That was the best Asala. It's so true. Kinda like trying to relate to text speak or even the way teenagers talk today. They don't understand these
words had meanings before computers- heck they don't even know about life before computers.I remember watching TV shows where a computer took up an
entire wall. My kids don't believe me.Thanks for posting this. It made me smile and feel a little bit younger today.
Oh so true and funny as all heck Asala. Thank you for sharing this with us
Oh how I remember when computers were things people never even thought of owning for themselves. One day my friend got a Commodore 64 and I asked him
Then there is the old movie, Ferris Buler's Day Off where he hacks into the school computer and changes his absences.
Everything, is so, so true. I had the hardest time learning computers. My husband taught me. I didn't like the name of the "mouse" made no
sense to me. Hard drive, software. etc.... Everything, about computers confused me. However, today I know just enough to get me around.