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ancient nanospirals from alien visitation?

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posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:31 PM
I dont know if this topic belongs here or in ancient origins but they incorporate both. Has anyone heard of nanospirals? mainly the ones found in the Ural Mountains? Im staring at a book with them in it with pictures, yet i couldnt find anything online about them after a brief search. Apparently, these nanospirals which range between 3cm and .0003cm are not organic, because when looked at under an electron microscope, they have a regular smooth structure and even perforations in it that can only be man made. Problem is these date back to 300,000 and 100,000 BC and we only developed the technology as early as the 1970s. Also theyre made of tungsten or copper, with cores of tungsten and molybdenum.

Sooo, people argue that since these cannot have been produced in nature, and the only creatures were neanderthals which would have no way to create these, they were reminants of alien life. They also say that the majority of these parts were used in receiving/sending antennas. Possibly to serve as a communication port.

Does anyone have more information about this? it only gives it a 2 page spread in the book "Mysteries of the World"

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 12:12 AM
Never heard about it until now. I did a little research for you:


posted on May, 9 2007 @ 12:50 AM
great find. with all the things they found it seems like they wrapped it rather easily by just saying it was leftover from an old buried nuclear site. why would you bury a nuclear facility. I wonder if there is any documentation to back that up.....

EDIT* aparently nuclear waste was buried in the Ural mountains, and then it mysteriously exploded killing a handful of people. I would think scientists wouldnt overlook the fact that waste blew up in the area, let alone the fact that there should have been tons of evidence besides nanospirals.

[edit on 5/9/0707 by I Am The Influence]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:02 AM
Here's a previous thread on the subject.

Personaly I believe human beings have been around for a great deal longer than the current evolutionary model suggests, Forbidden Archaelogy is one of my favourite books, it caused quite a stir in the science community in the 90s as did the documentary "Mysterious Origins Of Man" which was based on the material in the book.
Since there have been many debunkers coming forward to protect thier beliefs. Some have merit but most fall flat IMO.

So I'm thinking not alien but a previously advanced human civillization.

Here's the documentary.
mysterious origins of man

[edit on 9-5-2007 by squiz]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:34 AM
thanks squiz. it doesnt even seem like that thread got much talk. i think these things are really interesting, and yet there was little research and testing done to them, and was just pushed aside. odd.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:06 PM
great find!

So, did I miss something with the nuclear waste? Was this some sort of theory or does it "age" in a carbon dating test?

I'd love to find out more on these objects.

[edit on 9-5-2007 by tyranny22]

oh. I just read the other thread about nuclear waste.

[edit on 9-5-2007 by tyranny22]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:28 PM
I am definitely interested in hearing more about this. I strongly suspect that there is much we do not know about our own history. I try very hard to be open minded when evidence is presented so as to minimize the tainting of my conclusions from bias. In particular, I am engaged in discerning the true origins of Libyan desert glass. Although scientific explanations have been presented to account for its formation, there is still some debate as to which theory is the correct one. Perhaps these nanospirals are another piece of that same puzzle... but then, perhaps they are an as-yet-unknown natural phenomenon or even, the unfortunate artifacts of contamination or deliberate fraud (a cruel tease for the explorers in us!). Keep this thread alive! I will begin my own hunt for items to contribute to this endeavor until I am satisfied with the assemblage of clues and the strongest argument left standing!

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by squiz
Here's a previous thread on the subject.

Personaly I believe human beings have been around for a great deal longer than the current evolutionary model suggests, Forbidden Archaelogy is one of my favourite books, it caused quite a stir in the science community in the 90s as did the documentary "Mysterious Origins Of Man" which was based on the material in the book.
Since there have been many debunkers coming forward to protect thier beliefs. Some have merit but most fall flat IMO.

So I'm thinking not alien but a previously advanced human civillization.

Here's the documentary.
mysterious origins of man

[edit on 9-5-2007 by squiz]

You know! I'm starting to agree with you on this!

In the Bible, Solomon is quoted as saying " There is nothing new under the Sun". I kinda always wondered what he meant by that, but now I know!

