posted on May, 16 2007 @ 01:49 PM
I was suprised
I tivoed it but kept pushing it off. When I finally watched it I was seriously suprised. So far it's a well done serial. Unlike CBS who doesn't
understand how to make a show, ABC obviously knows how to make a good quality show. The real thing that
me off is that the next episode
wasn't next week, or the week after. I guess at least I will have something to watch when lost is gone. I like the premise of the show.
Was I the only one who noticed the coming attractions that had the rich father setting up his kid? "Ok, they will be here", or something like that
over the phone. He doesn't seem like the kind who would sell his own kid down the river. I really liked the bell boy who helped them escape not once
but twice. The second time was the real shocker, silencer and all. I wonder if he's working for the group that blew up the place, or someone else. I
bet you they want to keep these kids in play to force the rich father to do something.
To amagine a guy you own age who: researches you, befriends you, and uses you and your families history to set you up like that. I guarantee their
"friend Will Traveler" didn't die in the explosion.
What's great is that it plays well in our post 911 paranoia that has gripped this country. Personally I would have probably walked up to a cop and
told him the story about my friend. I would then be naked, tied to a chair being beaten with bamboo in Guantanimo Bay, Cuba too.
My grandfather(big lost fan) and i talked about these types of shows. He said it reminded him of when he was a kid. They would have all these really
good "serial" type radio shows that kept his whole family glued to the radio.