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Ground zero

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Why was the site of the twin towers given this name, terminology such as ground zero is used for nukes attacks. Is this the Neocons/Zionists sticking two fingers up to the American people, a statement saying we did this, we used nukes on you and you dont even realise it.

That they have murdered their own people just to get rich and wage wars in which they do not do the fighting. They have managed to con not just America and its own people but the rest of the World?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:48 PM
That, Magicmushroom is indeed a very good point.

And I was just about to shut my computer off. Had to log in for this though.

Well, who did first apply that term ‘ground zero’ to the WTC-sites? And I’m not so sure it’s a coincidence either. You’re absolutely right Magicmushroom, this expression could quite well have stemmed from parts of the cabal. At a minimum this has gotta be at least some sort of Freudian slip.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:01 PM
I think it's just news management by govt forces to create impressions in the population's mind. Just like.

'Axis of evil' - memories of the WW2 bad boys ('and remember how bad they were!')

'International community' - what the US says and the UK daren't disagree with ('who can argue it's international and it's a real community - with social events and everything')

'Weapons of Mass Destruction' - or NBC as it was called when we all had them, trained for them and were ready to use them ('be very scared we could be talking a Hydrogen bomb or 3kg of Mustard gas, but we think you're too stupid to know the difference')

'Democracy' - a process where everyone is allowed to stand and vote ('unless you're associated with Islam 'cos that's evil')

'Northern Alliance' - a bunch of evil murederous drug/tribal warlords we've bribed (with $$$'s and promises) to join in our war ('hey they're an alliance - just like the WW2 good guys - they must be nice')

etc etc etc

[edit on 4/5/2007 by Strangerous]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Why was the site of the twin towers given this name, terminology such as ground zero is used for nukes attacks. Is this the Neocons/Zionists sticking two fingers up to the American people, a statement saying we did this, we used nukes on you and you dont even realise it.

That they have murdered their own people just to get rich and wage wars in which they do not do the fighting. They have managed to con not just America and its own people but the rest of the World?

Sure, the Ground Zero term was used on the day. The first nuclear test ever 'Trinity' was coined ground zero. Isn't it ironic that the city where the first nuclear bomb was developed would eventually be victim to one and coined ground zero.

Ground zero is the exact location where any explosion occurs (see hypocenter).

The term "Ground Zero" may also be used to describe the point on the surface of the planet closest to any exploding bomb. In the case of a bomb which explodes above ground, epicenter refers to the point on the ground directly below the bomb at the moment of detonation.

The term has often been associated with nuclear explosions, but is also used in relation to earthquake epicenter, epidemics and other disasters to mark the point of the most severe damage or destruction. Damage gradually decreases with distance from this point.

Many reporters that day other than saying 'boy, that looked just like a controlled demolition' also said 'boy, that looked just like an atom bomb going off!' And they weren't wrong. Funnily enough, the reporter Jane Stanley, the one to tell us that wtc7 collapsed 20 mins before it did ALSO stated that it looked like an atom bomb had gone off.

And this is the reason why the FBI did not search the crime scene. Ground zeros of nuclear weapons are a health risk and belong to the FEMA.

There are other reports that seem to suggest its highly likely the FBI already have information and data on the explosives used at the WTC but its considered classified information thus forbidden to the public. They were probably one of the first to be calling it a 'ground zero'.

Explosives like C4, tnt, RDX, Semtex, thermite and other conventional explosives aren't really 'classified' and are in the public domain of knowledge, so what isn't?

Here is something slightly revealing i came across the other day:

FBI Bomb Lab Affected by 911

Listen to what they say about the information the FBI have for their investigators about explosive devices at 2:45 near the end. Classified explosives.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 11:44 AM
Perhaps, it has something to do with numbers.

Zero wouldn't exist without one, therefore, it's two. There were two towers, but they no longer exist.

Couldn't be Ground Two.

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