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They Live, We sleep

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posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 03:24 PM
There was a recent thread entitled "Watched They Live yesterday. Is that where Icke got his ideas from?".

I feel that this subject itself is more important, and should be discussed further.

A question is asked if Mr Icke found all his inspiration for his position from this movie. I would have to answer that in this way. Mr Icke found his inspiration from visiting 40 some countries and investigating on his own.

The greater question here is not David Icke and his inspiration, but rather John Carpenters inspiration for the movie "They Live".

For those of you who know nothing about this movie, in short, a story about a covert invading alien presence that uses mind control (TV, Movies, Press) monetary systems (money) to enslave mankind.

I have found that the parallels between the movie and real life are dead on. In the movie "V for Vendetta" the lead character says " Politicians lie to hide the truth, Actors lie to tell the truth, is absolutely true. What did John Carpenter know, and what was he trying to tell us?

Anyone who knows anything about Hollywood can tell you its controlled and owned. Nothing is produced without being "Ok'd" by the owners, or Controllers, or as John Carpenter saw, the "Aliens".

In the movie he points this out over and over by breaking away to a TV airing "Control messages" to the "Sleeping" masses. Over and over we are indoctrinated into the control message of "Buy" "listen to the Politician" and watch meaningless junk that inspires no thought. We are taught that our new God is money. in real life, hasn't money replaced God? Do we not worship money? Is not profit more important? Did the "Aliens" teach us greed? Or was it someone else.

In one of the opening scenes a street preacher is trying to warn the people of the evil that has been discovered. Yes, the people could hear the words, they just couldn't see the truth for themselves. Roddy Piper saw the truth when the police showed up.

Preachers Sermon:

They use their tongues to deceive.

The venom of snakes is under their lips.

Their mouths are full of bitterness and curses.

And in their paths, nothing but ruin and misery.

And the fear of god is not before their eyes.

They have taken the hearts and minds of our leaders.

They have recruited the rich and powerful.

And they have blinded us to the truth.

The human spirit is corrupt. Why do we worship greed.

Because outside the limit of our sight, feeding off of us, perched on top of us,

from birth to death, are our owners, our owners, they have us, they control us,

they are our masters.

Wake up, they’re all about you.

All around you.

This is the "Essence" of the movie. Does this not describe the world we find ourselves in? Its a dog eat dog world because our "Owners" want it that way. They want us fighting each other, with left verses right, black verses white, husbands against wifes, the Democrats against the Republicans, people against Government, the rich against the poor, Liberals against conservatives, children against their parents. The "Aliens" of this movie desire unanimity so they can continue to divide and conquer. This is their plan.

So, you might ask who the real "Aliens" or "Owners" are. Well, look at Hollywood. Who is Hollywood? Who is controlling the "Message" being sent out? Yes, you hear (read) the words, but can you see the truth?

I have removed the references to religious preference and replaced it with the true name of the real life "alien". It is noted in parenthesis in the following quotes. As Roddy Piper said in the movie "TRY THESE ON, PUT THE GLASSES ON! READ!

The Name Changers

The (Ashkenazi) Hollywood moguls long ago decided that it would help them make more money if the general
public viewed films as being "Christian." In fact, they personally wanted to blend in with the (Goyim) community. Thus Samuel Goldfish changed his name to Goldwyn and Cecil B. de Mille insisted that he was a Gentile until his death when a Rabbi officiated at his funeral. Every single one of the original (Ashkenazi) developers of the movie industry divorced their (Ashkenazi) wives and married beautiful Christian starlets. This
includes Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwyn, Jack Warner, David O. Selznick and Harry Cohen. They gave orders to the numerous (Ashkenazi) they made "stars" to change their (Ashkenazi) names to Christian sounding ones. This has also included a lot of "nose jobs" for both (Ashkenazi) male and female stars. Here are but a few who followed this road to stardom.

Another look at media

"Who Rules America?
The Alien Grip on Our News and Entertainment Media Must Be Broken"

"We Sleep", They live"

The monetary system is no different. It is "Owned" by the very same "Aliens".

Who Controls The Federal Reserve System?
By Victor Thorn 5-9-2

Now that we know the Federal Reserve is a privately owned, for-profit corporation, a natural question would be: who OWNS this company? Peter Kershaw provides the answer in "Economic Solutions" where he lists the ten primary shareholders in the Federal Reserve banking system.

