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I died last night

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posted on May, 2 2007 @ 08:20 PM
lombozo i belive u , i found god not in the way u did it but i did ( but i dont like religion, u just need to love god) and its a pretty good feeling and u should take advantage of this new found energy u have to not only spread the peace we all need but also help the ones that need help, ur energy its preety spacial man and beautiful u should pray to god and thank him everyday for that new energy that he send u and like i said before u are one lucky man
ps: i am not crazy i dont go to a cult eberything i said its from my heart and my love for life and all that stuff, and again man u are lucky and take advantage of this situation.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 09:11 PM
I don't remember ever having died in a dream, although most of my dreams go unremembered. I have, however, met death in a dream. It was only very briefly, it was a tiny naked being (without visible genitalia), probably only about 4 foot small, very skinny and black all over. He was darting around like an imp or a goblin of some sort. I only saw him very briefly and somehow in my dream knew instantly that this being was death.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Awesome thread!
Very emotional description you presented us with
. I am very skeptic about spirituality, but i know for sure there are a great deal of mysteries mankind wont be able to solve not even in a million years evolutionary context.

Here's my humble opinion: maybe your subconscious mind figured out the solution to some problem that it was struggling with for some time, hence the feeling of comfort and peacefulness you know sense, the total blackness could have been the "final test" you had to face, since it left a mark in your memory.

I must confess i die a lot in my dreams but instead of total blackness i fade to full whiteness and wake up instantly. One thing important is that i invariably KNOW that i am inside a dream when I'm about to die, but of course when i wake up I get real happy it was REALLY just a dream.

How i die? Falling of cliffs/buildings/extreme heights, hit by a huge atomic bomb or by a killer comet, but it is Irrelevant i always figure the situation itself is impossible so i must be dull....

I have lucid dreams a lot and its real fun: flying when i want, summoning a fireball in my hand, etc.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 10:13 PM

I know exactly what you have felt during your experiences, that is why even if you feel scare in a panic or getting a panic attack, is a good thing to learn to relax and let the experience take over.

Trust me you are not to die if is not your time, and remember that when it comes to death and our time to leave this earth nobody can fight that.

Now, If I was to die every time I have one of my experiences I would have been death since I was a child, because since I can remember I always have been on astral travels and to that place up high where everything is peaceful and just beautiful.

Yes, I had many instances of scary moments and scary things in my experiences but once you learn that nothing is going to harm you, the bad experiences will be less and more of the pleasant ones will take its place.

BTW I think that your hart racing in occasions after waking up may be panic attacks, I had them myself many times.

Unless you have some hart problems.


posted on May, 2 2007 @ 10:23 PM
lombozo, have you had any problems with sleep apnea? I have heard of some apnea patients reporting that in their dreams they either become aware that they aren't breathing and need to wake up, or receive cues in their dream that it is urgent that they wake up. Possible that this was your minds way of interpreting a physical problem that needed conscious action.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 10:39 PM
Back in 1980, I was involved in an unavoidable head-on collision with a drunk driver. Judging from the damage to both vehicles, police agreed that it was an impact of over 80 mph. Of course, the drunk driver was uninjured, and he even fled from the crash scene on foot. He soon regretted his actions, and he was arrested on a variety of failure-to-render-aid charges, et cetera, in addition to DWI and resisting the police.

For my part, I was encased in a crumpled sedan that looked like it had taken a missile attack. After an hour of chopping the car to pieces, firemen and EMS techs extracted me, sand-bagged, braced and tightly strapped to a rigid plastic board.

I was taken to a local trauma unit, utterly immobilized, and the emergency team there X-rayed and repeatedly poked and scratched my skin with needles, asking "Can you feel that?" I had a few minor lacerations and lumps and bumps, but they could only offer superficial treatment until my head and neck X-rays were examined. A couple of police officers stayed by my side through much of this, asking questions and reassuring me. Then the cranial results came back from X-ray: I had suffered a double fracture to the C1 vertebra, first vertebra at the base of my skull. In short, I had a very broken neck.

