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Will be France the next target?

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posted on May, 6 2007 @ 07:10 PM
France looks like the most likely target:
The new president it’s very much NWO and pro US and he has huge problems in his own country: immigration and integration.
France is a social bomb ready to explode and what would be the best thing to happen to the new president? A nice terrorist attack …so he could push his agenda much faster and clear all of his problems quite fast.
On the other side of the world how happy would Dick and George be?
They could easily push their own arguments and spending bills.
Maybe I am wrong but it does make a lot of sense if something should happen in France by the end of this year or the next one.
What do you guys’ think ?

[edit on 6-5-2007 by piacenza]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 07:40 PM
HAAHAHAHH good times HAHAHAHA you people are funny

I can picture it now, Terrorist Attacks happens...then entire French populus surrenders. They turn over all assets and land to the attackers.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:44 AM
France has been a social bomb since 1789, and that bomb has gone off frequently. Like most French politicians Sarkozy will solve the headache by taking a couple of mistresses and going to bed.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:48 AM
Ahh, well informed and grown up posts about France.

As usual....

What is all this "surrender" hard-on you Yanks have against the French? Seriously, I want to know.

I think I know what your going to say and it just demonstrates a woefully inadequate understanding of History.

If they're surrender monkey's like you claim, why were us English/British at loggerheads with them for nearly 1000 years?

Seriously, grow up.

EDIT: On topic:

Hmmm, good thoughts.. Are you thinking along the lines of 9/11 not long after Shrub got into power?

[edit on 7/5/07 by stumason]

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:52 AM
I think today is a Reagan-like morning in France.

Look for new policy that won't be hogtied by these Muslim hordes. I think France has finally grown up and won't be simply cheese-eating surrender monkeys no longer.

As a side note:

The few Americans who haven't already dropped personal boycotts against France should do so immediately. (I actually dropped mine a while ago)

I know I'll be buying some Veuve-Clicquot and French foie gras this weekend to celebrate.

Viva la France!!!!

[edit on 5/7/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:54 AM
Well Sarkozy can do a lot without a terrorist attack. If the people become angry... they can stage something... they'll have no problem to kick a lot of people out of France and further it into a police state... but the people in France are not cowards like americans have become (no offense) they'll riot if it is pushing too far, then knowing Sarkozy, he won't back down... so if the people get angry, there'll be a clash between the people and the government and it will not be pretty.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 01:05 AM
I don't think any of the posts have run the French down. KonigKaos can speak for himself but I interpreted his use of the word "surrender" as being ironic.

As far as the English French 1000 year loggerheads thing goes, I think that speaks for itself. Most of it was family squabbling.

I've travelled in both England and France and think both countries are great.

I don't think the 911 paradigm applies to France. It's much harder to BS Europeans.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 01:08 AM
Stu - right with you. But can you take it easy on the monkeys as we do not surrender.

It would fit in with the scheme of things if France was to take a hit. I thought things were going to boil over when they had all the riots.

It's going to be tough going for Sarkozy. 85% turnout and he only got 53% of the votes, it's a win but not a victory. There has already been quite a few minor riots around France and quite a few arrests.

Sarkozy is not really French (2nd generation), but the neither was Napoleon. How tall is Sarkozy?

I spy an anti-christ thread coming soon!!

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