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Outstanding Video as proof of explosives.

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posted on May, 8 2007 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
Yeah there are plenty of places it can go, and you see it coming out.

But why would air fly down shafts in the core (which is what it would have to do), then fly out across a floor through all of the intact offices, without decompressing (impossible), to blow out a specific section of the outer perimeter?

All of that, when all it has to do when the floor above it is destroyed, is go up, and out.

Or even out laterally if you think the floors "pancaked", which is a dead theory now.

You are watching the building collapse floor-by-floor as a result of explosives. Consider that.

No I am not watching the building collapse because of explosives.

I simply asked you to consider it.

Collapse of South Tower, does that look like explosives were used?


posted on May, 8 2007 @ 02:38 PM
Smoke lasted for days when the world trade center came down...

I never seen a building falling from structural failure generate so much persistent smoke into the atmosphere...

I have seen aftershock smoke of nuclear tests expand for long periods of time though.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11

But why would air fly down shafts in the core (which is what it would have to do), then fly out across a floor through all of the intact offices, without decompressing (impossible), to blow out a specific section of the outer perimeter?

All of that, when all it has to do when the floor above it is destroyed, is go up, and out.

Or even out laterally if you think the floors "pancaked", which is a dead theory now.

I don't know what can caused that. Show me a diagram of the building and see what is there that could cause it. Is there a confined space? A narrow area like a tube or airshaft?

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:16 PM
All the shafts were in the core:

The shafts have X's through them.

That image is to show stairwells, but any diagram of the floor will show you the same basic idea: the space between the perimeter and core was only used for office space on almost every floor.

To force air down the shafts, have it exit onto some arbitrary floor, and then fly out across all of the office space without decompressing is impossible, when you're only "pushing" from above. The air would at least have to decompress, and thus you'd have all or nothing in terms of blowing out a floor.

Another image:

How air-tight is that going to be when it's coming apart floor-by-floor?

[edit on 8-5-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:37 PM
While I DO believe that explosives could have been used, and that the Official Story is total BS, the images of "squibs" going off are simply the result of pressure. Not only air pressure, but the pressure of the falling debris itself.

To say that it is impossible for the air exerted to randomly exit a shaftway and blow out at a random floor is false information. It is highly likely that if the air pressure generated could find a faster route out of the collapse, other than simply down as many of you are trying to say it did, then it would take that route as well. The pressure itself would be more prone to find a faster release than a "pancaking" action.

The pressure in each shaftway would have grown exponentially as each floor collapsed. When the shaftway itself could no longer tolerate the growing pressure, it is quite logical that it DID escape at another route...

Arguing over any of this does nothing to prove anything though. By getting angry about this, you are not seeing the entire picture.... Put your heads together... Don't headbutt each other....

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
How air-tight is that going to be when it's coming apart floor-by-floor?

Don't know since I wasn't standing in there.

I still can't explain as to why that some of the visual "explosion" is ahead downward of the rest of the "explosions" that are still maintaining the speed of the collapse. Its possible that somewhere there may be a confined space like tube on those floors, possibly not connected to each other, even though your pics don't show it.

Think of it as the discharge of a stream when those that are narrower, the flow of water is increasing than the stream that is wider. Which is why it may be that those "explosions" are ahead of the explosions that are above it by a couple of floors.

Still you can see in the corner of the tower that there is still air being pushed out on each floor when its up close, as well as included the "explosion or air" that is far ahead downward.

Fixing link.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by deltaboy]

[edit on 8-5-2007 by deltaboy]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 06:12 PM
It's been my hobby for the last 2 or 3 years going over all the evidence reguarding 9/11 and the conclusion that I've come to is the government, without a shadow of a doubt, orchestrated and executed 9/11 because they wanted to go to war in the middle east. The evidence is overwhelming to support this on numerous different levels.

The theory that pressure pushed out the windows is ridiculous. The tower went from standing up to free-falling with ZERO resistance. There was nothing standing at all in the air afterwards. It still infuriates me to see how naive some people are about this even now. The core of those towers were HUGE and the buildings were built to withstand an airplane crashing into them *easily*. You mean to tell me that one airplane and some small fires was enough to melt that entire core to the point of failure and *completely* take it to the ground? You have got to be kidding me. The only things burning in that building were office supplies and very briefly, jet fuel. There were survivors at the crash site which can clearly be seen in shots of the holes in the side of the building and firefighters never reported anything more than small fires which is all on the firefighters tape of that day. There was a fire in the 70's that was *much* worse than this and there was nothing close to a catastrophic failure and collapse.

