posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 06:42 PM
That's interesting. I just missed seeing the 2nd impact live, but then I was glued to my big screen all day. I never even questioned the towers
collapse, and figured the WTC7 was from the total destruction down there. I was also watching all of the 'propaganda' which was already being spewed
all day (osama, jet fuel, they attacked our freedom, etc) that went along with the traumatic points already mentioned.
My little 12y/o at the time brother came home from school late in the afternoon. He wasn't exposed to any of it, of course they heard about it at
school, but they didn't watch it, or the related propaganda, over and over and over like me my mom and my uncle -who seen the same stuff and came
over later(who's a JFK conspiracy theorist from way back)- did. Little bro said "bombs brought those down" after short of exposure. We were all
like "no way"! We wouldn't even listen to him. He was young sure, but the other differnce was he wasn't exposed to the 'same event' as we were.
The only thing is I can't remember for sure whether or not he was talking about WTC7, but he may have as he normally didn't get home from school
till about 4:30 back then.
Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Now how does this psyop effect line up with the terrorist's motives? Did they expect us to take such a terrifying gut shot and curl up and surrender
as the hawks have insisted? Or were they meaning to ensure rapid and total retaliation by giving us no other option besides a yawning abyss of horror?
Cowing or provoking? (hint: an answer will have to take account of US citizen psych and terrorist interpretations of it, etc).
Originally posted by IIBThe reasons are rather blatent yet basic: we're all indoctrinated with imperialist propaganda our entire lives,
and it simply goes unquestioned. From there, constant "reinforcing" propaganda is used, as evidenced on and constantly after 9/11.
It's the 'first proof' they lied about 9/11, within hours of the collapses, and continue to do so. American Imperialism is the source of the hatred
for America and the intent behind the hijackers. Some could argue that it therefore proves that 9/11 wasn't a conspiracy, however this view doesnt
contradict the LIHOP theory whatsoever, and even in the MIHOP case it could be a scenario of "Osama" exploiting that hatred for gathering his
"Freedom" = Imperialism: It's in the Language
They still haven't come clean on their lies that we were attacked for
our freedoms. In the eyes of the Islamic terrorists maybe they
thought Americans would finally wise up to the fact that we're the worlds tyrannical imperialist state, and that we'd finally get the hint that
it's brewing the deepest hatred.
With Aymen Al Zawahiri having been a professor in psychology and Al Qaeda's 'propaganda minister' an educated guess would lean towards him knowing
better than to think that our imperialist indoctrination wouldn't be furthered to take US to an all new-level of ethnocentric global domination.
[edit on 30-4-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]