posted on Nov, 27 2002 @ 06:20 PM
Actually evolution is NOT constant, that is a misconseption it is a "mutative" process, it happens in one generation. If the evolution is fueled
enough by a need or a better way of doing things, it replaces the older version, I.E. humans versus homoerectus.
What IS constant is Adaptation, for instance children born in LA show resistance to the foul air, as do africans and mediteraneans have sickle-cell
We will never Evolve, humanity as a species will persist so long as we can make it, there may be some mutations along the line that pick up, and they
would be different branches. But we have left the world of "Survival of the Fittest" we have entered the world of survival of the smartest.
Further evidence showing we are not evolving, is this pinky thing, it has been getting consecutively smaller for ages now, but it really hasn't
changed size, there is no reason to lose the pinky it is just more conveiniant sometimes for it to not be a prevelant digit. That is adaptation.
Evolution would be as if we grew a tail, and lived in trees. That would stay as a new species, it wouldn't be able to mate with us. What humans are
is an amalgamation of several older versions of humans, neanderthals and such. We are in a sense a very homogenously mixed version of several related
species, creating one species.
Another reason why we will never evolve, is because of technology. Unless something were to "force" mutation on a massive scale, we'd never
evolve, and even then, that mass mutation probably wouldn't spawn new species, just more freaks, the reason being that it would be "TOO" fast. I
previously stated that evolution occurs over the span of a generation, this is only partly true.
Evolution spans that one generation, but then it takes many generations for that "evolved" species to become one homgenous type. For instance, let
us say something caused humans to have smaller bodies, weaker bones, but larger brains that think faster. The way this would work, is the next
generation will only show some or few of these traits, in a moderate way. Over the next few generations these traits will take precidence in a larger
population that would be a spin off of humanity. Humans wouldn't simply stop existing and a new speices takes its place.
Look at monkeys after all, they are still around. The predicessors must die off for them to cease to be around.
This is another reason that we will not evolve, although right now we can still "cease to exist". This won't be for long, as we further ourselves
into space exploration.
I think a good book that exibits the actual way evolution takes place is Dune (Ironically because it is a sci/fi book) But in the book there are
humans, this race of space beings, and humans that have mutated while still alive because of the spice.
The reference I want to make is the "space beings". They have been marooned to only space craft, and there for "adapted" to space flight and
zero-G. Over time all former human traits were lost and they are now a new species, they can't mate with humans and they are limited to zero-G
because of their physique. But Humans still exist in this Book, for the same reasons that they'd exist in real life. Human population is too
extensive for ALL of it to mutate into something similar, even if a spin off does occur, after tens of thousands of years, it would be like Humans and
some other species living amongst eachother, or maybe they'd be at odds to one another, but still would share a common ancestry.
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