As they rushed me by police-escorted ambulance to the Texas Medical Center in Houston, paramedics took my vitals second-by-second. I was delivered to Trauma One at St. Luke’s Hospital.

I was moved to the top floor Intensive Care Unit and attached to several monitoring devices. No general anesthesia was administered, as they wanted me to remain conscious for as long as possible. As it happened, I was feeling very little pain anyway, although I was pretty banged-up. But it was very humiliating: during the course of the ordeal, ER personnel (both male and female) had carefully cut away all of my clothing and tended to my bodily functions, basically making me feel paralyzed even before the final verdict.

Finally, about 6 hours after the wreck, a cranial specialist came in and practiced his bedside manner, quietly telling me that the injury appeared to be very serious, indeed, and that I was lucky I had not died in the wreck or in transit to the medical center. He also said that I was not yet out of the woods.

It seems that with my particular injury, the slightest jarring could dislodge a fragment of bone into my spinal column, snuffing out my life in the blink of an eye. Emergency surgery was considered, but the fractures looked so tricky in X-ray that even an operation might result in my death.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing — I was awake, alert, and I was feeling no pain. Actually, I felt like I could get up and walk away from it all, except that I was strapped and padded and braced down, with a specialist telling me that I was "one wrong move" away from death.

I couldn't sleep at all that night. My disbelief changed to anger, then to fear, then to terror. There were humming and clicking noises all around me, and ICU techs checked on me every 15 minutes, all night long. It was while a technician was checking on me, well after midnight, that this happened:

I was wide awake, counting panels in the ICU ceiling, when my vision just shut off.

This was terrifying, because I was still fully conscious. I had a sudden sense of acceleration, which grew greater and greater, until it felt as though I was strapped onto the nose of a rocket with my eyes tightly clenched shut. And through the fear, I remember thinking This is IT! It’s happening! I’m dying!

Then a voice — or, more precisely, an outside thought — issued a command to me: Release the fear.

I knew instantly what the words meant. It meant that fear was holding me back, like an anchor. It meant that the fear was as trivial as spare change in my pocket, and that it could be discarded with very little effort. So I did it — I just let go of my fear.

As soon as I released the fear, my acceleration stopped and my vision returned. I was standing in a long, rectangular room or chamber, made entirely of dark stone. Floor, ceiling, walls, everything was made of stone. I was lucid and started rationally investigating the stone wall, peering at it and touching it. Although the stone was a deep green, its surface was a glistening crystalline, with very minute facets.

I then began noticing the more peculiar aspects of the chamber. Turning around 360 degrees, looking up and down, I saw that there were no doors or windows in the structure. It was a very strange sensation — I suppose because I've never experienced a seamless room with no exits — but mine was not a sensation of fear; rather, it was pure curiosity.

At the far end of the stone chamber was a row of 7 evenly-spaced stone pedestals, about three-feet-tall and three-feet-square each, as I reckoned. I inspected these, also; however, aside from meeting the floor seamlessly, they were unremarkable, bearing no markings and serving no obvious purpose.

I then realized that, although I could see very clearly, there was no apparent lighting source in the chamber. All-in-all, I was trapped in a benign container.

It was then that I became aware of another presence in the room, behind me. Turning completely around, I saw nothing, but the presence remained behind me. It was not an oppressive or evil feeling, but it was forceful, as if trying to urge me toward a course of action.

My attention was focused on the far end of the chamber, and the urging became very insistent — and then I was pushed toward the stone wall. That incredible sense of acceleration returned. and my logic told me I would be smashed into the wall at high velocity.

Upon impact, though, whatever I was passed right through the stone, and into utter blackness. The acceleration continued through this blackness for a long time, it seemed, with the same unseen presence urging me on. I felt my anticipation mounting, or perhaps it was impatience, because I finally thought I'd rather be elsewhere.

Instantly, a starscape appeared around me, unlike anything I’ve ever seen in special effects movies. This was a three-dimensional scene, with thousands of stars of different sizes and colors moving smoothly past me. Again, my logic was intact, telling me that this rate of speed was physically impossible — it would be far beyond the accepted speed of light. Additionally, there was a billowing veil of translucent pastel colors (similar to the aurora borealis) that seemed to envelope my body without obstructing my vision.

