posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:54 AM
A Couple of Things That You Need To Understand First...
Portable Water
This is a system similar to the one I use...
General Ecology.
There are a myriad of ways to purify water... Non-metallic Bleach added at 16 drops per gallon. Iodine pills. Reverse Osmosis. Ultra-Violet.
Stage Filtration etc...
However, in a survival situation many of these methods are less than preferable. RO (Reverse Osmosis) systems are often cumbersome and take a long
time to yield a significant amount of water, although it may be some of the purest. Ultra-Violet uses UV light to kill virus and bacterium in the
water but these systems require batteries and what to do if there are none available? Stage Filtration - typically sand, carbon and sponge can also
be cumbersome and slow and also requires that the media be cleaned or changed fairly regularly - usually every 25 to 40 gallons, depending on the
source - but can yield some incredible drinking water.
What is nice about stage filtration is that you can readily create your own filter almost anywhere. All you need is a sponge or a very dense cloth,
access to sand and a match. You can make your own charcoal on the fly. Do some research on google and you will see thousands of do-it-yourself-
Obvioulsy bleach and Iodine are the least favorable but also maybe the most applicable. Follow VERY CAREFULLY instructions that come with water
purification (Iodine) tablets or you will seriously poison yourself - the same with using bleach. However, in crisis, you can certainly get by using
these two methods FOR THE SHORT TERM.
Educate yourself on water purification techniques and learn how to build your own stage filter and you will be all set.