1) The Rothschild Family - London (Ashkenazi)
2) The Rothschild Family - Berlin (Ashkenazi)
3) The Lazard Brothers - Paris (Ashkenazi)
4) Israel Seiff - Italy (Ashkenazi)
5) Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany (Ashkenazi)
6) The Warburgs - Amsterdam 7) The Warburgs - Hamburg (Ashkenazi)
8) Lehman Brothers - New York (Ashkenazi)
9) Goldman & Sachs - New York (Ashkenazi)
10) The Rockefeller Family - New York (traitors to the Ashkenazi)

Money As A Religion

The above-detailed process has become so ridiculous that William Grieder, former assistant managing editor of the Washington Post, wrote a book in 1987 entitled, "Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country" that details how the Controllers have conditioned us to accept this absurd situation.

"To modern minds," he writes, "it seemed bizarre to think of the Federal Reserve as a religious institution. Yet the conspiracy theorists, in their own demented way, were on to something real and significant. The Fed did also function in the realm of religion. Its mysterious powers of money creation, inherited from priestly forebears, shielded a complex bundle of social and psychological meanings. With its own form of secret incantation, the Federal Reserve presided over awesome social ritual, transactions so powerful and frightening they seemed to lie beyond common understanding."

Mr. Grieder continues, "Above all, money was a function of faith. It required implicit and universal social consent that was indeed mysterious. To create money and use it, each one must believe, and everyone must believe. Only then did worthless pieces of paper take on value."

Do you get it? MONEY is an ILLUSION! Why? Because the gold standard upon which our money is supposed to be based has been eliminated. There's no more gold in Fort Knox. It's all GONE! Now, money really IS only paper!!! In the past, money was supposed to represent something of tangible value. Now it's simply paper!

Again, "They Live, We sleep"

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 05:40 PM
Great post ASE...I never saw the movie but you did quite a nice job of explaining it. Seems like movies hinting at these kind of things are becoming more scarce in our time.

Money rules everything in our lives, and we arn't the ones holding it. :\

I know there are alot of amazing and beautiful people in our country that will never get a chance to speak their mind, they are too busy with the everyday task of just trying to survive and get out of debt.

It's so absurd when people win the lottery....the first thing they want to do is shop shop shop, buy buy buy.

But what could we really do with the money anyway? Money is just a receipt for the ego it seems like....just something to keep you from turning into an you really are...a human. And when you have a lot of money to will become scared of regular

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 08:53 PM
Have not watched this movie. *Writes a note to rent it tomorrow*. Will get back to this post.

But yes, that does sound a lot like the world we live in today.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 09:33 PM
Hello All Seeing Eye,

I think you present an interesting take on the "message" of this film.

Actually, I find many of your posts interesting...

This take on They Live reminds me of

Revelation 9:17 (in part)

" I know the slander on the part of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are of the Synagoge of Satan."

food for thought ,when peeling back the layers, to see who They
really are...

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:30 PM

You have voted All Seeing Eye for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

I'd like to spend my last WATS on your post too, ASE, but I don't think it would be allowed.

You've recruited another viewer for this movie, and as I have such a big mouth you can be sure I'll be recommending it to everyone I know, also --- even those I don't know, such as people in buses and trains, at the supermarket and those within our community. I'll also do all I can to publicise it within all the forums I visit, on and on and on.

In fact, I'll rent it as often as possible, to encourage our local video stores to display more copies.

And I'll ensure everyone in my family does all they can, within the workplace, socially and online, to recommend this movie to everyone they do and don't know !

Your post is so relevant and so informative, I'm saving it as well as making hard copy. I'll make numerous copies and distribute them. Your efforts here to alert people will not disappear into the void.

These ahem 'aliens' to whom you refer are a PLAGUE ! An ancient plague infinitely more foul and vile than the biological 'weapons' and 'medicines' they create in their satantic laboratories!

Christ reviled them. Several hundred nations have expelled them. Only today's blind or lazy could fail to be aware of them and their evil machinations.

I hadn't even heard of the movie you mentioned: 'They Live'.

Nor was I aware of the story-line for 'V for Vendetta'.

No surprises there.

Massive publicity and promotion though, for 'Borat'.

Massive publicity and promotion too for talentless, degenerate, pseudo-Aryan/Nordic bleached-blondes, fitted out with blue-tinted lens and sporting plastic noses -- their mouths hanging open (thighs too) as they fornicate on film, for money and for the 'alien' agenda.

