posted on May, 9 2007 @ 03:39 AM
There is a lot in common in the mindset of people who are responsible for incidents like 9/11 and the ones who wipe out entire generations of innocent
people from their own homes. 9/11 has the elements of the Islamist theory - My home is mine and your home is also mine.
Which basically means that I have the right to protect my homeland and attack yours if you come in my way - or atleast this is what we are given to
understand in the current state of affairs.
'The constant sectarian violence in Iraq is not purely of domestic origin -- much of it is directed by covert U.S. and British military' is what is
being quoted by most Iraqi Hardliners and they might resort to 9/11 magnitude terrorism in the near future.
The most glaring similarity between 9/11 and Ethnic Cleansing is :
9/11 filled the minds of American with Fear and Ethnic Cleansing also feeds on the same concept of victory through the creation of Fear.
Both are predominantly Political and Religious.
Warm regards,