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Premature Tropical Storm Not Due To Global Warming

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:48 PM

Flowers, tree leaves, birds and other signs of spring have appeared earlier in recent years at various spots globally, so can Subtropical Storm Andrea's arrival three weeks ahead of schedule also be blamed on climate change?

"Oh, gosh, no," said James Kossin, meteorologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
It's not all that unusual for a storm to form early, and there is no real significance to Andrea's arrival in the second week of May, he said.
"There's enough standard deviation on either side of [the hurricane season dates] to not make a whole lot of difference," Kossin said.

Kossin says the impact of global warming on hurricanes will manifest in a "trifecta of ways: frequency, duration and strength." In fact, it probably already has started, he said, though such a trend is hard to see in the short term.

"There's a lot of this inter-seasonal variability, and there's a fairly large distribution about the [average]," he said. "None of that is necessarily a sign of global warming. But if you go back in the record and look at the long term, you can kind of smooth out that inter-annual variability and see if there's a trend."


Very interesting, not surprising though.

Honestly I did'nt equate this to really being because of AICC, but who knows, maybe years from
now the historic records will show there was some effect from it on this current storm system.

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