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Realistic Conservative Abortion Policy

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posted on May, 7 2007 @ 01:49 AM
I think almost every conservative, whether pro-choice or pro-life, feels that Roe v. Wade was a badly decided court case that basically usurped the power of elected legislatures by reading non-existant things into the U.S. Constitution.

The point of this thread is to figure out an alternative.

I personally think abortion is an abomination, but I also think that it's not the government's job to enforce God's laws.

This is hard for me to articulate, since I feel horrible about the policies I suggest (even though they're far better than existing ones), but it seems to me to be a lawful compromise between the State's interest in preserving unborn life and the mother's choice over her body.

My kind of off-the-cuff ideas:
First trimester (0 - 3 months): abortion on demand for any reason. Parental consent for minors required, and education about the fetus required beforehand with all other options such as adoption offered.

Second trimester (3 -6 months): abortion allowed if baby appears to be profoundly retarded and unable to live a normal life, or for the life-threatening health of the mother.

Third trimester: Late term abortion would only be allowed after a conclusive decision by multiple independent doctors that carrying the baby further would cause at least a 75% chance the mother would die.

What do you guys think?

[edit on 5/7/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:01 AM
Djohnsto77 I would give you a WATS if I still could. It takes guts for a pro lifer to deal with the issue of abortion in the manner you have.

On merit it is a very reasonable compromise. Realistically I don't see either side wanting to compromise the Republican hard liners who have hijacked the party want Abortion outlawed entirely. I cant speak for other pro choice people but if I was an American voter I would think a long these lines.

"Its a very reasonable compromise but if give the American right an inch they may want to take a mile ." Viewed in the context of women's rights if the American right took the mile and got abortion out law out right what will be there next target ?

If the trend was to continue a women's right to vote would come under threat.

On a purely political level without Roe vs Wade the Republican party would lose it vote pulling card with the nut cases who have hijacked the party. Plus without Roe vs Wade the Republican party would have to deal with real issues such as social security and making the US a genuine free market economy.

The only way I can see your compromise becoming reality is if the Goldwater Republicans take back there party and they have the same amount of guys that you do.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:16 AM
My take may be a little cold but there's this document claiming we all have the right to life, liberty and the pusuit of happiness. So unless the mothers right to life is in jeapordy the child has the right to life.

But I guess the Constitution could only apply to citizens and having not yet been born is the child a citizen? Whether a baby or a collection of cells the mass is part of the mother who is a citizen so I suppose the mass has vicarious citizenship.

The question of when exactly the child becomes a child and no longer a collection of dividing cells really doesnt apply, in my mind at least, because sooner or later it will be life by anyones standards and the right to have that life is guaranteed in one of the countrys founding documents.

Sucking a fetus' brain out of its skull with a wet/dry vac is certainly an infringement on the right to life.

But then, who cares about the Constitution anyway? Tax us into poverty and take away our guns, its all good.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 11:31 AM
I like to think of myself as a reasonable person, but honestly Roe v Wade needs to be overturned.

Make it simple, if you want to live in a state that allows the foulness of abortion, so be it. I won't.

If you want to live in a state that does not allow it, so it be also. Prove residency and be done with it.

However, to take a different angle on this, I would say we need to fix 1 thing about abortion.

To be legally just to all parties, the laws need to be changed to one or the other of the following:

1) Abortion continues to be the woman's choice alone, and the man has NO financial obligation ever.


2) Abortion must be consented by both parties, and the man is financially responcible.

Back to the topic, regardless of where we stack up ideology-wise, I think everyone can agree that one thing needs to be clear to all people. We should unit to say that regardless of side or opinion, human life is of great value, the government should protect life rather than to stymie it, and that we should develope solutions to reduce abortion unless we can get it removed.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 03:06 PM
Ya want a realistic conservative policy on abortion?

The republicans make such a big deal about standing up for individual rights and then meddle in those rights every which way but loose.

How about this as a realistic conservative policy on abortion...

It is an individual choice... if you're opposed to abortion, don't have one... apply your morals to your own life and stop trying to shove them down everybody else's throats.

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 10:08 PM
This topic is by it's nature an emotionally charged one. Thanks for offering a very compassionate compromise. I believe that abortion should only be used in cases of rape, incest, and when the mother's life is in danger. Abortion should never be used as a form of birth control. My fear is that if Roe v Wade is overturned the ultra conservatives will attempt to eliminate abortion altogether. I agree that Roe v Wade isn't the best written ruling but it does provide women with a degree of protection that may not be available any other way. Unless other protections of women's right to choose are in place I would have to be against the overturning of Roe v Wade.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 06:51 AM
I am a firm believer in a woman's right to choose, but I am not in favor of abortion as a form of birth control either. I knew someone in the 80's who did several times and I wasn't happy with it; however, that is still her choice and while I may disapprove, in the long run its none of my damned business.

BTW I don't buy the tripe that a fetus has the right to life... if it can live viably outside the mother's body, then it is a life... if it can't yet then it is functionally a part of the mother's body. Don't muddy the discussion with emotional appeals...keep to the realities.