'Alien' shills, seducing half-developed minds within forums to believe it is their 'right' to debauch and shame themselves by crouching over their own sexual organs, mouths dripping, while 'alien' porn casts its satanic glow over their darkened rooms.

'Alien' shills promoting the concept of sex with children.

'Alien' shills touting the 'benefits' of multiculturalism (those alien-shills almost choke with laughter as their divisive message is accepted as true and further promoted by the well-intentioned ).

Have people forgotten the 'Aliens' orchestration of the Great Depression which followed, according to plan, in the track of alien promotion of stocks n shares?

Don't people realize how the 'Aliens' infiltrated and now dominate virtually every government on the planet?

--- How they hold monopolies on, own, dominate and control virtually all media?

--- How they own and/or control Big Business?

--- How they own and control virtually every politician world-wide?

--- How they infiltrated and bastardised virtually all education-systems, jail-systems, money-systems, insurance and superannuation institutions, medical schemes ?

--- How they thrust their ugly, untalented offspring before our faces in virtually all 'entertainment' productions whilst at the same time barring entry to all 'non-aliens' ?

But none of this is publicised by the whoremongering 'alien' owned and controled media. These scandals are withheld from the goyim-sheep, who are fed more and more 'filth' until they've come to accept such filth and depravity as 'normal': until they've become addicted to pap and degeneracy and empty-calories in their food, 'entertainment', lives and media.

Non-alien refusal to become aware --- for fear they may have to confront this satanic 'Alien' domination and ruination of their lives --- is responsible for the success of the 'Aliens'.

The 'Aliens' are evil, yes, but they're not brilliant, as they believe themselves to be.

The stupidity, laziness and cowardice of non-Aliens is the Aliens' trump-card.

[edit on 30-4-2007 by Dock6]

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 12:57 AM
Yes - ive seen this movie and it still sends chills down my spine at how starkly it resembles what we live in today... Hollywood is a huge mind control machine spewing a constant torrent of information spliced with disinformation. It's a bit confusing sometimes.

I first became cued in to who really makes the movies when I was abducted in 1997 and in 2000 Hollywood released "Red Planet" which contained a couple of imossible similarities to my experience.

great post!

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by cosmokatt7

Hello All Seeing Eye,

I think you present an interesting take on the "message" of this film.

Actually, I find many of your posts interesting...

This take on They Live reminds me of

Revelation 9:17 (in part)

" I know the slander on the part of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are of the Synagoge of Satan."

food for thought ,when peeling back the layers, to see who They
really are...

Thank you for your support and kind words. You mention the Synagogue, here is a link to some of the material.

I myself do not like to use the word "Jews" as it has nothing to do with the subject, except to give cover to the criminal mind at work. They use the word as a shield to hide their ugly reality based in the Talmud.

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 12:06 PM
Great thread ASE, good to see you around.

Let me say that the movie is a must for any conspiracy theorist's library. It was way ahead of it's time IMO. All of that was a very interesting read, especialy the part about money just being a worthless piece of paper with nothing tangible backing it up.

One thing about the movie that I found interesting was when they were breaking through "their" signal and trying to inform the people about what was really going on, just watching it gave people headaches. I always attributed that to the fact that most people just don't want to know the truth, or just plain don't care. People don't want to think for themselves, it's just too much trouble. They just want to go about their daily, materialistic lives and don't want to be bothered. At least that's the way I interpreted it.


posted on May, 1 2007 @ 12:29 PM
Dr Love, I know it might seem like people don't care, but when you factor in things like Aspartame, Dental Mercury, and Fluoridated water, statin drugs, its easy to understand. All of which I contribute to the "Alien" (Ashkenazi) Agenda.

And for those who went to the site:

"Who Rules America?
The Alien Grip on Our News and Entertainment Media Must Be Broken"

The group that sponsored the material seem to be raciest, to which I am adamantly against. Its funny, but it appears that the "Alien" enemy would expose itself in`such a open way. But, as someone said earlier, there really not the smartest kids on the block
I have my suspicions as to who is the real backers of that site are. They use the term "Jews", I do not.

[edit on 1-5-2007 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 01:37 PM
Awesome thread and great movie. Keep it coming!