Maybe man has gone through all this before!
Hope we learned a lesson last!

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:05 PM
Look at the previous thread, apparently they're light bulb parts.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:35 PM
Awhile back I was doing some reading on copper and one of the pages I stumbled upon had this strange paper by "Krill," which was supposed to be about the U.S.'s aquisition of alien technology. This paper described another set of papers called the Dulce papers that were about molybdenum and copper.

It mentioned strange charts, graphs, potassium, magnesium, gamma rays & uv light, the molybdenum and copper. I specifically remember it saying the papers were mostly about copper.

Probably unrelated but seeing two of the three chemical elements reminded me of reading that.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:01 AM
The fact about lightbulb parts is just what someone said. why would dozens of these spirals be laying around in layers of sediment in the mountains of russia? i know that i dont seperate my dead bulbs into all their components and dump all of my spirals way the heck off and then cover them with dirt.

Lightbulb parts seems a bit of an odd explanation if you ask me.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:19 AM
Myrtales, these papers sound quite interesting, and seem maybe connected because some people were claiming that these spirals were components of alien technology, possibly a transceiver. Nice connection

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by squiz
Since there have been many debunkers coming forward to protect thier beliefs. Some have merit but most fall flat IMO..

Here's the documentary.
mysterious origins of man

Its so easy to try to debunk things when people say stupid things along with the stuff that make sense to a degree. The video is good up until the end where he essentially claims that we are talking about Atlantis, a civilization that where "in many ways more technologically advanced than we are today".

Yeah right.

Plato claims they are at the same level of technology as the Greeks was at the time... And that the Greeks defeated them. We arent exactly talking howitzers and bombers vs horsemen and spearmen here.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by merka

Originally posted by squiz
Since there have been many debunkers coming forward to protect thier beliefs. Some have merit but most fall flat IMO..

Here's the documentary.
mysterious origins of man

Its so easy to try to debunk things when people say stupid things along with the stuff that make sense to a degree. The video is good up until the end where he essentially claims that we are talking about Atlantis, a civilization that where "in many ways more technologically advanced than we are today".

Yeah right.

I totally agree, while there is much in the documentary that I think is very substantial, there are somethings that are questionable, many arguments that have come to light following the release of the book and documentary are fair. Atlantis is a big maybe for me.

Interestingly the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology flatly refused the documentary team access to ancient artifacts discovered in the Californian gold mines, even when offerring to pay for any extra labour involved.
Also when Darwinists found out NBC was going to air the programme they went nuts and tried to stop the broadcast. Even called for legal action if the show was to be rerun.

Anyway what constitutes an advanced civillization? while they may not have been as advanced as present day civillization in some areas they were obviously more advanced in others, Many of the great mysteries are testimony to this. The Kabbalah shows knowledge on a molecular level and a round earth.
I find it laughable that the general opinion is that ancient people considered the earth to be flat. Simply not true.

Michael Cremos work is based on Vedic accounts of pre history, which state that humans have been on the Earth for hundreds of millions of years, and that we have de-evolved from higher spiritual beings to be in the physical realm rather then evolving from single cell organisms.
Crazy? Hmmm.....

Another vid.
Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge

[edit on 10-5-2007 by squiz]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by squiz
I find it laughable that the general opinion is that ancient people considered the earth to be flat. Simply not true.

You're right. Its not true that ancient people considered the world to be flat. Both the Egyptians and Greeks knew this, in particular Plato himself.

There is no interpretation required to Platos Atlantis. He is NOT talking about a magical things and he is NOT talking about anything more advanced than ancient Greek. This is FACT. He is talking about an "ideal" ancient society of great riches that fell because of just this. But that's it.

Even if there would have been a civilization rivaling ours some time in the past, its not what Plato is talking about: Its not Atlantis.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by merka]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by merka

Originally posted by squiz
I find it laughable that the general opinion is that ancient people considered the earth to be flat. Simply not true.

You're right. Its not true that ancient people considered the world to be flat. Both the Egyptians and Greeks knew this, in particular Plato himself.

