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From Anonymous Posts: Antichrist makes his first web site - May 07 or 17, 2007

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:17 AM

Original Anonymous Post By: anon_112038
I am not sure if it is May 07 or May 17 but it is this 2007 for sure. He will make parody-like site, making fun of prophecy and giving people some of his truth about life and everything. Not many will believe him but that is his plan, he doesn't need 100% support at start. Nobody took Hitler seriously too, some politicians even ridiculed him.

Wow, could be true, you never know...

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 02:39 AM
Interesting, but what leads to this statement?
Is there anything particular we should be on the look out for other than satire? Becuase there's kinda a lot of satire, and my slow moving eyes can only browse so much.

I've heard something like this before, but I can't remember where from. Any additional info would be appreciated.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 03:26 AM
Unprecedented date convergence In May

Jim Bramlett
Apr 29 2007 03:04PM

Dear friends:

Thanks to a telephone call from an old friend yesterday, I discovered that May 2007 will see an unprecedented, once-in-history convergence of two major prophetic dates.

FIRST, Thursday, May 17 will be Ascension Day, observing the day Jesus rose into heaven. "After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight" (Acts 1:9). This came 40 days after the resurrection. "He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:3). This is a type of rapture, and for that reason many believe the rapture itself will be on some Ascension Day.

SECOND, Wednesday, May 16 (overlapping May 17), will be Iyyar 28 on the Jewish calender. Possibly the most important prophetic day in 2,000 years was June 7, 1967 when Israeli forces took Jerusalem in the miracle Six-Day War. In Israel, they observe the day, called "Jerusalem Day," not according to the modern Gentile calendar but according to the Jewish calendar. On the Jewish calendar, June 7, 1967 was on Iyyar 28. Again, in 2007, Iyyar 28 will land on Wednesday, May 16.

Therefore, since that Jewish day begins at sundown on the 16th, that means Ascension Day, or the 17th, begins just a few hours later, which makes both days overlap. These two major historical dates coincide in 2007!

But that's not all! It is a once-in-history convergence!

THE TWO DATES COINCIDE ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THAT 1967 EVENT! THEREFORE, MAY 16/17, 2007 MARKS THE END OF WHAT MANY CONSIDER A BIBLICAL GENERATION. And it was In that war that Israel, the biblical fig tree, "sprouted its leaves" and recaptured not only Jerusalem, but the Golan Heights, Gaza and the West Bank. Jesus' words seem extremely relevant:

"Look at the fig tree (Israel) and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened" (Luke 21:29-32).

Are we "this generation?" It's interesting that just before His crucifixion, Jesus spoke of that future event in 1967 when He prophesied, "They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations (referring to the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70). Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled" (Luke 21:24).

Many believe that prophecy in Luke 21:24 was fulfilled in 1967 because Jerusalem finally came under Israeli control, even though there are still some Gentiles (Arabs) trampling on Jerusalem. Satan is still trying to hold on to it, thus the Arab attempts to control all or part of the city. Unfortunately after the 1967 war, as an act of good will, Israeli General Moise Dayan gave control of the Temple Mount over to the Arabs, which has caused nothing but conflict ever since. It proves that you cannot placate the Muslims. They will take any act of generosity as a sign of weakness and violently use it against you. Many believe General Dayan was disobedient to God's gift of the Temple Mount to Israel, causing Israel to experience 40 more years of testing and suffering. That 40 years expires in May 2007. Does that mean anything? Let us be watchful.


posted on May, 7 2007 @ 03:29 AM
Also, just moments before He ascended, Jesus told His disciples not to depart from Jerusalem until they received the promise of the Father and were empowered from on high, then they would be His witnesses to "Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). That prophecy has now come full circle, with the gospel literally going to the ends of the earth, then back to Jerusalem again, where gospel-preaching Christian TV is now available 24/7.

The above unique convergence of major dates in 2007 seems significant but I do not know what it might mean. In this special prophetic season, it could be quite significant, for some major prophetic event, or maybe it is just a marker of some kind.


Also this article is talking about end of 40 year period, which is duration of one Biblical generation. I noticed some sites mention June but you need to use their calendar, not Gentile one, so May 17 is valid date, more correctly night from May 16 to May 17, because day starts at sunset.

I believe May 17 will pass peacefully, but something important to Antichrist may happen. Maybe his restrainer will be removed, so he gets green light then for whatever he wants to do. Since he comes in peace you probably can forget about some idiot calling to WW3, i am sure about that.

[edit on 7-5-2007 by detonator]

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 05:06 AM
The Ascention day info and the 'generation' thing are interesting.

But the anon posts in general ....
I find them to be hogwash.

This person posted an opinion. There was no supporting evidence or documentation. It's OKAY to post an opinion, but he/she should have said something like - according to my numerology/calculations blah blah blah ...

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by detonator

Original Anonymous Post By: anon_112038
I am not sure if it is May 07 or May 17 but it is this 2007 for sure. He will make parody-like site, making fun of prophecy and giving people some of his truth about life and everything. Not many will believe him but that is his plan, he doesn't need 100% support at start. Nobody took Hitler seriously too, some politicians even ridiculed him.

i reckon the post could be an opinion,
but i'd say it was more a prediction or insight, because of the uncertainty thats contained in it
it might only ammount to a guess.

an interesting ?coincidence? is that Nicolas Sarkozy is elected President of France.
His father was a Hungarian immigrant
His mother is French, having sephardic Jewish descent
which seem to be still more 'filliments of connectivity' that might lead someone to 'see' an association with Hitler's (secretive) upbringing & the newly arising Figure-of-Infamy, as the post tries to emphasize.

also note that the 7th of May is one of the possible 'Launching' dates
the Anonomyous Poster points out...thats today,
& watch as the new French Pres. 'Launches' into the public eye , & on the www. as the news of his new position unfolds

[edit on 7-5-2007 by St Udio]

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