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Breast is best! Milky, milky goodness.

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posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:29 AM
Up to 4,000 mothers in the Philippines have taken part in a nationwide attempt to set a new world record for simultaneous breast-feeding.

I know that breast feeding has advantages, but nothing is going to freak out a child more than being told. "I used to breast feed you in front of thousands of other people".

Bottle or Breast - I feel I need to find out who out there is still errrr unhappy cos mummy didn't give it fresh.

This could go a long way to explaining some users posts!

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 10:38 PM
Watta you mean? I was fed from the boob, and seldom in my life I felt happy.

Anyway something there's about it.

What's common knowledge and sound judgement among people, isn't nesecary in healthcare and scientific communities. Sooner or later, eventually it'll get there.

Did a thread on the subject awhile ago. Breastmilk not only prevents ignorance, but HIV infection as well.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 04:32 AM
Breast feeding is so important for mothers and babies and the future of the human race.

Working mothers that don't have time to breast feed and stick kids straight on the bottle (I know that not everyone CAN breast feed) it's vitally important that Breasts are supported by all of us.

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