posted on May, 13 2007 @ 08:24 PM
The shooting war betweent the west and the PRC will take place when the Chinese decide to go it alone and reneg on the loans granted by the western or
international banks to bring China into the 20th/21st century.
If the Chinese decide to reneg on the loans the repo man will be called in to repossess China or renogitiate the loans.
This is exactlly the pattern of operations done to both Germany and Japan following WW2. The nations were repossessed and handed over to new investors
to rebuild in the new image for profit with some of the best labor in the world. Skilled highly diciplined labor willing to work for pennys on the
dollar after the ground or new urban renewal had taken place. This ground being prepared for the new investment by warfare.
Remember what happened particularly with the Japanese!! This nation following the Boxer Rebellion was selected to be the police force in the Orient
,locally, for the foreign investors taking advantage of China and the rest of the orient. The Occidentals.
Japan was armed with loans and technology allowing her to bring her nation into the 20th Century. Japan which had only a brown water merchant fleet
was suddenly taught how to build Aircraft Carriers and submarines..airplanes too. Battleships, Cruisers...ocean going merchant ships. Included with
this was the abilitiy to navigate on the open seas...a huge quantum leap when most nations still could not do this over large bodies of water but only
follow the coast lines. Japan wound up with a navy for which most of the world did not even know existed until Dec.7,1941
Japan did not accomplish this on her own..but with massive influxes of foreign capital and technology. We in effect builit and armed our own
China is following the same direction and script as was the case with Germany and Japan. The only question in my mind is when will China turn on her
handlers and go independent. When will China reneg on the loans.
This is what the military is for keep tabs on this progress both in Chinas military and her industrys to determine when China will turn on her
Owners/investors. REmember something about this type of investor/investment company...they are loyal to a country..they are loyal to their
investments. This is not what you will ever learn in public school. Most private schools either.
This is the real history of this world. Not the sugar coating taught in most of our public institutions which trys to pass for history.
When a nation renegs on the loans the repo man must be called in to renegotiate the loan or reposess the nation. WW1&WW2 were repos of nations to a
debt structure...bankers. Limiting economic No independents allowed in this market.
You know Fritz..getting accustomed to Google Earth I reasoned to myself that somewhere in Australia is the perfect place to locate a listening post to
peek in on Asia. It would have to be in a more remote location/part of Australia and at the same time suitable for the task. I looked on the very
northwestern coast of Australia to a point called Exmouth. There it was in the very northern corner of the penensula. It looks like a Sam missle set
up from great heights. But when you zoom in it is obviously a phased antenna field with very tall towers situated in a star like pattern. You can tell
by the shadows cast by the tall antenna towers. Very noticable. Also to the south of this on the eastern side of this penensula is a airfield complete
with hardstands in the European fashion. THese hardstands have thier own hangers to protect aircraft from the harsh sun. Obviously not a comercial
site. This is close to the town of Leamonth. Quite noticable from the overheads. I understand the reason for the buy time in case of an
attack. The antenna farm is obvoiusly a long wave listening post.
The only question in my mind is who actually runs the post ...The Aussies or us?? No doubt we can do alot with satellites and submarnes but listening
posts have not gone out of style. I have no doubt that they have satellite uplinks and downlinks but this does not explain the long wave stuff.
Nevertheless it is in precisely the correct location to do this kind of work monitoring Asia. As a licensed Ham I am very well aware that water makes
for a very good parabolic reflector with little losses over long distances...both transmit and receive modes.
Fritz, I have walked this earth long eough to know that we particularly as Americans ...spy on our friends as well as our enemies. We spy on our
own people too. I am certain that it is no different concering our Cousins on the other side of the Pond.
At certain levels we share certain informations. But I dont think we share everything. It is just the nature of this buisness.
I have no doubt that it is the same with whoever is in power in the UK. They spy on thier friends as well as their enemys. And thier own people