posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 06:04 AM
I sort of figured that about the periscope. THe first time I saw one of these new fangled periscopes I liked to fell over when I realized that nothing
went down into the hull. The periscope is exactly as you optic. THere are no longer two periscope tubes penetrating the hull
where you fold down the handles and make a manual sweep.
The sweep is made electronically hit a button and the scope turns right or left by a motor built into it. THe scope is all above the hull of the
boat and raises and lowers normally except that all views of which the scope sees are via video. A hard copy can be made to disc of everything the
scope and night...a cross the light spectrum. Very fancy very expensive....very exclusive.
This is a great idea on someones part if the bugs get worked out of the system if it has any. Two less openings in the hull where the scopes used to
penetrate and have packing holding back the sea water. I mean to tell you...changing out a scope on the olde boats was a bear...a real SOB of a job.
You need to be a small guy with arms like the basket ball player Kareem Abdul Jabbar. It is really tight in there. This new system is a big
As to the "hype" ...yeah ..I hear the same thing with the Virginia class boats. I do know that Sonar and sonar tech have made a huge quantum leap
in the digital age. Those kinds of statements you made or quote need to know somethings in order to read between the lines on all the
Same thing about a boat being to quiet. I've heard that one too.
Think this through very very carefully.
Once again ..great pictures,