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Your first red pill - what was it???

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:31 AM
I am curious - what was your first indication on or after 9/11 that something was wrong, that things didn't add up?

Well, here's my first red pill:

I listened to the entire thing at work on the radio until I got home from work and saw the first pictures the the towers crumbling down. Many things felt weird on that day, many things didn't add up, like a splinter in my mind driving me mad.

But the real questions really started on the next day when i picked-up a paper and saw the passenger lists on each airliner.

First I looked at flight 11 and I saw that the airplane had less then 25% passenger capacity and this seemed very odd to me. I use to fly frequently and I never flew in a plane at less then near full capacity. Even a few times my flight was moved to an earlier or later time because my scheduled flight wasn't full. Airlines do this in order to fly their birds at near full capacity to maximize their profits and cut on costs.

But flight 11 had less then 25% capacity, that had to be an extremely rare occurrence. So I looked at the other flights and all of them had an EXTREMELY low occupancy rate. The total of passengers for all 4 flights could have easily fit in a single airplane. I figured the chance of that happening was one in a zillion. That's when I first had the felling that there was something very very odd about the events of that day.

And of course, I started researching 9/11 and found many many other things that just didn't add up, least of which was the infamous "It's the oil stupid" article.

What about you? What was your first red pill? You first indication that things weren't quite as we are being told they are?

Or did you know right away that it was all a lie?


posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:56 AM
I guess I had a feeling before... but Steven Jone's first paper... Thermite or not, really opened my eyes to the glaring problems with the official story.

He may be wrong about the HOW, who knows, but the issues he points out in the official story were and are very concerning to me... I think this was in 2003.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Pootie
I think this was in 2003.

Mmmmmmm ...... a late bloomer.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:19 PM

First I looked at flight 11 and I saw that the airplane had less then 25% passenger capacity and this seemed very odd to me.

Did it seem odd enough to you to research the historical data on those flights? Because I have, and those flights were flying at about their normal occupancy.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:27 PM
I think after seeing no wreckage at the Pentagon is was the first red flag that I saw. After that I think I went with the official story as I was backpacking around the world for the rest of 2001-2002. After that I came home and my brother and I watched either In Plane Sight, or Loose Change. After that I guess I've kinda become somewhat of a truth junkie, as the official coincidence story just doesn't add up. I guess I'm really bothered that a country that I loved so much and still love would be behind something so horrible.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:33 PM
When they found Atta's passport on the sidewalk, I thought, "my that's convenient."

And no plane imprint on the pentagon, just a hole.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:39 PM
Not that I don't trust you Swampfox, but could you post some proof of those statements? Thanks.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Griff
Not that I don't trust you Swampfox, but could you post some proof of those statements? Thanks.

The key word is "about"...

This allows for at least a 25% margin of error (unacceptable) in that statement.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:57 PM
Mine was the play down of the "Pentagon". I am sorry but to me that was the big story and the greatest red pill.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:10 PM
I turned on the TV just as the towers were falling. No way all our defenses fail like that by chance, just watch them use this - war, war, police state... This was about 7am PST. I tried to tell myself I was being paranoid but the events and words of the rest of the day cleared up any ambiguity for me before 9/12 dawned. Goin' on six years now...

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:30 PM
On September 11, 2001 I had been retired as an airline pilot for about 3 years but I still knew what it took to fly an airplane into a tall building and that was a lot of talent. Somebody had to be well trained to do that.

JFK is used by most airlines and airline training operations to practice approaches in the simulator because they had almost every type of approach available which included the ILS, VOR, VOR-DME, Localizer only, NDB, all of that sort of stuff. (The simulator of course can be located anywhere in the country.)

For every airline I worked for it was standard after everybody had accomplished the required training to take ten or 15 minutes and “fly” around New York (in the simulator), specifically the WTC and fly between the towers. You would line up the B-727 or L-1011 or whatever simulator you were in, with the WTC, and just before you got there roll the airplane into a 90 degree bank and fly through the small space between the 2 towers. If you crashed the ‘screen” would just freeze, and the instructor would reboot the simulator.

The point in telling you this story is that I know exactly how difficult it is to try and fly a large airplane into or around the WTC because I have done it many times. Let me make it clear that the object of these exercises was not to “crash into the WTC” it was to fly between the towers. To train somebody to fly that profile who had never flown before would have taken about 300 to 400 hundred hours in a simulator and even then for him to actually be able to actually do it in flight would be, in my opinion, impossible. Not unlikely. Impossible.

So on September 11, 2001, I was staying with my daughter in Reno and she came in and woke me up early in the morning and said “Dad, they're bombing New York”. I went in and watched the news and immediately said, “Whats going on here. There is no way a hijacker did that. Professionals that did that.”

A few weeks later I was driving from Las Vegas up to Reno to see my mother as she was very ill. I was listening to Art Bell rant and rave how he was going to personally kill Osama bin Laden. He then said but before I kill OBL I have to ask a few questions. He then asked his audience if they could only ask one question, what would that question be. Unfortunately for me I was between Gabbs and Middlegate in the middle of Nevada and couldn’t get through to Art but my question would have been:

“Whose simulator did he use?”

Meaning of course, whoever flew those airplanes had a lot of experience and if it was Arab hijackers whose simulator were they trained in?

Recently Art had a 911 Apologist on named Michael Shrimpton who stated that Saddam Hussein stole a Boeing 767 simulator from Kuwait during GW1.

