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As a non-believer I ask this question.....

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posted on May, 3 2007 @ 05:35 PM
What are the intentions of a "visitor from beyond.?" ...

I use the term "visitor from beyond" because of the debates I've read here.(not meant to offend)

Because I dont lend alot of credit to the field I haven't studied the topic.

I would assume if we as humans were to visit another planet it would be about friendship or hostility....NO MIDDLE GROUND....

On my assumption, would that not be case for "visitors from beyond?"

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 05:43 PM
President Bush, is that you??

No one can know for sure...

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Unplugged
President Bush, is that you??

No one can know for sure...

Bwhahah lmao.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Unplugged
President Bush, is that you??

No one can know for sure...


Well you stated that because you don’t lend a lot of credit to the subject you haven’t studied it. Maybe you should study it first and then decide if it has any credibility to it. That would be the logical thing to do.

Now I’m not saying hey we are definitely receiving "visitors" from space but people are experiencing something. If you read some of the well known case reports you will find that these aren’t crazy mental patients claiming these things. Some are normal everyday people.

Also, I don’t think that any visitors have to be either friendly or hostile. Why do we send astronauts out? Curiosity, a search for knowledge, and an attempt to understand our universe and our place in it.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 05:58 PM
Im not sure of intentions or even if all or any of the UFO's are of extra terrestrial origin.
I can safely say I have seen a UFO in the fact that it was nothing that i can explain by todays technology let alone technology from about 15-16 years ago.
It may not have been aliens it may have been a ghost, a dragon or a fairy flying around at high speeds and turning angles at breakneck speed.
I cant say i believe it was definitely aliens and i cant say i believe in most of the unexplained explanations (a contradiction right there).

Whatever the reason for what it was and what intentions they may or may not have I could swear that 2 of us witnessed it as we both sat on the doorstop looking out across the stars that are very rarely seen nowadays due to smog.

Even if I didnt see what i saw i dont know if i could hand on heart say that we are the only planet in the entire seemingly infinite mass of space with life on it.

I know you are specifically asking for 'what they want' and not why you should believe but i just wanted to give a little food for thought.
I really hope you see something like i did because its really amazing whatever it may be.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 06:00 PM
Why should an alien have an intention? Isn't an intention a human/animal trait?

Plants aren't what I would call 'intentional'. Maybe there are UFOs that are ETs that are more plant-like then 'boogie-man' like.

Or maybe they are animal like, but like insects. Maybe there mating cycle is something like fireflys. They enter a planet's atmosphere and flash some lights looking for a mate. Then they either mate and leave or just leave?

Pure speculation, of course, but crucial so that we can point out that assuming anthropological traits in aliens does not cut the problem down to any size. It instead, only shows how we often disregard things that we think we have a handle on, but do not.

[edit on 3-5-2007 by Ectoterrestrial]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 08:29 PM
i think they are curious like we are. we want to go to mars knowing that there is no sign of intelligent life there, but a possibily of microscopic life. if we found a civilization on mars we would certainy want to study them even more.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 09:02 PM
Personal opinion here. I believe they visit because we as a species are at an interesting crossroads in our development. We are on the verge of exploring the cosmos and have the means and attitude to destroy ourselves! Why wouldn't any species not be curious as to which way our civilization is to go.....out into space or blow ourselves off the face of the planet!

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by amfree86
What are the intentions of a "visitor from beyond.?" ...

I use the term "visitor from beyond" because of the debates I've read here.(not meant to offend)

Because I dont lend alot of credit to the field I haven't studied the topic.

I would assume if we as humans were to visit another planet it would be about friendship or hostility....NO MIDDLE GROUND....

On my assumption, would that not be case for "visitors from beyond?"

do you mean that "visitors from beyond" would either be friendly or hostile?
i think, maybe they are both. because maybe there should be several "races" / cultures of "visitors from beyond" if you are talking about visitors from somewhere but not from earth ( or maybe from earth ) and not in a "human form" ( or maybe "inside a human form" / soul / spirit, good, bad ).

could you be more precise?

[edit on 3/5/07 by cometa]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 12:23 AM
I like this and if nothing else it will give you some insight.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:21 AM
If you subscribe to the theory that the human race was "seeded" by an outside source, the middle ground would be to check in on how we are advancing.

We could be one big experiment by one, or a joined collection of alien species.

Is it really that far fetched when you look at how complex the human/animal dna is?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:53 AM
good answer amongus,
another possibility is they are observing us like we observe animals in a zoo.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:39 AM
All i know is that we are being visited or at least being observed by beings from another planet/planets.

There are obviously conspiracies that strech the imagination a little too much in my opinion (The 9/11 one is an example) but these experiences people are having and have had for hundreds of years are simply very difficult to deny or ignore. A lot of people do ignore the phenomena because they are grounded on this world and can't stretch their minds to the possibility that we are not alone as humans.

The way I see it is that if we started experiencing these things 200 years ago (Conveyed through paintings and text), that 200 years is a very short amount of time compared to how long the earth has existed and we all expect something to come to light immediately.

If you could step into a time machine and punch the button to 300 years into the future and stepped out,i really don't think we would be discussing if aliens exist or not because there will be firm evidence that they are among us. I just hope something happens in my lifetime, it will make it easier for people to accept that there could well be life after death and a myriad of others things that we could learn from our distant neighbours.