WTC7 fell 8 hours after the first 2 towers fell and Larry Silverstein admitted that it was "pulled" due to some mysterious damage when WT7 wasn't hit with any debris from the collapse. WTC7 was where FEMA was during the collapse and had been there since *monday night* and it was where the entire operation went down from. It was no coincidence that the first tower fell and it was no coincidence that the second tower fell exactly the same way. Then, tower 7 falls exactly the same way and it is admitted that WT7 was taken down with explosives. You do the math. There is absolutely NO WAY that the damage caused by those planes and misecule fires was enough to *completely* collapse those buildings and in under 2 hours at that. It's no wonder the government lies to us; there's people like you who make it worthwhile for them. I don't mean to insult, but it's ridiculous. Open your eyes.

The towers were sold 1 week before this happened to Silverstein and it was the first time in history that the Towers changed hands. FEMA denied being there despite a slip-up by one of their employees who said that they arrived monday night and were to go to work tuesday morning. What a coincidence that FEMA just happened to be there for such a huge event in history. What are the chances? Afterwards, everyone started back-peddling for this guy and denied being there Monday night, then Gulianni told the 9/11 commission that they were there for a "terror drill" on Wednesday? FEMA must have forgot that when they denied being there. A "terror drill". Right.

During a news broadcast at the time, a news reporter shouted "..and there was a huge explosion behind me!...". Two seconds later, the tower collapsed. There is more than sufficient proof of explosions seconds before the collapse. A tripod camera that was set on the towers also recorded ground tremors at the exact same time which caused severe camera shakes for 1 or 2 seconds, then the tower fell immediately afterwards.

The only possible reason people are still in denial is because they aren't ready to admit it. George Bush is a traitor and has followed in FDR's footsteps. 9/11 was Bush's Pearl Harbor. FDR was a traitor because he provoked Japan to attack the Harbor and watched with Britain on radar as their planes approached and attacked Pearl Harbor. FDR didn't even tell the officers at PH. He used Japan to get to Hitler and Germany. FDR said it best.. “the American people would never agree to enter the war in Europe unless they were attacked within their own borders.” Bush employed the same strategy with 9/11 and he got his war. Both are traitors

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Kratos1220]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 07:17 PM
Need more?

For several years before 9/11, FEMA conducted experiments to study the effects of a Boewing flying into a building. The planes used in these studies were flown *from the ground*. It's also interesting to note that 9 of the hi-jackers on that day are alive and well in their home countries. Now, that's impressive. Fly a plane into a building and be able to walk away and live normally back at home. There is also very little evidence to support that it was a plane that hit the Pentagon considering there was absolutely no airplane wreckage when the scenes first aired on TV. Incidently, there are now bogus videos floating around with an airplane superimposed to make it look like it was a plane that crashed into it instead of a cruise missle which is what it was. The mysterious plane that crashed in the middle of nowhere also had no plane wreckage and was nothing more than a black hole in the ground looking more like a bomb had went off instead of a huge plane crash-landing there. During the time of these experiments, FEMA was using book covers that displayed the Towers with a target on them. Explain that one.

Government officials began to stop flying as a mode of transportation 6 months before 9/11 as well as being warned to stay out of the air, then once 9/11 happened, air travels resumed as normal for all government employees.

Not only did people on the ground watching report ground tremors and loud explosions, but firefighters also reported loud explosions and said that "it was like they were bringing a building down, the floors were popping out one by one." and these guys were hiding under cars for cover thinking they were going to die.

Check out The 9/11 section there is very big and has links to tons of audio/video files and a *ton* of information. If you have an hour or two to burn, look through it all and do it with an open mind. The conclusions I was able to come to with evidence from there and various other sources were terrifying, but considering the evidence and abundance of material to go on, it is the only possible conclusion. Tons more stuff there.

It's also interesting to note that in some recently conducted polls, over a third of people in the US believe that the government had a hand in 9/11, 77% of people knew someone who was "more angry with the government than they used to be" and 54% say that they are "more angry with the government than they used to be". People aren't taking this laying down and it's great to finally see people realizing what's going on here. All of those percentages are record highs and are believed to be on the increase.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by Kratos1220]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 08:26 PM
deltaboy. you're in denial.

these explosions from the inside are traveling down the side of the building at the same rate(sometimes faster) as the freefalling debris on the outside.

that's all we need to know to know that it is not gravity alone causing this.

look at where some of the 'squibs' pop out way ahead of the collapse front. they are near the corners. there are no continuous passageways for air to go down at the corners of the building.

but, whatever you want to believe is, obviously, your 'truth'.

know, however, that the infowar has heated up recently, care of rosie on the view, and more and more scientists and engineers are going to realise 'my' 'truth'. when that happens, the camel's back will break.

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