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UK rounds families up to be put in 'Respect" camps

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posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 08:25 AM
You guys in the UK, is this the real deal? Do you see this in day to day life?

You know I didnt know wether to put this in the Social Issues forum or the NWO forum.

The U.S. uses tricks and 'social workers' to put people into government 'programing' situations but the presence of camps and a "Respect Handbook" is kind of amazing. Is this something the people asked for? Is it something people are against?

I have to admit I am completely amazed and absolutely intrigued. I need to know more about being rounded up and put into 'Respect' camps.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
UK rounds families up to be put in 'Respect" camps

I looked at your link and didn't see anything about people being rounded up and put into 'respect camps'. Would you point it out or something for me? Thanks.

I need to know more about being rounded up and put into 'Respect' camps.

IF there is such a thing, I'm sure they would be very happy to let you stay in one for a few months ....

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I looked at your link and didn't see anything about people being rounded up and put into 'respect camps'. Would you point it out or something for me? Thanks.

Well, weve got :

# a prohibited activity requirement ordering the offender to refrain from specified activities on a particular day or days or over a specified period;
# a curfew requirement ordering the offender to remain in a specified place for a period of not less than two hours and not more than 12 hours. The court must, in addition, order electronic monitoring of the curfew order where appropriate;
# an exclusion requirement order prohibiting the offender from entering a specified place for a specified period;
# a residence requirement ordering the offender to live in a specified place;
# a mental health treatment requirement ordering the offender to submit to treatment;

The 'residence requirement' stands out as an opening for internment be it prison or a camp of sorts. Combine confinement with 'treatment' and you've got yourself a programming camp.

Heres a good one: tackling anti-social behavior though relocation

[edit on 30-4-2007 by thisguyrighthere]

[edit on 4/30/2007 by benevolent tyrant]

mod edit, fix link

[edit on 30-4-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 08:59 AM
This is currently being floated as a scheme to deal with anti social families, it's based on a dutch model whereby problem families are moved to special housing estates where they are under strict curfew and encouraged onto rehabilitation programmes in order to improve there behaviour.

Seeing as so called problem families have been making their local communities miserable hell holes for everyone else for years virtually unchallenged I think it's probably a good thing.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
# a prohibited activity requirement ordering the offender to refrain from specified activities on a particular day or days or over a specified period;
# a curfew requirement ordering the offender to remain in a specified place for a period of not less than two hours and not more than 12 hours. The court must, in addition, order electronic monitoring of the curfew order where appropriate;
# an exclusion requirement order prohibiting the offender from entering a specified place for a specified period;
# a residence requirement ordering the offender to live in a specified place;
# a mental health treatment requirement ordering the offender to submit to treatment;

All the above apply to convicted criminals only, and I'm sure thr UK isn't the only country to use such measures as an alternative to prison in some cases.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 09:04 AM
These anti-social definitions are way too broad.

And this relocation into special estates, Jewish ghettos anyone?
Instead of rounding up Jews we're rounding up anti-social people?
So anyone who's outspoken, makes a scene, defined as a 'terrorist.'

This is all at the top of a very slippery slope.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:18 AM
Slippery slope indeed. Ghettos, and gulags. Internment camps. Reservations. Have I left anything out? This is of course assuming that an actual camp is used and not a euphamism. Still and all, this is a road we may not want to travel, it never ends well.

Rounding up the anti-socially inclined, who pray defines what is socially unexceptable? What's socially unexceptable? Skin color? Done that. Religion? Done that, and how. Ah, you stay up and play loud music. Haven't done that yet. Or drink. Or (ahem) interact socially with great enthusiasm. Off to the camps with evil doer you...

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by seagull
Rounding up the anti-socially inclined, who pray defines what is socially unexceptable?

The courts.

In this case, being convicted of numerous petty crimes, terrorizing your neighbours, vandalizing the neighbourhood, dancing on cars, putting s**t through people's letter boxes intimidating elderly residents... etc..

Or wouldn't you guys class that as "anti-social"??

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:31 AM
I would term those as antisocial. My question is where does the shipping off to camps, if indeed this is happening, stop. Those listed are indeed antisocial, but its a slippery slope...that's all I'm saying.

Hysteria? Hardly. I think the concerns expressed are perfectly valid. Were the aftermath of Nurmburg Laws hysteria. Now it hasn't reached anything resembling that point yet. I would think that a certain level of concern is warrented?

[edit on 30-4-2007 by seagull]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:31 AM
All it takes is for someone not to like you for what ever reason, and your life is messed up badly nowadays.

who decides who is doing the wrong behaviour.

Originally posted by nowthenlookhere

Originally posted by seagull
Rounding up the anti-socially inclined, who pray defines what is socially unexceptable?

The courts.

In this case, being convicted of numerous petty crimes, terrorizing your neighbours, vandalizing the neighbourhood, dancing on cars, putting s**t through people's letter boxes intimidating elderly residents... etc..

Or wouldn't you guys class that as "anti-social"??

what if you never do anything wrong, and they just make it up.

