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Is God a Thought Form???

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posted on May, 5 2007 @ 05:38 PM
Up until a few weeks ago I had never heard of 'thought forms'. Then, here on ATS, This thread came about. It is an ATS community project to build a thought form.

I have spent the last week or so reading up on thought forms. I have a few questions for those who believe that thought forms are real. (I'm starting to think they could be ... )

1 - In your opinions - Is God a thought form?? I fully believe in God and that He created us ... but I'd like to know if YOU folks, who are into thought forms, believe that we humans created God? 40,000 or 50,000 years and billions upon billions of humans worshipping and praying ... in your opinion did we create a God-thought-form ?? Does our worship continue to strengthen it?

2 - Or - In your opinions - Are WE God's thought forms?

3 - In your opinions - cultures that have ancestor worship - do they somehow feed the soul/spirit of that ancestor by sending thought-forms (worship) to that ancestor?

4 - In your opinions - Catholics do not worship saints but they talk to the saints and get them involved with day to day earthly activities. Do you think that this feeds the soul/spirit of that saint and gives them more energy/power?

My position - I fully believe in God and that He created us. I am starting to read up on thought forms and find that I think they probably can be created. I do NOT believe that God is a human made thought form ... but the thought came to me to ask those who understand thought forms their opinion on that.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:30 PM
Interesting thought...but in my studies, God is a Great Spirit who breathed forth 7 Great Spirits who created the earth. Everythin we can see and touch are thought forms of God whom, manipulated the aeons into shape. Jesus also had that power, for example he used the aeon manipulation to turn water into wine.

In the Aquarian Gospel Chapter 70: Her is an example of Man stirringup the ethers/aeons.

8) As Jesus stood apart in silent thought his mother came and said to him,
The wine has failed; what shall we do?
9) And Jesus said,
Pray what is wine? It is but water with the flavoring of grapes.
10) And what are grapes? They are but certain kinds of thought made manifest, and I can manifest that thought, and water will be wine.
11) He called the servants, and he said to them,
Bring in six water pots of stone, a pot for each of these, my followers, and fill them up with water to the brims.
12) The servants brought the water pots, and filled them to their brims.
13) And Jesus with a mighty thought stirred up the ethers till they reached the manifest, and, lo, the water blushed, and turned to wine.

As for the Saints and Strength, it is also believed that the Will (Faith) of Man can do many things; curing and giving yourself strength. My opinion...Its blasphemy to name someone a "Saint" and give them a Heavenly position and duty. 1 Reason: I can't rank Peter and Paul in the same brackett as Michael and Gabriel. I've never heard a case where "Saint" Peter came in a divine intervention situation whereas, Archangels are seen nearly everyday in dreams or earth. I myself have witnessed an Angel, so my belief is based on what I experienced.

-These are just my opinions.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Judaz_Escariot
God is a Great Spirit who breathed forth 7 Great Spirits

Breathed forth .... as in God created them or they are part of God?

But my original question was for those who believe in thought forms.
Did HUMANS create God through one giant thought form??

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 12:44 PM
There is a "source" that is the centre from which all came forth.

All greek and roman gods are mere thoughtforms. People created images and personalities traits which they could understand and personify more easily with. The christian god is not the same as the source as is a thoughtform as well just like satan.

The Source encompasses everything both good and evil and everything that excists. The Christian god is flawed and only re-presents good needing an adversary that represents evil. If the Christian god is so great and truly all encompassing en omnipotent like the source it would not need a satan. Now if you study true teachings of christ you'll end up with gnosticism and in there God is the same as The Source.

It is very possible that we are the thoughtforms of the source. Each soul is a thoughtform only called differently.

Next to that there are also ancient archetypes within us all. Bleuprints so the speak.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 12:54 PM
I think the God of the Judeo Christian faith could very well be a thought form.

That being said there still had to be a creator of all that is and you can ascribe to it whatever name you like.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 01:30 PM
The 7 Spirits (or flames) are a part of God. And since the beginning of time, we all knew there was a higher being.

I personally never believed in cavemen or dinosaurs, but Adam walked with God in the beginning in Eden (present day South Egypt and North Sudan) When the world changed languages and other countries in the west, such as the S. American Inca, Maya and Aztecs believed in the fallen angels and worshipped them as Sun and Moon gods. They knew a higher being existed but didnt know what to call him. That was the main purpose of tell people there is one God and worshipping deities is wrong.

But everyone has there opinion of God. In Greece it was Zeus; In Egypt he was Thoth, in Hebrew he was Yahweh etc. In our mind, we all have a different view of who God is.