This was a pretty thrilling sensation, and I was enjoying it very much; however, I again thought "I want to be somewhere else."

At once, the starscape changed, but was replaced by another starscape with different constellations, and I was still sailing along at a fantastic clip. I realized that my sense of scale was way off, because my body felt large in relation to the scene through which I was passing. Testing the theory, I reached out with my right hand and cupped it around a star as I passed it. Indeed, I knew I was reaching past the star, although my hand was not visible to me.

While this was all very entertaining, my skeptical mind was still at work, and I decided to test something else: Decelerating. No sooner had I thought about it than I slowed and came to a smooth stop, and the veil of colors diminished to nothing. I was then stationary in space, surrounded by stars, but I was not alone. The presence was still behind me, and I could sense this in a powerful way. With determination, I again turned to look, and this time the presence was quite visible to me.

— continued

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 10:55 PM
The thing I saw was a glowing sphere of warm orange light. It was very three-dimensional, with a reddish corona and a real depth of color, as if I was seeing into the thing. And it was looking at me, somewhat expectantly. It had no eyes, no nothing, but I sensed that the sphere was conscious and was waiting for me to make the next move. My next move was to reach toward it with my hand as I asked "What do you want?" In response to my question, the thing started gliding away to my right, back into the blackness of space.

And my vision returned — my real vision this time, back in St. Luke’s ICU, with a concerned attendant's face hovering over mine. She said, "I’m just checking up on you." This was the same woman who had just come in moments before the OBE or NDE took place. I asked her what had happened, and she said that I had blinked my eyes several times and then I had asked her "What do you want?" Meaning that the entire OBE or NDE experience had transpired in about three seconds while I was wide awake.

The following days comprised of batteries of X-rays, EEGs, consultations, more tests, more consultations and still more tests. I was taken out of the ICU after three days and spent the remainder of my stay in a private room, in traction. Finally, the ultimate cranial-injury specialist came to see me with his verdict...

I was again astounded, and so was the specialist.

He told me that my neck was not recently broken, and that I had no cranial or brain injuries. "Apparently," he marveled, "the fractures to your neck are old and long-healed." Such healed fractures, he explained, still LOOK like NEW fractures in X-ray, years and even decades later. The only explanation he could offer was that my neck had been broken at some time in the past, and had somehow miraculously healed without medical attention.

In other words, according to the medical establishment of the day, I was not actually near death following the car crash, although I was treated as if I was near death. This mystifies me as to the cause of the OBE or NDE or whatever it was.

For a brief few days, I was convinced that I was on death's doorstep, as was convinced a whole team of specialists. Was it my psychological response to some sort of intense, group "death vibration" or what?

I've heard that NDEs are actually the product of hallucinations, electromagnetic anomalies, oxygen deprivation, birth memories, et cetera, et cetera, but none of these theories satisfy my curiosity regarding this experience. Can a person be fooled into thinking he is dying, thus activating previously untapped circuits in the brain (the NDE circuit)?

Or — and I really hesitate to pose this idea — was I somehow healed in three seconds flat during my vision? What does it actually take, I wonder, to trigger one of these experiences?

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 5/2/2007 by Doc Velocity]


posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:06 PM
Exact same thing happened to me last month for the very first time. I died in my dream. I have never died in my dream before, somehow if I knew I was in trouble in my dream I would always wake up just before the "end", always. Well just like you said I died, I didn't wake up this time and it was just pure nothingness. I'll never forget it. I wasn't scared and it was not traumatizing but it never happened before so I'll never forget it. After (what I think was) a few seconds of this nothingness I just woke up.

Very weird.


posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
What does it actually take, I wonder, to trigger one of these experiences?

A massive dose of '___' released by a brain that thinks it is dying.

I'm not discounting your experience, merely answering your question.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by sanctum
I had a serious motorbike accident many years ago and was knocked unconscious.

I was later told by a witness that I was "out" for about 2-3 minutes.

