shaking, life-saving?

As long as it screwed over large corporation's profit bracket I'd be all for it

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:52 AM
However, let's say that if I were working for the government, and I knew they weren't the most honorable people.

Then I'd scrap the "it depends" I posted a little bit up, and i'd put a full "No." to it.

It's something called Loyalty, and no, there is not an Evil and a Good side, there is only a Perceived good or bad side.

Though in the most extreme case I might consider an assault, executed by myself.

[edit on 10/5/07 by -0mega-]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:41 AM
I would tell the world, but it depends on what kind of info it is. There is important info, and then there is life-changing info.

If the info will benefit human kind, or the earth in general and is no small benefit like saving a bunch of money on your car insurance, but something great like UFOs do exist and they intend to kill us all...I'd tell the public.

Anything that is greatly life changing for the better deserves to be known.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:37 AM
I think the people here who said yes haven't got a partner and children.
I personally wouldn't because I have a wife and kids and need to support them. Plus I think they would hopefully miss me!

The only reason I would possibly consider it, would be if I didn't disclose the information, a billion people would die, and if I did those lives would be saved.

But if it was just alien/UFO stuff...not a chance. Life's just too important.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 11:42 AM
I'd like to think that I'm as tough as the next man but in reality I think that at some point I'd sing like a bird.

It doesn't take much imagination to figure out how to inflict massive pain on a person. I would only be able to take so much before I'd give up the keys to the kinggom.

That's why I'm just not cut out to be in a position where people want information from me and are willing to do anything to get it.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:29 PM
The question presented needs to be taken into the aspect in ask yourself...Are you willing to sacrafice everything for the greater good? Are you willing to put the people you love and care about in harms way because of the actions you will be taking?

I think the smartest way to go about it would be to...make multiple copies of the info you have....send it to the people you trust...and also put the info in a spot only a hand full of people know about...also post your info on ATS under a secure name...

But at the same time the government has their ways of cracking people...and if you take it to the media they will prolly be the ones informing the M.I.B. to come get you!!!

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:29 PM
No. Not directly anyway. If you become privy to information like what you suggest, then you would also understand the full ramifications of disclosure. Its most likely the main reason those in highly classified positions never talk openly about what they know.

They don't fear death, pe se, but they understand the larger picture, past, present and, future. It can be difficult to contain some of this information, and everyone leaks it in their own ways, often unintentionally, if it is percieved as a problem, I'm sure those with the power of life and death simply make a quick decision. No warnings. No noble chance to claim you don't fear death. You simply cease to exist. Worse, those you know also cease to exist. That would not be worth it. If given a chance, I'd shut my big damn mouth.

If a billion people were about to die, and I knew why. I'd mourn for them and be glad I was not the one who had to make the hard decision to let it happen.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Red_Dog_BOM]

[edit on 10-5-2007 by Red_Dog_BOM]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:28 PM
Probably only if it would save alot of lives, but else i dont think anything is worth it.. And if they would kill you, they will most likely go for your family/friends first or later. But it's easy to say this, when you are not having the biggest secret yourself.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 03:37 PM
I've been thinking about this ever since I started looking at this website, and I'm glad someone brought up the subject.

Originally posted by thesneakiod
I think the people here who said yes haven't got a partner and children.
I personally wouldn't because I have a wife and kids and need to support them. Plus I think they would hopefully miss me!

This is exactly what I was thinking as I read the responses and I'm surprised it took that many responses for it to come up!

Would I give up my own life to "spread the word?" Probably not, unless I knew with 100% certainty that it would make a difference, which I would never know. Even then, I think my survival instinct is too strong.

What would be the more likely threat to me? "Don't say anything or we will kill your wife and 4 month old baby." Would I spread the word anyway, given this choice? Heck no I wouldn't! Not a chance. Sorry folks, this kid's sleeping on my lap right now and I look at him and there's just no way, even if it was something that just needed to be disclosed. Anyone who's a parent understands.

Originally posted by carnival_of_souls2047
Sorry but I am extremely allergic to having metal objects compromise my person.

My feelings exactly.

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