posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 05:31 PM
Originally posted by eRnie
Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
are you people retarded?!
hehe I like your style man! although you have a very valid point. What I wanna know is what the hell happened to journalism? I thought people
wanted to find out the real story for themselves? not just wait for the latest press release from the Pentagon to tell them what went on.
you'll have to forgive my harmless outbursts every now and then. I didnt mean to direct that at everyone. just the yokels who get all hopped up
over some dumb blond yapping on about the need for extra security and other justifications for this BS war on terror.
a little note to those that go "yeeeeeha" whenever they see a report on israeli retaliation to palestiniant insurgency: what you see on the news is
not a move. it's a movie-like portrayal of the real world. it is not for the newsanchor to make you think in a certain manner. you have to decide for
yourself based on the facts.
thats a very good question, what DID happen to journalism? the idea of a free press?
well, here's my answer. if the media can go nuts about one president's blowjob in the whitehouse while completely ignoring the lies and loopholes of
9/11, AS WELL as the stonewalling conducted by the Bush Adminuistration (you can't see our info because it would incriminate us) journalism within
the mainstream media is dead.
long live the wire services, is their chant. instead of going around interviewing people (not staged interviews!!!!) the journalists sit around a
machine waiting for it to spit out the latest and greatest text from AP or Reuters.
[Edited on 1/5/2004 by AlnilamOmega]