All I can say is during that time it was a total void. Complete 'nothingness'.


First off, I kind of scanned this thread, I didn't read all of it, but I do know about fainting spells, or being unconscious. I'm a fainter, and I can tell when it's going to happen because a black cloud starts from the outside corner of both of my eyes until it keeps coming forward and then I know nothing until I wake up. There is no sound, no anything but a memory of a black cloud engulfing me. It's a complete nothingness as sanctum stated. I can't remember falling, or anything. I mostly faint when I'm pregnant, but not only when I'm pregnant! I know how that feeling/sensation starts, I can control it now by sitting down and putting my head between my legs until it passes ... and then I have to eat something to bring my blood sugar back up.

I don't know what the heck happened to you lombozo? I believe that something happened and it was more than a mere unconscious spell. You'll probably never know, but always will wonder. Don't let it eat you up
It's a very interesting experience you had.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 01:05 AM
dude I so know what u mean about theblackness and silent and like just feelig of nothing.. I died one time on the streets of Hollywood blvd i know sounds cliche' anyway I am sure I died beacause my friends said i just stopped breathing they put their fingers under my nose and felt nothing/ they said my lips turned real blue though why i dontknow i thought it took a while to get to that level. anyway i was inside a theatre when ths happend and thhe" nice" people working there dragged me outside and said WE DONT WANT ANYONE DYING ON OUR PROPERTY. so thats how i ended up out there. oh i died due to a whle box of wine and a 6 pack of old english (yeah wtf they make six packs??haha) anyay i dont remmeber any of that stuff i only remmeber huggin someone next thing i know I am in complete darkness and felt nothing at all it was so weird. then i felt a sharp pain in my neck.. some random person came and did something to the back of my neck which caused me to come back.. anyway
yeah.. crazy the darkness thing i always wondered what that was or if anyone else experienced that. but i mean yours was a dream i dont get it. did we go to the same spot? i was bummed too cuz i remmeber thinking thats what happens when u die? it was lame haha

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
I've had death dreams over the years. One recurring one involves me being a teenaged girl in the Revolutionary War, and I'm shot by a British soldier as I try to run. It's very vivid, and in my dream, my consciousness leaves my body and flies away toward the sky.

I've had others that were scary, and yes I've had the "blackness" one.

Thats interesting and yes does sound like a past life. I had that experience as a child. I can vividly remember it. I was sitting in a lounge in a small dingey house and the decor was typically 20s/30s green, brown and beige so im guessing it was WW2. I was with a woman (my mum maybe) and we were hiding under a table in the middle of the room. There was a green sofa across the room. There was the sound of bombs being dropped and gunfire and then the room exploded and my memory of the dream ended there.

I have often wondered if my past life was in World war 2 and i was killed when my house was bombed. If it has no meaning and is simply a dream.. the fact that i can remember it from over 15 years ago is amazing.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 02:32 AM
I had died one time in a dream and I can remember it clearly as if t was yesterday! heres what happen:

In my dream, I was an oldman lying in bed under the covers listening to the radio, out of the blue I get this feeling of that lump in yur throat? that sadness overbearin your emotions. At the same time I could feel my feet going numb as if you had a sleepy feet (that tingly spiky feeling) it grew and moved upwards towards my legs, up my spine, arms right up to my head. At that moment I hear this POP in my hears like someone smakin a book on the table but right in your ear. Suddely it was quiet, could not hear the radio anymore. My vison was going into a tunnle of blackness like turning off an old TV but in slow motion. I was in a vast of space surrounded by stars, it was so beutiful. at that moment all the stars cames together to form a light. the POP! I awake out of my dream.