[edit on 4/30/2007 by andy1033]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
All it takes is for someone not to like you for what ever reason, and your life is messed up badly nowadays.

who decides who is doing the wrong behaviour.

Totally. A woman cries rape a child claims abuse or like in the Duke case a stripper cries rape with no proof and lives are ruined or at best permanently altered.

You have a feud with a neighbor? Just call the government in to 'relocate' them.

It only takes one corrupt man to send this 'respect' system down a horrible path.

You know, I just thought of something. I wonder if responding to a complaint or offense involves a certain amount of processing? You know, like fingerprinting, photographing and even blood taking not only if youve commited some truly violent or horrible act but just for procedural processing of complaints.

Then you have entire streets, blocks, neighborhoods and cities all cataloged and thrown into the system just because 'probable cause' can now mean coming home from a bar or yelling across the street to a freind. Expressing disgust at a high electric bill to the meter man could be read as a threat, maybe qualifying you for detainment and investigation?

[edit on 30-4-2007 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by seagull
I would term those as antisocial. My question is where does the shipping off to camps, if indeed this is happening, stop. Those listed are indeed antisocial, but its a slippery slope...that's all I'm saying.

Hysteria? Hardly. I think the concerns expressed are perfectly valid. Were the aftermath of Nurmburg Laws hysteria. Now it hasn't reached anything resembling that point yet. I would think that a certain level of concern is warrented?

[edit on 30-4-2007 by seagull]

If people were being shipped of to camps because of their political opinions, or their race, or religion, or on the say-so of a spiteful neighbour, you would have a point, but I can assure you that isn't happening. This is simply an alternative to prison or fines, and ONLY applies to people who have been CONVICTED of crimes.

If you ever had the misfortune to live nextdoor to a family like this, I'm sure you would be calling for similar measures.

Whether or not it's an effective measure, I wouldn't like to say, but really, you guys are getting entirely the wrong end of the stick on this one.

[edit on 30-4-2007 by nowthenlookhere]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:50 AM
Perhaps I am. It'd hardly be a unique situation where I'm concerned
. It still does bear watching though. Perhaps it's the phraseology being used, reeducation, that's got bad vibes all over it. Still and all, perhaps you're right. Hope so anyway. Trust me when I say, on this sort of topic I'd much rather be wrong than right, if you follow.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:56 AM
Ok if you're not going to give us a working (and workable) alternative we'll choose the lesser of two evils and go with the camps thanks.

We're not talking about families being hiked off at gun point because little Johnny dropped a bit of litter in the neighbours garden we're talking really horrible, nasty disruptive people who completely lack any social responsibility. Scum bags who CHOOSE to act like scumbags. And no doubt this will be the absolute last resort after numerous warnings have failed because God forbid there human rights are infringed.

Perhaps some of the slippery slope hysteria needs to be kept in perspective. Theoretically you could start using the same arguments against having a police force or prisons.

Wild speculations about what MIGHT happen in no way changes the facts of what actually IS happening on the streets of the UK I'm afraid.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by nowthenlookhere

If you ever had the misfortune to live nextdoor to a family like this, I'm sure you would be calling for similar measures.

Whether or not it's an effective measure, I wouldn't like to say, but really, you guys are getting entirely the wrong end of the stick on this one.

[edit on 30-4-2007 by nowthenlookhere]

This is how it starts. A group starts to get suspicious of their neighbor and you get witch hunts. A customer gets upset with the cost at a store and Jews are thrown onto trains. Some doctor suggests we euthanize badly disabled babies and we're gassing senior citizens in the back of a truck. We get bombed and suddenly camps spring up all over the world that are first filled with enemy combatants then come conspirators then come anyone with any remote affiliation or connection to anyone who may possibly be within the relative vicinity of somebody who owns a gun.

These programs are real easy to start and usually begin with the best intentions but theyre ridiculously difficult to stop and almost impossible to regulate once they get going.

It may be hysteria but Id rather be on record saying such programs are maybe not the best idea. Id hate to be one of those guys who said as the trains left the station, Im sure they deserve it. After all, the government investigated it.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by ubermunche
Ok if you're not going to give us a working (and workable) alternative we'll choose the lesser of two evils and go with the camps thanks.

Ill give you an alternative. Discipline. You see some kid acting a fool confront him. If the communities actually behaved like communities you wouldnt need an outside force to police you. Know your neighbors, talk to your neighbors, discipline your children and if you have families where the parents are clearly the problem befriend those kids. Show them the right way and call out their deadbeat parents as examples of failure.

Some punk kid vandalises your property jack him in the face. As a whole people everywhere need to stop relying on government and magic figures of 'authority' and we all need to take charge of our own lives from birth to death.