[edit on 17-5-2007 by grover]

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 09:30 AM
Grover, I too have known people who have had multiple abortions because they were too stupid to use protection; I don't get it why would you not protect yourself. Doesn't make me happy with them either but as you said not my business. Perhaps the answer to this is education and making birth control readily available and affordable.

If the comment about fetus right to life was directed at me I'm not sure why it was. But you can't get away from the emotions this topic causes. People feel very strongly about this for reasons ranging from religion to soci-economic reasons. You can't take emotion out of this and I'm not sure you should. Controlling the emotions and allowing intellect to operate in conjuction is the only way to reach a compromise both sides can accept at least for the most part.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 01:23 PM
I really wasn't aimed at anyone at all... that argument just annoys me... its just pushing emotional buttons and doesn't forward the debate any. A baby is what you get at birth, a zyggot, embryo or fetus is what you have before birth. As far as I am concerned unless I am the father, I have no say in the matter, it is a woman's body and a woman's life, and even if i am the father, it is still the woman's life and the woman's body and she should have the final word. Better to kill it than have it born into a world, a family without love. As for a cut off... I would suggest that it should be when the fetus has a realistic and viable chance of surviving outside of the body (I am not talking about all the stuff they do for premmies, that is different)... it seems like a realistic approach.... other than that, like I have said if you are opposed to abortion don't have one, but what someone else does is their own damned business and more specifically no body else's.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 07:36 PM
Here is what I think.......

Rape, not the babys fault

Incest, again the same.

Womens right, bull fing sht.

Medical, you have lived a life.

Their is no good reason a BABY should go down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have one and see if you still feel the same way!!

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 08:23 PM

True enough rape and incest isn't the baby's fault but neither is it the mothers. Should the woman then have to go through 9 full months of living hell remembering the violent action of a man? For what to avoid offending some one else? Yes, it is her right to do what she feels she has to do to heal and get on with her life. It's just to darn bad if you or anyone else doesn't like it. Have you been the victim of rape or incest? I've been the victim of rape and I'll tell you straight had I gotten pregnant as a result of that rape I would have ended the pregnancy.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by redseal
Here is what I think.......

Rape, not the babys fault

Incest, again the same.

Womens right, bull fing sht.

Medical, you have lived a life.

Their is no good reason a BABY should go down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have one and see if you still feel the same way!!

You don't have much in the way of thoughts do you? Don't let your wife or girlfriend (unless she's the blow up type) from seeing "Womens right, bull fing sht." or you will be sleeping on the porch.
Serve you right too. PIG!

[edit on 18-5-2007 by grover]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 02:32 PM
Would making abortion illegal be forcing morals on others? Sure, but so what? Is it really any different than other morality laws? I say no.

However, if women want this "right" (which even using that word is highly debatable), then they alone should bare the full responsibility for the consequences either way.

Including all financial aspects, if the child is kept, aborted, or adopted.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Whats that old quip... If men gave birth abortion would be sacrosanct. I love listening to you men saying what a woman should or should not do with her life and her body... the arrogance. I am a man and I would never presume so much.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro[

However, if women want this "right" (which even using that word is highly debatable), then they alone should bare the full responsibility for the consequences either way.

Including all financial aspects, if the child is kept, aborted, or adopted.

You remind me of the saying I used to hear a lot "Her baby my maybe". Your attitude is out of date but sadly not that uncommon. It's time and past for that attitude to be left behind; a man is as much at fault for unwanted pregnancies as the woman who is pregnant.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by gallopinghordes

You remind me of the saying I used to hear a lot "Her baby my maybe". Your attitude is out of date but sadly not that uncommon. It's time and past for that attitude to be left behind; a man is as much at fault for unwanted pregnancies as the woman who is pregnant.

Perhaps you misunderstand me... actually, I think you do since my view is neither old nor new.

It's understood that unwanted pregnancies are the fault of both people, aside from rape and other such foul things.

That is not the point. The point is that if you remove the specifics, we currently live under a grossly unjust system. In no other circumstance that I know of, would it be possible to force fiscal responsibility (forced by threat of everything, including jail time) upon a party that had no right to a say on the matter after the dominoes started falling.

My point is that we need to cease thinking of this as a woman's issue, yet the vast majority of people consider it so, on either side.

It's become so entrenched as a woman's issue (by the ilk that literally sold it as such), that we have folks like Grover who says things like:

Whats that old quip... If men gave birth abortion would be sacrosanct. I love listening to you men saying what a woman should or should not do with her life and her body... the arrogance. I am a man and I would never presume so much.

To me this is intellectually lazy garbage, but the mentality is out there in both sexes. Honestly it's really nothing but a cop out.

So be it. Personally I would prefer that equality actually be employed, or, keep it as a woman's only issue and leave the men out of it, both with respect to rights and responsibilities.