So, I don't think Humans thought him up and created him, but we did create religion. There is no book today that says God himself created a religion. His prophets had their idea of what was right during their time.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:38 PM
The prophets also said that men should not create a religion around them. And what did mankind do? Tthey don't listen too well en keep looking outside for answers.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 01:07 PM
Flyers, I personally believe,as is apparent by modern day quantum theory, that we are the ones that are thought forms. We have no existence outside the mind of God.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Flyers, I personally believe,as is apparent by modern day quantum theory, that we are the ones that are thought forms. We have no existence outside the mind of God.

SOT, I agree with your above quote 100%.

But to a very real extent the God of the old testament is not a God of love, peace and harmony that Jesus taught in the new testament. The fact still remains that Christians and the new testament believe that Jesus is God incarnate of the old testament.

So how can one possibly reconcile the dichotomy of the two very seemingly different Gods of the old and new testament given the fact according to the new testament they are supposed to be one and the same?

I have my own thoughts on this but I would like to hear yours.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
that we are the ones that are thought forms. We have no existence outside the mind of God.

I FULLY agree with that SOT ... I believe that as well.

But what I was wondering was this - for those that believe in thought
forms - do you believe that humans created God .. that God is a
thoughtform from of our own creation.

I never head of thoughtforms until a few weeks ago. Now that I am
looking into them, I think they are possible. I do NOT in any way think
that we made a god-thoughtform .. but perhaps others do?????

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by etshrtslr
the God of the old testament is not a God of love, peace and harmony that Jesus taught in the new testament.

Example - MOSES ... he commanded his army to slaughter the entire enemy (which I understand) .. every man, woman, and child (which I suppose given the times .. was understandable) .. but to spare the young virginal girls so that the soldiers could keep them as sex toys.

So much for the 10 commandments - the one that said 'thou shalt not commit adultry'.

YES .. it does seem that the God of the OT and NT are two different personalities.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

But what I was wondering was this - for those that believe in thought
forms - do you believe that humans created God .. that God is a
thoughtform from of our own creation.

No, to me, that would be a bit too atheistic.

Material "reality" is basically God revealed. Material "reality" is really nothing more than the thoughts in God's mind.

One of the things that I thought about the other day is that perhaps when God is done having us complete what ever task he expects us to complete in his "play" is that when we die? I know it sees kind of bizarre, but I am kind of leaning towards this idea possibly being true.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by etshrtslr

But to a very real extent the God of the old testament is not a God of love, peace and harmony that Jesus taught in the new testament. The fact still remains that Christians and the new testament believe that Jesus is God incarnate of the old testament.

So how can one possibly reconcile the dichotomy of the two very seemingly different Gods of the old and new testament given the fact according to the new testament they are supposed to be one and the same?

Well, etshrtslr, being somewhat of the Gnostic mindset, I'd say that you cannot really unify the OT and NT and it make any sense.

Now, I have said repeatedly that about the only thing that I view from the OT as redeemable is the TEN COMMANDMENTS. This hateful,angry and vengeful god that the OT speaks of, at least in my opinion, cannot be the same one that Christ spoke of.

I get a lot of really weird looks every time I state this. However, a mind that is logical cannot really see the correlation between the OT god, and the God that Jesus Christ spoke of. It just doesn't fit unless you want to hem and haw around and try to make it fit, as do most churchgoing Christians.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

YES .. it does seem that the God of the OT and NT are two different personalities.

As I stated, I think they clearly are. Of course, that's just my opinion.

[edit on 9-5-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
when God is done having us complete what ever task he expects us to complete in his "play" is that when we die?

I was once told by a priest (a rather prayerful humble man ... hard to find) that God takes us home when it's best for us to go. He ends our life here at the best time for our souls. Not necessarily the best time for those around us .. but the best time for OUR souls.

I don't know if that's true, or if that's just something people believe to make us feel better. For instance - the best time for Hitler's soul would have been if he died as a child instead of living to the older age that he was.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

I don't know if that's true, or if that's just something people believe to make us feel better. For instance - the best time for Hitler's soul would have been if he died as a child instead of living to the older age that he was.

Well,see, that's why I don't think we die until we have accomplished the goal, whatever that goal may be, that God wants us to accomplish.

We all have a purpose. Despite the fact that what Hitler did was deplorable in the eyes of man, there was a reason for it. I have come to the realization, really quite some time ago, that there is a reason for all things.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Everything and Anything is a thoughtform on some level. Such is the nature of the holographic reality.

No, we did not create our source in the past tense. Oxymorons are logical fallacies.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
Everything and Anything is a thoughtform on some level. Such is the nature of the holographic reality.

No, we did not create our source in the past tense. Oxymorons are logical fallacies.

All true except for the creator or cause of the holograph.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:33 PM

All true except for the creator or cause of the holograph.

All generations of spirit contribute to the holographic reality simply by interaction.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
All generations of spirit contribute to the holographic reality simply by interaction.

I love that.
I must say you have added to my understanding and horizons tonight.

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