My thoughts about death. Death is not what you should fear, to understand whats after life first you must understand whats before. what I mean is, what did you believe in before you were born? and what will you believe in after death? take this moment in time as of now to observe life all around you before we all continue on in the creation of the big bang.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 02:47 AM
Very weird. Try this for a VERY creepy experiment....Works about 80 percent of the time...As you are going to sleep leave on a small lamp, lay on your side and blink long and slow all the way until you are out. I have seen people, and all kind of weird stuff.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 06:26 AM
I have this experience quite often. My mother and grandmother also had it. The best way I can describe it is that your body is asleep and your brain is awake. I can really relate to the toe moving, that is what caught my attention. It scares the heck out of me every time it happens. I can’t remember where I read it, but I did find it mentioned in a physiology book when I was in college. It has been studied and it is supposed to be “harmless.” Well, that may be true, it still is quite scary. When it happens to me, I try to scream for help. My wife says she can hear me “moaning.” She has learned to recognize when it is happening to me. To bring me out of it, all she has to do is touch me. It seems like any external stimuli will break what is going on. I hope this was a one-time event for you, but expect it to happen again. I know some people tell you to relax and go with it and I guess that is good advice, but I also know how scary it is. Maybe this will help. My mom is 65 and my grandmother is 86 and I’m 46. It hasn’t killed any of us yet.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 08:06 AM
Great to hear from you my friend! Trust me, this isn't eating me up. Not even a little bit. It was an amazing, fascinating experience. I am always enthralled with what I don't know or understand.
I am actually thankful that I had the experience, and would welcome it again. It was weird, solely for the reason that I've never experienced anything like it before. But it was, for lack of a better term, serenity. Something in me changed. It did. I can't explain it, but I LIKE it.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 08:36 AM
I have posted my incident with death on here before and via U2U to this OP so ill put it here as well.
It was no fun at all. All I remember i darkness, loneliness and being very very cold

I also died one night March 28th 2005, I wrote about it at ATS so u may have seen it there.
I died from Diabetic/insulin shock and definately know what you mean about the darkness. COMPLETE Darkness envelope me and I was remember in this Darkness I was sooo very cold but thats all I remember. I died 3 times in less than 1 hour that night, the first time i was dead for no more than 10 minutes before I was resuscitated by my mother and her boyfriend performing CPR while my 11 yr old watched.
2nd time i died in ambulance, then finally a third time at ER but my heart wouldnt stay beating untill two syringes of adrenaline and the shock paddles..
It was a very unpleasant and scary thing for me, to the point that i actually am very afraid of dying and I used to not be..
stay safe brother
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posted on May, 3 2007 @ 08:59 AM
Hey Kronos,
Wow! Our experiences are very different. I didn't feel cold at all. Just complete and utter nothingness. I've never been afraid of death, even as a kid. I'm not looking forward to it by any means, but I am not afraid of it at all. There is no alternative whatsoever. We are ALL going to die. Just a fact my friends. Every one of us IS going to die. Maybe in the next 10 seconds, maybe in 100 years, but we ARE going to die. So why live your life in fear of the inevitable? LIVE your life, is my motto. I love the little things. Breathing in "that smell" that comes only in autumn when the leaves are crisp and begin falling off the trees. Catching a snowflake, and admiring the amazing artwork it is before it melts. Sitting on my porch and watching a lightning storm. Seeing the amazement and wonder in my son's eyes when we do something for the first time. I get misty eyed when I hear the Star Spangled Banner. I laugh till my sides hurt when I watch the Simpsons. I've paid for an elderly womans groceries when I noticed she had to return a couple items because she couldn't afford them. I've stated that I'm no Saint. I certainly have many faults. But I've always tried to do as much good as I can.
I love life, and frankly I love being me. I've never sweated the small stuff, but still, I feel different now. More positive? More loving? I don't know. Maybe more aware of everything.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 09:04 AM
Watch this video. It might open your eyes to the potential of the other side and how we live life. Make sure you watch the whole thing. It is life changing.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by lombozo
Great to hear from you my friend!
Something in me changed. It did. I can't explain it, but I LIKE it.

[[[[Lombozo!!!]]]] Good to see you too my friend. I've been fluttering about, I can assure you
I'm just not talking to you!
Just-kidding slaps*knee BTW, my chickens are doing great..laying lots of eggs

I'm glad you have a serene feeling, and that you like it. Makes life worth living... doesn't it
I've had some "What the heck" just happened to me moments myself, but I've never died in a dream...*wipes forehead I think that would freak me out.....

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