There is no interpretation required to Platos Atlantis. He is NOT talking about a magical things and he is NOT talking about anything more advanced than ancient Greek. This is FACT. He is talking about an "ideal" ancient society of great riches that fell because of just this. But that's it.

Even if there would have been a civilization rivaling ours some time in the past, its not what Plato is talking about: Its not Atlantis.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by merka]

why not Atlantis?

I'm not arguing that it is, but you seem to cast it aside so easily. On a planet that's billions of years old and living in a civilization that's only 6000 years old, I find it odd that people discount prior civilizations so quickly.

Whose to say that ancient people couldn't have made these artifacts? It's not too aweful difficult to produce copper and other metals. It's not exactly rocket science. All you need in some cases, are a hot enough furnace, other metals or elements, or chemicals. Once you're able to produce refined iron and copper all you need it is a magnet and you've got all the ingredients to create electricity.

We have no "missing link" to prove that man has evolved from mico-organisms. Which means that the "missing link" may very well be buried in the earth. It makes me wonder what is 1 million years under the surface of the earth. I'm not sure how deep that is ... maybe a mile, 2 miles? But, we had no idea of the Mayan civilizations that were established around 2400 B.C. until recent times.

Who's to say that in the next 100 years we won't discover a civilization that's 10,000 years old and much more advanced than the ancient Greeks. After all there's been speculation that the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations had some sort of knowledge of electricity.

These inscriptions and devices could have been the only remnants of a lost civilization that exsisted thousands of years before.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by tyranny22]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 01:29 PM
Ancient civilizations were quite advanced for their time, probably not if you compared them to modern day. The Greeks invented the analog computer made in the 100B.C. area. the Antikythera Mechanism which tracked the motion of the planets, and the position of the sun and stars and moon phases with 37 gears. Thats pretty impressive IMO.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by tyranny22
why not Atlantis?

I'm not arguing that it is, but you seem to cast it aside so easily. On a planet that's billions of years old and living in a civilization that's only 6000 years old, I find it odd that people discount prior civilizations so quickly.

I cast aside that it would be Platos Atlantis. Plato never made any claim like that in the video. What they say is downright false and pure disinformation. They are just as bad as the ones that discount artifacts.

Whether there has been an ancient "advanced" civilization is another matter. Our level of technology? It is possible I suppose. But that aint Atlantis, its something else entirely.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:34 AM
I'm really surprised this isn't getting more attention. Although I must confess I haven't read the entire article yet. It still seems like something that should be all over the place.

Perhaps when I study this further I'll sing a different tune though.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:50 AM
Analasys of these objects has apparently been performed by the following institutions.

the Central Scientific Research Institute for Geology and prospecting for Precious and Non-ferrous Metals (ZNIGRI) in Moscow.

The Academy of Sciences of Syktyvka, moscow and St Petersberg.

also at an independent institute in Helsinki.

I've been trying to validate this, whlile I haven't been able to find the official documents online, (if they are even available) I was able to find a german translation of the ZNIGRI document.

Expertise No. 18/485 from ZNIGRI (google translated)
Click on the REPORT link.

The translation is a little off in places. I found fragments of the translation here as well. (PDF)

Particular attention should be paid to the final conclusion reached by the Moscow institute. Report No. 18/485 states that the age of the deposits and the results of the tests give a very low probability to the assumption that the origin of these unusual, thread-shaped tungsten crystals is of a technogenic cosmic nature, due to the rocket take-off route from the Plesetsk space-station over the polar part of the Ural region.

In plain language: these objects cannot have originated from earlier test rockets or similar fired from Plesetsk. The key word of the report comes finally to the point: The data obtained allow the possibility of an
extra-terrestrial technogenic origin.

I haven't found anything to refute the claims. I would love to have this validated or at the very least proof that it is a hoax or misidentification, either way I want to know.
But I do think we can discount the lightbulb theory.

If you speak German you can see the photocopies of the report if you click the "Finds of the river Balbanju" link then see the links at the bottom of the page.

[edit on 14-5-2007 by squiz]

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