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posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:06 AM
3.5 Billion BC

The world was young. Mankind, but a grain of sand on a far distant shore.

That which is not observed is said to lack existance and it could be thought that the appearance of the orb may have also hailed the appearance of this part of the universe circa. 3.5 billion BC. Whatever the case, night bathed in starshine, unpolluted by any other light source, covered the land and the only sound was that of silence punctuated by the wind. Pangea lay sleeping, that vast landmass which would one day split to form the continents.

In the distant future South African minors will marvel when the orb is extracted from strata dated at over 3 billion years, others will marvel also as more are found scattered around the globe in various impossible states of antiquity.

They are simply orbs of iron, as they have always been since completing their tasks so long ago, orbs of such impossiblity that science can only brush them under a carpet of scorn and ignorance.

The orb, golden in appearance and around the size of a baseball, contains a Singleton.

1866 AD

In a bleak corner of eastern europe stood a boy ahead of his time, a boy named Nicola.

Chill wind touseling his hair, Nicola looks to the jagged mountains where the sun is setting into clouds that are purple and boiling with thunder. The storm was about to hit and it was going to hit hard.

Jagged lighting, unleashed midst the collosal towers of cumulus, momentarily bolsters the failing light as Nicola walks to the conductor coil that he has mounted on a simple wooden handcart. Although the storm will be fierce and he is only 10 years old, Nicola does not feel fear.

He quickly makes some last minute adjustments to the dials that are mounted on the side of the coil and satisfied he then takes cover a short distance from the cart. Lightning preceeds a massive boom of thunder as fat drops of rain begin to fall, the sun has now disappeared behind the clouds and Nickola can only just make out the outline of the coil and it's cart.

The wind increases and the rain quickly turns into a downpour. Nicola crouches down in the small shelter he has constructed and observes the coil as a bolt of lighting turns the blackness of night into day. The bolts were drawing nearer, it was only a matter of time now...

[edit on 8-5-2007 by sobolwolf]

[edit on 8-5-2007 by sobolwolf]

[edit on 8-5-2007 by sobolwolf]

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