All that space out there and we are the only one?? think about it.....

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:54 AM
As a non-believer, the answer you seek might just be unbelievable.
The threads posted here at this site cover all the basics and then some.

By their actions...being seen flying about, abductions and such, you would think they have an intent.
It's hard to understand the motives of why advanced beings with such capabilities would have any interest us or our world.
Perhaps some long term genetic experiment?
They might have planted us here and have nurtured our growth as a species for sociological experiments in theology/civilization creation 101.
Could they be us from the future?
Are they here to save us? If so...why?
Let alone the possibility of several different species joining in on the fun.
Could they all be working together for some unified goal? Or do they have their own agendas. By all accounts some encounters seem friendly and some definately don't.

Too many if's, and's or but's to be answered easily.

The fact that they haven't announced themselves in a outright HowdyDo! says to me that the have a reason not to. Be it friendly or hostile, they are not ready to disrupt what they have going on here.

Lots and lots of questions. Not many answers for a non-believer to swallow though.

Even if you are lucky/unlucky enough to have something unexplainable happen to you, I'm afraid questions are all you will still have.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:15 PM
Thanks for all the response. May I further expand on my question by making a few points based on my own experience....... If we make contact tomorrow with an advanced life form, say on saturn,I would be hard pressed to believe we would just leave this resource alone. The power hungry people of this world would be driven (I believe) to try to exert some form of control. That is our nature......... Having said that,it is quite possible that an advanced form of life anywhere (in my opinion) would also compromise their own moral fabric for the trade off of knowledge/technology/resources/etc... Granted, all this is based on the human model, but its the only model we have have.. If it were some other animal form here, on earth, that evolved, it would likely have the same outcome. I dont mean to claim that all people are compromised, but we are led by the "leader of the pack." The higher echelon of leadership on this planet has serious problems..Without exception, they are compromised beyond any doubt. We as people claim to explore the unknown for the contribution we could make for future generations. In the end, we turn on ourselves and fight for the scraps....This is the model we have. This is the model we learn from.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by amfree86]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 02:29 PM
I happen to believe that Star Trek and the World Federation - - - is more reality then not.

So I happen to believe in the Prime Directive - - - a law of non-interference by worlds that have reached the age of space travel.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 02:52 PM
In my opinion if these are evolved lifeforms then they have come to the point where the whole universe is their heaven. They have deleoped a method of free infinite or substantially efficient energy and are using to do what any of us would do if we had that, going for a joy ride. Imagine being able to explore an infinite universe, filled with just about anything you can think of and more, without constraints of time (and probably death if they figured out that much). Freedom at it's maximum, the whole reason we evolve.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by amfree86
What are the intentions of a "visitor from beyond.?" ...

I use the term "visitor from beyond" because of the debates I've read here.(not meant to offend)

Because I dont lend alot of credit to the field I haven't studied the topic.

I would assume if we as humans were to visit another planet it would be about friendship or hostility....NO MIDDLE GROUND....

On my assumption, would that not be case for "visitors from beyond?"

Maybe they're visitors checking on old colonies established by their ancestors. Perhaps there were many different ones which might explain why we have black, brown, red, yellow and white races.
Or maybe they're specimen gathererers for ET zoos and aquariums on their planet. Or scouts seeking the best site for a new amusement park in the solar system.
If we humans went to another planet, which by the time we were able to, will be when we have cloaking ships and faster than light space ships and everything will be secretly done. This may be a penal colony on which aliens dropped off their bad boys and girls and that is why we are so nasty to each other. Georgia and Australia were first settled by convicts.
All I know is something is happening out there and I think the government is running out of ways to cover it up. I am scared about terrorists and other evil orginizations getting a hold of saucer technology and what they could do to this world if they did.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Mushroom Fields Forever
In my opinion if these are evolved lifeforms then they have come to the point where the whole universe is their heaven. They have deleoped a method of free infinite or substantially efficient energy and are using to do what any of us would do if we had that, going for a joy ride. Imagine being able to explore an infinite universe, filled with just about anything you can think of and more, without constraints of time (and probably death if they figured out that much). Freedom at it's maximum, the whole reason we evolve.

Isn't that a bit limiting? Not saying there aren't more evolved life forms.

But - couldn't there be life forms just a step up from Earth - - that have maybe only a 100 years space travel experience?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by amfree86
It is quite possible that an advanced form of life anywhere (in my opinion) would also compromise their own moral fabric for the trade off of knowledge/technology/resources/etc...

I agree with you that this is possible. It is possible that other life forms would evolve to have anthropomorphic traits. They could have social traits etc, like we do as primates. But by no means is that the only model for organization. People often cite the honey bee (RIP) as an alternative. Albeit, even there, the organization is a greedy hierarchy.

IF these things are ET (and that is an IF for me), then we are, essentially, analytically at a loss. How can we possible conjecture about something from someplace else when all of our data points are from here?

To answer questions legitimately, we need to directly probe these UFOs themselves. The only answer I can think of is for civilians to work to probe these things. We need to arm civilian aircraft with the required probe equipment. (Small homing rockets with cameras, sensors, etc.)

[edit on 4-5-2007 by Ectoterrestrial]

[edit on 4-5-2007 by Ectoterrestrial]

[edit on 4-5-2007 by Ectoterrestrial]

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