Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
The same way you get socialism to work: everyone has to believe in it.
Even if it doesn't work perfectly, as long as people
believe it
can work, it will continue.
If any one person does not believe in it you get dissenting opinion and the control begins to crumble. So, shoot anyone who opposes you.
Shooting people works as long as the number of dissenters is relatively small. I know many people from former communist countries. As soon as the
average person can't get food, it starts to come apart. North Korea is an exception because most people there are part of a cult and necessarily
believe even if they can't get food.
...if you dont think the CIA has been working to fuel a revolt since before the Iran hostage crisis youre either crazy or naive.
That was almost thirty years ago. The CIA is clearly out of that business judging by the monumental failure in Iraq, and South America. As for a coup
happening today, if the CIA approached anyone, they have a pretty bad reputation to overcome, so it wouldn't go over well. They've made their
reputation by overthrowing good leaders and installing dictators after all. If a coup were to happen, it would have to be orchestrated by the people
who live there and supported by a credible organization that wanted to
get rid of a dictator not install a new one.
They cant keep their noses out of other countries business. Its more than half the reason there is so much animosity towards the
Again, by removing well-liked leaders and installing dictators, they have made their reputation. We can count on the US not being the ones to bring
democracy to the world.
I'm trying to point out that overthrowing the Iranian government would be a piece of cake, it's just not in the US administration's (Bush's)
interests to do so. They enjoy benefits from Iran being a threat.
You promise a whole lot of things to alot of people to get more money away from them and into the governments pocket...
You are really out of touch. Military spending in the US is way out of control and has been for over half a century. American taxes aren't that high
relative to other countries that actually care about their citizens.
...intrusive starting with 'nice things' like federal aid, healthcare, government education,...
You already have government education. The US is the only major country without healthcare because of totally out of control military spending, and
federal aid is a pretty vague subject usually applied to transfers to poorer states. Keeping people poor keeps them desperate and aid (properly spent)
would go a long way to suppressing terrorism.
...then you create internal enemies like 'big business' and 'terrorists' and create more government to regulate these things...
Big business is a cyclic thing like evolution. Every time new opportunities arise, lots of people get rich fast and new companies shift the paradigm.
Look how Google is scaring Microsoft. Should you be afraid of Google because Microsoft is? Think about why people are scared of Microsoft.
Terrorism is a tactic of the desperate. The only thing bad government does is take advantage of people's ignorance. Poor people are typically more
ignorant than the better off. If your
enemy is desperate it implies his defeat is imminent. Why do you think it's not ending?
...spreading fear of these things...
Fear and desperation go hand in hand. If you've got a good handle on the situation (ie, you're not ignorant), you will not be afraid.
...call upon the might forces of global warming...
At the beginning of the 90's people were "afraid" we would be buried in garbage. Then people started recycling. We recycle a lot now, not as much
as we could, but you are suggesting that it would not be a good thing to respond to the signs of our own impact on our environment.
...impending asteroid collisions...
There's nothing new about this.
...tax the people more and regulate them more and control them more and voiala!
The incoherence of your post makes it clear that you don't really understand the dynamics of what you are saying.
Coincidentaly this all happened years ago and we're in the final 'impending asteroid collision' phase.
Not sure why you think that asteroid collision is significant.
Originally posted by balckartgraphic
It would seem you did not completely understand the meaning of the film 1984 which tackles the negative progress which could happen in the nbear
1984 was written to instill a justifiable concern in people so that they would prepare themselves, not fear, not paranoia. It helps you see the
slippery slope so that you may avoid it. It is the people who dismiss 1984 who are ignorant and threaten to bring it upon us.
People who dismiss 1984 are those who dismissed the waste of the 80's that led to recycling of the 90's, and dismiss global warming today that will
lead to the clean air and reasonable weather of tomorrow.
It would seem you believe that people should be contolled and there opinions disregarded,...
I see no difference between one form of oppression and another. If someone calls himself a socialist and forces you into a bureaucratic government
health care system, how is that different from a theocrat who forces you to tithe the church?