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Bigfoot in BC, added to endangered species list ?

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posted on May, 3 2007 @ 04:04 PM

A petition to the House of Commons, signed by almost 500 of Lake's constituents in Edmonton and due for debate next week, asks the government "to establish immediate, comprehensive legislation to effect immediate protection of Bigfoot."

I think this is an excellent idea. Regardless of what the masses believe. There are a large enough number of people that believe in the creature in Canada. I have already heard rumors that BC has already accepted this and added Bigfoot to the endangered species list. Check it out on: Jobrelated

Any thoughts?

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 04:39 PM
I just think it is funny that there is so much support for the unkown in other countries and hardly any here in the United States. Even members of foreign governments.

Recently the Canadian minister of defense announced his belief in UFOs and has been working towards disclosure.

Besides the fact that many more people believe in bigfoot in BC due to the overwhelming amount of sightings, It also seems as if there is more open-mindedness there than there is here inn the United States. Why are we as Americans priding ourselves on our disbelief of the unexplained and the paranormal ?
Just my personal opinion.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:44 AM
This is a catch-22 problem...

To get protection for a bigfoot, you need to prove that there is a bigfoot. To prove that there is a bigfoot, you need to kill a bigfoot for scientific study. To stop people from killing bigfoots, (or is that bigfeet?) you need a law passed protecting bigfoot...

All kidding aside, the only way you could get a bill protecting bigfoot here in the US is to pass it as a joke bill, like declairing Mickey Mouse as a US citizen or decaliring May 4th, "National Math Fun Day".

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 04:03 PM
This guy claims to have evidence that proves bigfoot exists there in Canada. To that I say no kidding. There have been a lot of people who claim to have evidence. It is rumored there may be something more.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 06:42 PM
Jane Goodall believes beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sasquatch exists.
I hope her study into the creature and the patterson film and her firm conviction of the creature being a real creature should give some credence to the claim.
Evidence is abudent in the form of native american legends, modern reports, footprints, scookum body cast, the patterson film and the california footage.
the foot morphology is very interesting
they have clear dermal ridges on the feet that are in the lateral plane like a ape not anterior to posterior like a humans and have a midtarsal hinge like an ape.
their gaite as taken from the patterson film shows a gaite that is only visible when seen from the information and then viewed from the front.
its clearly adapted its gaite to mountains.
google "bigfoot goes digital" for the PDF file.
the size of the gluteus maximus is more evidence in the patterson film of proper anatomical features for mountain climbing.
they have clear footprint data that no one would be able to fake.
it has convinced police fingerprint foresnic experts.
being a master of anatomy, kinesiology, and the foot, I am more then convinced that the animal is quite real.

[edit on 5-5-2007 by junglelord]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 07:04 PM
Bigfoot is listed as endangered in California.

Sorry for the one-liner.


posted on May, 6 2007 @ 08:05 AM
Well, that's California for you.

Despite all the secondary evidence, the scientific community at learge will never accept the idea of a tall ape-man walking around the NW forests until a dead body is brought back, studied, and the findings revealed in a respectable publication.

Even then, there will be die hards saying that it's an escaped gorllia or something. Final undeniable proof will have to be the capture of a bigfoot alive in the wild. Then we'll see all those science heads stating that they "knew" or "presumed" that there was a bigfoot out there, but wanted to keep their opinions seperate from scientific "fact."


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