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Enough of the Area 51 Infiltration Plans already!

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posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Ghost01
I'm calling on the members of this borad to end these pointless scemeing threads and move on to something more useful. The time to Deny the Ignoance of these ideas has come!

Borad? Ignoance? I can forgive an occasional spelling error but you cant really expect me to take you seriously with kindergarten grammar skills, can you?

In addition, your post offers little to no valuable insight that would motivate any new poster to stop posting A51 threads, in fact, it will probably only make it worse.

...yes...deny "Ignoance"

[edit on 2-10-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 02:02 AM
Id like to post my eight cents worth..Thanks..Everybody has some good responses on this thread, Ghost is dead red correct in his statements, However if you really think anybody is able to access this place undetected and able to gather reliable and hard information on whatever it is that the explorers seek then go for it but this place as we all know has multiple layers of security and state of the art technology to monitor movements out on the perimeters and my money is on the technology picking up the heat signatures or the Pavehawk crews using NVGS and a buffet of detection eqiupment. Hats off to anybody who tries...but if you get caught..PUCKER UP

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 06:32 AM
They wouldn't even get near the place.
This is because the boundary marked as being the beginning of the Groom Lake facility is actually quite a way within the actual boundary itself. There are no markers to indicate the boundary of where the facility REALLY begins.
Also, silver pickup trucks are posted at regular intervals all along the roads that lead to Area 51. Once you pass a certain point, they come down from their positions (usually on a knoll of highland for a good panorama) and head you off. At first they ask you to leave. If you persist, they begin shooting at you (the people in the pickup trucks are plain clothed military personell).

Furthermore, for those considering a career in the military to try and get there. It would take you at least fifteen years to acquire the sort of service record that would catch the eye of the General stationed at Area 51 for him to even consider giving you any sort of posting (even as a paper boy) at the facility. And unless you happen to be a quantum physicist of the highest grade. Forget it.

So yes, lets please forget about the talk of breaking into the Groom Lake Facility.
The only result of such a thing would be a few years in jail at best and you winding up dead at worst.

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by James Random

...and we're supposed to believe you because......?


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