Like I said before, you can't have it both ways. People have a hard time explaining why it's a woman's right exclusively (meaning both ways, she wants and he doesn't, or she doesn't and he does), but somehow also the man's burden at the same time.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:26 PM
If we are to have free will then we must by necessity have the freedom to totally screw things up as well as to get it right; but in the long run there can no absolute rule of thumb as to which is which... each individual, each life has its own set of circumstance that makes their experience unique. In short each person, each man or woman have to make those personal and moral choices themselves and no one, not you, not me have the right to gainsay them in this and to make the decision for them.

You say all life is precious and I agree but a child that is born should be, especially in this over populated world, wanted and loved.... if it is unwanted and unloved, it will know this just as surely as its mother's breast before any word is said, and that knowledge will proceed to poison the rest of its life. Should a child be born undesired? I say no, it is a terrible would be better if they were aborted. Life without love is hard and empty... it is bad enough for an adult to live through it, but a child has no way to grasp the meaning of its loss, instead it is a dull and agonizing ache. Just look at the children in the foster home system in this country, most just get the bare essentials but matters of the heart are left unnurtured. It is easy for us to make moral decisions for others, but when it comes to our own flesh and blood existence we want the final word.

It is easy, and often comforting to approach such issues as abortion in simple good/bad, black/white type of morality... it takes greater courage to take measure of the nuances, the shades of gray and understand that everything is not always so simple, and to try and force simplistic solutions on real lves is the height of arrogance and cruelty.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by grover]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:55 PM
I find it funny that people, much like my mother and aunt, feel it's a good idea to simply get rid of a fetus if there is a chance it could encounter some of life's rougher edges.

I'd submit that we all have our sorrows in life, although some more than others. There is some kind of idea out there that because one has a bad childhood that the person will not have a productive or positive life. Perhaps we should take the idea one step further and say that rich people can have as many kids as they want, but poor folks can only have 1, if at all. That is the logical extension of this idea.

I find your line of thinking wasteful and sad, honestly, and I certainly don't say that to be disrespectful. I'd prefer to give all people a chance to live, simple as that.

As for simplicity, there is nothing simple about maintaining full abortion until birth or removing it entirely, so your supposition on my beliefs is ill founded.

I should think it's pretty obvious that we have many laws on the books today that apply morals to others, however you happen to agree with them (as most do), so they are overlooked.

Everyone has the right to make any choice they want to, however some come with a price, and I simply suggest applying a price for such an activity, much in the same way other crimes are prosecuted.

Nevertheless, it's nice that you've graced us with an opinion at least.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by KrazyJethro]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by redseal

Have one and see if you still feel the same way!!

I've had two abortions and two kids.

I still feel that abortion is something between the mother and her doctor, NOBODY else's, not the government, not god.

I had one at eighteen because I was in no way ready to be a mother. It was a very wise move on my part, IMO. The child would have had a crappy life because I had a lot of growing up to do.

The second one I had at 40 because the baby had genetic abnormalities and a heart defect. It was most likely Down Syndrome. It would not have had much quality of life, either, and would have taken my attention away from my (normal) four year old. And now that I've left my abusive husband, I would be taking care of this child alone and it would be even worse.

It's easy for people (especially men) to say it's an abomination, but you don't have to go through nine months of pregnancy. You didn't have to go through 12 weeks of nausea so bad blood was being vomited and losing 17 pounds in that period due to an ill fetus.

Right to lifers assume it's like a woman blows her nose and she goes on her merry way, everything forgotten. It is not the case.

Both decisions to abort were difficult, the one in my 40's was one of the hardest things I ever had to decide. I was so distraught they had to sedate me with valium before they knocked me out for the procedure. It was not something I took lightly, and both procedures are something I will have to live with for the rest of my life.

But that's the key: I have to live with it for the rest of MY life.

The people who yell hardest about the rights of fetuses to live are also in many cases the same people who believe there should be no welfare or other social support programs. So how's a mother with no money, no education and no options supposed to support her unwanted child? I was beaten as a kid, and this fate often befalls children who are unwanted.

They are abandoned, abused, turned over to the state and put in the foster system.

Abortion is no more the business of anyone aside from the mother and her doctor than any other medical procedure.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
However, if women want this "right" (which even using that word is highly debatable), then they alone should bare the full responsibility for the consequences either way.

Including all financial aspects, if the child is kept, aborted, or adopted.

Fine. Then you don't want to reduce abortions. You want to be "right."

That's your perogative, and what keeps this nonsense debate and Presidential fundraising fodder going. Why not stop trying to "win" the argument and actually help people and reduce the abortion rate at the same time?

The 95/10 Initiative DEMOCRATIC measure has been trying for years to reduce the number of abortions by 95%. But so called "conservatives" have been against it, because it actually helps the unwed Mothers they're tyring to punish for spreading their legs in the first place.

I'm so done with this debate it's scary. It's the Mud Men versus the Monkey people redux. Plain as day. Get over it. Live in the real world.

Vote Democrat or watch the abortion rate rise more. The "Religious Right" is responsible for more abortions now than anyone.

Just like Jesse Helms and Jerry Falwell gave more straight people AIDS than some gay guy doing tequila shooters in the village ever dreamed.

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