Art said, "Well that explains that." I can't even begin to tell you how ridiculously unlikely that story is. Let me just say the chances of that story being true are about as likely as the U.S. EVER pulling out of Iraq.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:51 PM
To be honest, I don't really remember what I ever believed about 9/11.. I think I watched what happened on TV like everyone else, but I think it seemed more like a movie than actuality to me.. I don't remember ever believing in the official story, but nor do I remember consciously thinking "hm something is wrong here".. I still don't really have a definite opinion, just a sense of objectivity.. of looking for the facts underneath the hyperbole and everything else..

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:54 PM
#1 watching news at work the morning it happened:
News Anchors: "Many explosions heard from inside the buildings!"
I was thinking to myself: "This is NOT just a terrorist attack. This is a demolition job to remove SOMEthing."

#2 watching the news at work the week after it happened:
"It appears the buildings fell from the damaged caused by the planes."
I was then thinking: "Somebody changed those news officials minds because something sinister is at work here."

#3 thinking about the event over the next couple of weeks:
Somebody wanted to go to war to "conquer" lands full of oil. Who could that be? Hmmm? Definitely not Satan, unless he lives in the White House and chose Cheney as a running mate. The public was lead to believe that GWB was "too dumb" to plan something like that. Of course he is, but Cheney.... you can see the evil in his eyes. It gave it all away.

THEN I started researching conspiracies concerning 9/11. Now I have been truth-seeking for over 4 years. I think I've seen every theory and documentary on everything from Jesuits, to Zionists, to NWO. Don't forget UFO, CIA, JFK, The Fed, Lincoln/Kennedy connection, Mayan Calendar, Antichrist, Martial law camps and black helicopters, even Montauk, Philadelphia, and mkultra, and Tesla, too.

Thank you GWB for giving me fuel to begin a fire in my heart for truth. Oh, and thanks for keeping Texas safe! ;p

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:55 PM
Even though Iam Canadian I remember being glued to the TV on Sept.11. Which I believe was the red pill for most people. I can't explain why I became fascinated with it. I guess just because all the stories from various sources weren't adding up. I bought every newspaper I could on SEPT.12. and I still have them.I researched all kinds of conspiracies related to 9/11.Some believable some not.Then I started listening to the likes of David Icke,Jordan Maxwell,and Alex Jones.I was previously a listener of Art Bell.I began to look for conspiracies other than9/11 and the rest is history.Here Iam.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Well I was only 17 on 9-11-01, I was young and niave and had not yet been inindated to the conspiracy community yet so when it happened I didn't even raise a brow. I remember thinking how could something like this happen here, this America. I was confused but had no suspicion, I trusted or Govt. I also hadn't been on the web much.
But the big red pill for me was when a friend of mine sent me that "No 757 at the pentagon" web movie with the creepy music in 2003. I watched it over and over again in disbelief and realized there was something to it. I mean no plane parts at all, seriously. Needless to say I am a different person now, realizing that we were attacked by our own Gov't has opened my eyes to many possibilities and topics that otherwise would have elluded me. Thanks ATS!

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:27 PM
As everyone else, I was glued to the television for most of that day, and fell into the official story at first. My red pill came when they broadcast the footage of the "plane" hitting the Pentagon.

I knew, at that moment, that things were not right.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Dear PepeLapew:

This might surprised you, but I actually believed much of the ‘official’ story on 9-11 (gullible me). I thought it was insofar plausible that Osama Bin Laden and the Afghani Taliban were behind the WTC ‘attacks’ because the Taliban were indeed a ‘bad’ bunch.

My doubts about 9-11 were only later fueled by the anthrax attacks. That entire scenario made no sense from any perspective. So sporadically for five years I researched the anthrax mailings. And while doing that, I came across the many 9-11 theories.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:40 PM
i, like many, knew instantly.

if i remember correctly, while the towers were still burning, although, logically it makes more sense post collapse, i was thinking to myself, 'it's the CIA trying to start WWIII'.

when i saw the collapses, i knew for sure. they were brought down with bombs. it is physically the only explanation(despite the impressive psuedo-scientific dance of the ministry of truth). i knew it intuitively at first, but have since seen this FACT repeatedly proven by the evidence.
when the media did not mention bombs as the cause, i knew the media, the government and the secret service were in bed with ultra-rich industrialists just 'drumming up business'.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:46 PM
I swallowed the whole official story hook line and sinker and was all in favor of going into Afghanistan and bringing Osama back in sushi boxes. When my friends would go "blah blah blah the Americans" I would say, "Look, H.L. Mencken was right when he said that once a year they should take one lawyer out and hang him as an example to the rest. If you've got hooligans in the neighborhood, clobber one of them to send a message. It's cheaper in the long run for everybody."

Then, I got a case of mental whiplash when George (a terrorist behind every) Bush started talking about going after Iraq. I still kind of said they should do it, but the seed of doubt was planted and I started to look more carefully into the whole thing.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:04 PM
It was Dec. 04' I just got finished voting for W for the 2nd time. I watched Loose Change, and at first I thought it was Democrat propaganda. I did one heck of a lot of research, and found that not only was 9/11 was an inside job, but "Neocons" had hi-jacked our gov't posing as "conservative Republicans". I now talk to everyone I know about "America Freedom To Fascism" by Aaron Russo. Also I like to point people to for the actual truth on a lot of issues.

One other important fact I like to talk about since waking up is how our Federal Reserve system works. Did you know that 100% of your income taxes revenue that the IRS collects, goes straight to pay the interest on the debt that our Gov't owes to the FED!!!!!!! Not one cent goes to pay for Gov't services!!!!!!

[edit on 4-5-2007 by downtown436]

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