posted on May, 6 2007 @ 02:11 PM
Hello there, obviously from my avatar you can tell that I am proud to be English, but usually that gives the impression that I would be racist and
violent, of which I am neither! Just thought I'd clear that up before people see this and jump to conclusions.
Anyways, me and a friend were talking about our trip to the World Cup in Germany last year and how good it was, although the press made it seem like
there was loads of trouble, there really wasn't as far as I saw. The main trouble came when the normal English fans were attacked for no reason by a
group of Germans, and the english all just stuck together and didn't back down, but that was a matter of pride, they were never going to run
especially after having not even done anything.
Sorry I keep going on a tangent! the reason for this thread was that I was just wondering if people really did find the ten german bombers chants sung
by the English offensive or not? Do you all feel it has a hidden nasty meaning or simply just a bit of banter but in bad taste? Here are some
videos, it's impressive just from the vids, but believe me, being there was electric!
this ones a lot clearer to hear the words
[edit on 6-5-2007 by mrbocci]