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 04:48 PM
I saw this movie, but the one I watched was
about a baby with teeth and claws.
It made a sound... I would not like to hear
it again on this plane.

It reminded me of my kid's new-born baby.

Oooh it was scary, I mean there was no mention
of this 'world-control' rubbish, but it certainly made
me rush to the loo half-way thru' the filum.

[edit on 1-5-2007 by IronMan]

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 06:24 PM
It's Alive

They Live

The movie that the baby was in is "It's Alive", the movie being discussed is "They Live".

Great discussion going on! I need to rent it and watch it again. It has been years since I have seen it.

[edit on 5/1/2007 by Cheech]

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:06 PM
For anyone who needs a very long trailer of the movie just U2U me and I will give a link.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:32 AM
Now that I have established the control mechanisms of the Ashkenazi Alien, lets look into who controls the UFO community.

Any names come to mind? Well, what are the names of these people. Who are the world renowned experts?

Stanton T. Friedman?
Whitley Strieberg? Someone U2U, me with correct spelling "Whitley Strieber"

Bud Hopkins?

Anyone else care to share some names?

[edit on 2-5-2007 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Stale Cracker
Awesome thread and great movie. Keep it coming!


Most all people think that the "Jews" are disrespected because "THEY" killed Jesus, not so.

Jesus was what might be termed today as a activist. He was the one who exposed corruption and evil. And he pointed it out in the "Owners", the Pharisee, the original Jew. They then, as today, owned virtually everything. But today the majority of owners are not real Jews, they are Ashkenazies masquerading as Jews, and view themselves superior to anyone else.

Read the history of Kazaria, their true home.

Their mind set comes from the Talmud, the oral law passed down by 70 "Elders".

Why Was It So Often Burned?

Why is the Talmud kept so unknown to non-Jews? Why was there no usable English translation of the Talmud until the Soncino Edition, 1934-48? Why, in European history, when the laws of the Talmud became commonly known, was it burned over and over by order of the Popes, excoriated by Martin Luther, denounced everywhere, and its followers exiled from one country after another down through the centuries?

The Talmud's basic law is that only the Pharisee Jew ranks as a man, or human being. All others rank as animals, "the people who are like an ass — slaves who are considered the property of the master." The attitude resulting from such teachings has been resented by non-Jews in all countries and centuries. Such resentment, however, is always portrayed by Jews as "persecution of the Jews."

Moses, on the contrary, was most insistent upon having one law for the stranger and for the "home-born" and in teaching that the stranger must not be oppressed. (Exodus 12:49; Lev. 24:22, Num. 9:14; 15:15-16, 29, etc.) In fact, he ordered: "Love ye therefore the stranger; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt." (Deu. 10:19) It was only the abominators he warned against.
Babylonian Talmud — The Law

The Babylonian Talmud is the law for so-called Judaism. However, its pornographic, anti-Gentile and anti-Christian doctrines have often caused hostility against it. It may then be argued by some Jews that there is a Palestinian Talmud which is innocuous. Nevertheless, you may look up the fact that Jewish authorities state it was lost for a thousand years, has missing parts and lacks the "Gemara" and other essentials, and is only used as a scholar's curiosity. Note the statement of British Chief Rabbi Hertz in his foreword to the Soncino edition of the Babylonian Talmud (Exhibit 33):

The Palestinian Talmud … was for many centuries almost forgotten by Jewry. Its legal decisions were at no time deemed to possess validity, if opposed by the Babylonian Talmud.

Was Christ Just to Pharisees?

Without some knowledge of the written form of the "Tradition of the Pharisees," the Babylonian Talmud, one is unable to intelligently judge whether Jesus Christ was fair and just in His acid denunciations of Pharisaism, or not. One needs proof, offered by the irrefutable exhibits from Jewish authorities (set forth elsewhere herein) that the Talmud reverses every one of the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Moses and the Prophets, and enshrines their opposites under a "whited sepulchre" which is a disguise for murder and "all uncleanness," as Christ charged. Murder of non-Pharisees is always permitted; theft, sodomy, incest, rape are all permitted. For example, the righteousness of grown men violating baby girls under three is a favorite topic for discussion in book after book of the Talmud.

Talmudic literature is one long paean of praise for the very name Babylon, and all that it means to Babylonian Talmudism today, whereas it is a term of reproach in Old and New Testaments.

