posted on May, 2 2007 @ 05:13 PM
The chip doesn't have 666 on it, but it is a quote of mighty proportions, that could reflect a cashless society, with the chip being your key to gain
anyhing at all, food included, ultimately, the commodity will be YOU.
As for aliens, they may well be 'zipping' in and out of our airspace, but what makes you think they have gone 'off planet' for their fun at the
expense of humans and cattle?
What if they were simply below the earth? If we can find our way nowadays with satellite navigation, why couldn´t future satellite based RFID
technology be used to at least see the last known wherabouts of an abductee?
I am not to sure about having RFID as a trendy new fad, whi knows what the true intention behind that technology is?
If all your medical records and finanancial history is on your person, it will only be a matter of time before rogue chip readers are produced by
whoever, in order to extract your datachip, ...thats the point when you will not be required anymore....
With a combination of nano technology, the chip might have additional 'dormant nano-packets' which could transmit debilitating diseases or be
designed to activate - shut down the red cells in your body for example, or remote paralysis, who knows?
With your fad chips, you will have nowhere to run or hide, as you will be (and believe this), traceable, down to the very toilet cubicle you might be
using at that moment.)
[edit on 2-5-2007 by deaman88]