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As a non-believer I ask this question.....

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by amongus
If you subscribe to the theory that the human race was "seeded" by an outside source, the middle ground would be to check in on how we are advancing.

We could be one big experiment by one, or a joined collection of alien species.

Is it really that far fetched when you look at how complex the human/animal dna is?

I tend to believe that "Interventionism" or Directed Panspermea is not at all that farfetched an idea. If the Earth is essentially a "garden" planted by other life forms, certainly they would check their "garden" at crucial points in it's development. Interestingly, the modern UFO era began shortly after the successful tests and use of the atom bomb. To gain the knowledge of nuclear energy, or in essence our ability to annhilate ourselves, would certainly be a time to go "check the garden".

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:46 PM
Directed panspermia is definitely not far fetched if an ET were like us. Directed panspermia is definitely something we would be inclined to do.

I'm still hanging on the question of what UFOs are, though. And while I appreciate all of these anthropomorphic theories, I just keep wondering why we are jumping to them when there are even more non-human like alternatives. I've never seen aliens, nor a UFO (family members have seen UFOs), so I only know UFOs exist, not what is in them.

But I can handle enthusiasts jumping to anthropomorphic explanations. What I can't stand is super skeptics treating these phenomena like leprachauns. Groups of people do not simultaneously observe leprachauns over airports. Police don't chase leprachauns for several hours in Illinois. We are talking about an observable phenomena, so we should not accept government claims that they aren't worth probing within a civilian, declassified context. And I don't accept the Condon report. It came from the same military that gave us the Pat Tillman story.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by Ectoterrestrial]

[edit on 4-5-2007 by Ectoterrestrial]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Isn't that a bit limiting? Not saying there aren't more evolved life forms.

But - couldn't there be life forms just a step up from Earth - - that have maybe only a 100 years space travel experience?

Maybe it is a bit limiting, but I think that in order to travel thousands of light years without dying (from boredom or otherwise
) you need to be far more advance then we are now in terms of energy. We can't possibly imagine travelling that far on fuels we have now. The universe has natural infinite energy (to form stars planets etc) and pretty much any scientist in the grand scheme of things is working towards understanding the universe in this way. Once you can harness energy like this there are infinite possibilities in what you can do with it.

Think of it this way, say tommorow we figure out how to have infinite free energy. 99% percent of jobs would go to robots and computers since they can now work for free at far higher speed and efficiency. After this our troubles dissappear exponentially to the point where we can have whatever we want, all you need is a robot that makes a robot that makes a machine that makes whatever. The only thing holding that back now is how much energy/money that would take. See what I am getting at?

All we would need after that is a computer that could somehow think similarly to a human. Since computer can think about 50,000 times faster that a human it would take less than a year to learn everything we know up to now. So what could it learn in the next year?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:12 PM
I do agree with you for the most part - - - It's just the Giant leap from Human to highly evolved.

Seems like there might be a few middlemen - - maybe helped by higher ups.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:36 PM
There are so many inventions and breakthoughs in science, medicine,math,mechanical inventions etc...
The periodic table, penicillin, electricity,automobile, rockets, telephones, computers and on and on. All we need is that one breakthrough, invention or discovery that will change the world again and again. Zero point energy, anti-gravity, maybe even ways to change our bodies to live longer who knows. I'd liked to think that we can do it. Imagine traveling through space while bending space time and arriving 100 light years away in an hour. I say we keep imagining and putting our imaginations to real life work and discovery and we'll get there. Anythings possible, so that's why I believe there's life out there in this universe and that they are visiting us. There's signs and drawings back before Christ of space creatures and aliens from other worlds that were seen by these ancient ancestors, and so much more evidence out there amfree86. I also think that we won't be allowed to go any further in space than we already have until we learn to respect life, and to me more spiritual in our hearts and minds. This world will have to become one world and then maybe together as humans we'll be able to join the cosmic world of space. Just my own opinion there.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Where as, I , for one, won't try to believe so many things at once.

I want to probe the UFOs. Then I will start trying to believe hypotheses.

I totally agree that scientific advances leave old world views in the dust. We quickly adapt to the new science but just as quickly forget that 'people will never fly' and that 'men can't move faster than 40 mph without dying' and all of these other old claims. Those were just clamps that turned out to be useless speculation.

On the other hand, there has always been useless speculation in the other direction as well. Big chicken wings glued to people's arms, salt-peter based cannons shooting people to the moon, etc.

In the end, reality is stranger than fiction, and far more open than conservative naysayers. It cares not for our whims. So we have to come to it.

So we need to go to these UFOs. They aren't gonna come to us. We need to arm all civilian aircraft with the required probes.

All the new aged philosphy in the world, all of the physisists in Fermilab, etc, aren't going to dictate reality. Reality is. Its floating around up there blinking at us. We just have to go to it. And we have to stop listening to our government pretend it isn't there. If it turns out to be plasma balls, so be it. But I doubt it. I think it will be either something prosaic, or something beyond anything any of us has imagined. Monkeys can look in a mirror. Smart monkeys punch the mirror to see what happens.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by Ectoterrestrial]

[edit on 4-5-2007 by Ectoterrestrial]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:08 PM
Beer and free peanuts perhaps? Seriously, no one really knows for sure why they are here. All anyone can really do is speculate as to their intentions on visiting this planet. Who can say how many different types are visiting and for what reason each is doing so. With so many different stories from abductees, you can never know if they are here to study us, our planet, dominate us, our planet or what. They could be our creators coming to see how we're doing. My personal favorite is that our race was once among them but grew so violent that 99% of us were wiped out and the rest subjegated to this planet with no knowledge of our past and they are here just to make sure we don't advance too much again. A friend of mine told me that one by the way.

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