Note the Foreword to the first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud by the late Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, J.H. Hertz, who, like Rabbi Finklestein, was one of the 120 Jews chosen in 1937 by the Kehillas of the World as best holding up the "lamp of Judaism:"

The beginnings of Talmudic literature date back to the time of the Babylonian Exile in the Sixth pre-Christian Century … When a thousand years later, the Babylonian Talmud assumed final codified form in the year 500 after the Christian era, the Roman Western Empire had ceased to be.

For the complete book:

[edit on 3-5-2007 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 02:44 PM
All seeing eye why is it every post you start has something to do with those pesky talmudic JEWS ? I see a pattern developing here.

And you sure do love to link and quote from the Neo Nazi National Alliance website dont you ?

[edit on 3-5-2007 by RWPBR]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by RWPBR
All seeing eye why is it every post you start has something to do with those pesky Talmudic JEWS ? I see a pattern developing here.

And you sure do love to link and quote from the Neo Nazi National Alliance website dont you ?

[edit on 3-5-2007 by RWPBR]

Why Hello, PBR, glad to see you make the transition from the good ol boy forum to one with a little more intelligence.

Say, have you watched the movie "They Live"? Its really a fascinating story line. Some say its about secret societies and how they control the country from their covert rat hole, but I disagree, I think the aliens portrayed in the movie are really ASHKENAZIES, who pull the strings of the rats in the rat holes.

Did I say "Jew"? Or "impostor JEW" or Ashkenazi? Or Alien?

What pattern do you see? Yes, I see it too.

Whats the difference between a "Neo Nazi" and a "Ashken Nazi"? Why not post information from them? They both have the same goal in mind. The important thing is to look for the truth in it. Is it your contention that the baby be thrown out with the bath water?

Say, while I have you, what are your feelings about Howard Stern (Ashkenazi)? You know the one, the "Shock Jock"He seems to be wholesome for America. Right?

Quote from the movie:

They use their tongues to deceive.

The venom of snakes is under their lips.
Their mouths are full of bitterness and curses.
And in their paths, nothing but ruin and misery.
And the fear of god is not before their eyes.
They have taken the hearts and minds of our leaders.
They have recruited the rich and powerful.
And they have blinded us to the truth.
The human spirit is corrupt. Why do we worship greed.
Because outside the limit of our sight, feeding off of us, perched on top of us,
from birth to death, are our owners, our owners, they have us, they control us,
they are our masters.
Wake up, they’re all about you.
All around you.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 12:27 PM
The next contender for the "ashkenazi Alien award", is non other than that big spending humanitarian, Billy Gates. You all love and respect his management style at Microsoft, right?

For a look into Microsoft Anti Trust suit, here's the book for you
The Microsoft File: the Secret Case Against Bill Gates (Hardcover)

Thread Number Thirteen: Global Surveillance

The internet so it is said is the most fabulous surveillance system ever invented.

US intelligence operates what is probably the largest information processing environment in the world. Microsoft also gained media attention when a hacker discovered a hidden National Security Agency key in its programmes. Though the claim has been denied by Microsoft it was sufficiently alarming for the German government to ban the use of Windows on "sensitive" systems in 2001. Is Bill Gates, as his appearance suggests, of Jewish origin?

I found the following to be very interesting. It is `mentioned that Bill Gates had a great grand father who also was a `mayor, but gives no dates or names. "On October 28, 1955, shortly after 9:00 p.m., William Henry Gates III was born. He was born into a family with a rich history in business, politics, and community service. His great-grandfather had been a state legislator and mayor,"

I also found this: "Gatzert, Bailey (1829-1893)

In 1875, Bailey Gatzert became the first and to date (2005) only Jewish mayor of Seattle" Could there have been a name change? If you notice, this listing is just below his mothers listing. Gatzert = Gates?

The jury is still out on this one.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 02:35 PM

You are naming a lot of names, and placing your own versions and
ideas upon them.

This is an obvious form of slander, and can be legally pursued.

Are you actually willing to continue to state these claims as fact ?

Would you state these claims as fact, in a court of law ?


posted on May, 5 2007 @ 03:01 PM
Hi *All Seeing Eye,*

Please read my thread here. Its about Media helping discloser. Let me know if I sound crazy. link to my thread.

I'd be interested in hearing your comments. I've got a couple of posts in that same thread.

[edit on 5-5-2007 by Quazi176]

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