The last thing this world needs is more government intervention. Then what do kids learn? Live life any way you want and the government will make it all better.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 11:08 AM
ubermunche- what if it comes down to the fact this person had never did anything, and the neighbours just make it up. in the real world, we are talking about really mental neighbours a person could have.

witch hunts are the call of the day in uk now, and it will only get worse. if you look around you will find horrendous stories, of families being victimised for being quiet, and there neighbours just make up anything they want to destroy there lifes.

i remember on the news about 6 years ago, in uk. there were mobs outside peoples houses all over britain, where neighbours were just making stuff up, and haressing anyone they want.
they had this women on the tv saying they are haressing this man, because they made up he was a paedophile. and what proof did they have, the women started saying that the proof they have for calling him a paedo is because he does not have or want a girlfriend.
so who protects his rights, while mobs are outside his home.

this world is built on lies, and the innocent are always the ones to pay for these things, and criminals walk the streets doing what ever they want, this is the real uk.

[edit on 4/30/2007 by andy1033]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 11:14 AM
thisguyrighthere: Hi ! Can appreciate your concern and interest re: this matter and thanks for posting the links.

At first read, it does smack of NWO-type 'interference' and for all we know, it might be a soft-sell introduction. However, there's a UK site, 'Neighbours from Hell in Britain', which illustrates the sort of problems they're having in the UK with 'problem families'. Spend an hour in the NFHiB forums and you'll leave feeling weary and convinced that 'evolution' is just a myth.

Thanks to the nanny-State mentality pervasive amongst many such problem-families, the problem families become -- are allowed to become -- end up believing they're entitled to be ........ society's problem.

Many such families live in State or Local Government owned housing. Agreed, these facilities often breed social problems and social-misfits, but at the other end of the scale, many families living in government-owned housing are socially-responsible and intent on raising their children to become likewise.

It should be an easy matter to solve, but according to those confronted by problem families, it's a nightmare without end. For example, a family may be physically and verbally aggressive towards neighbours. What steps are the victim-neighbours able to take to guard their safety (personal and property) and quality of life?

According to countless accounts by NFHiB members, it's a long, exhausting and dangerous process with no gaurantee of success. First, they must lodge complaint with their housing-officer. You'd imagine this would be held in confidence, but apparently not: the problem family is advised by the housing officer that a complaint has been made, and by whom. In many instances, this simply exacerbates the amount of abuse and provocation to which the victim-family is subjected.

The victim-family is advised by the housing officer to install closed-circuit-tv and to log all instances of abuse/provocation, etc. By this stage, in many instances, the victim-family is afraid to leave the house, afraid of remaining IN the house, afraid to let their children walk to school or play in their front yard. Because the problem-family (and often several problem families or members of same, work in concert against the victim family) has upped the ante as consequence of being 'reported'.

This situation can go on for years at a stretch. Marriages disintegrate under the constant pressure --- children of the victim family leave home to escape the situation --- the family and its quality of life collapses. Throughout, they are often dismissed and/or disbelieved by the housing officers on whom they're compelled to rely for assistance as far as mandatory 'mediation', 'counselling' and tribunals/hearings, also court appearances and relocation etc. are concerned.

I've read numerous instances where members of the victim families all sleep together in one room for safety, whilst members of problem families prowl the perimeter of the house, smashing windows, catcalling, destroying gardens, urinating through the letter-box, poisoning the victim family's pets, wrecking the victim family's vehicle/s. Each morning, the victim families nervously peer from their windows to survey the latest round of damage inflicted on them by their socially-maladjusted neighbours.

Even if the offences are recorded on CCTV, there's little penalty imposed on the problem families, quite often. They may be subject to ASBO ruling or in some instances may be relocated to a new community, where they soon recommence their provocation and torment of their new neighbours.

If you wish to sell your property in the UK, you must reveal to potential purchasers if you've experienced any problems with neighbours, etc. I'm not sure if this applies only to State housing or across the board: I suspect the latter. Failure to fully advise potential purchasers of problems they may encounter (should they proceed with purchase) results in heavy penalty for the vendor. For this reason (in order to sell their house) victim families sometimes decide NOT to report their problem neighbours, which encourages the rampages of the latter.

Naturally, those families who -- through no fault of their own -- have suffered problem-families, are at decided disadvantage when they try to sell their property. No-one wants to buy someone else's problems. Many families succeed in selling their property and escaping their problem neighbours -- only to inherit someone *else's* problem neighbours when they purchase property in another area. A reading of the NFHiB forums sometimes seems as if half the decent families in the UK are playing musical chairs in their attempts to gain some peace and quiet.

The problem families on the other hand, are often treated kid-gloves style by the local constabulary who are bound by rigid PC codes. Many (not all, but a substantial percentage) problem families are caught in the 'poverty cycle' so beloved of social-workers and others who earn their living by catering to families who haven't had a fully-employed member for three or four (or more!) generations. Generations generate swiftly within many of these problem familes, with girls in their mid-teens having babies whose grandmothers are only in their early 30's. Entire families are supported via welfare. Housing is provided by welfare. Worn-out, often uncaring single mothers claim they're 'unable to control' their many offspring who play truant, loiter around shopping malls, catcall and physically attacking pensioners, stealing from cars and properties, etc.

These children gain little in the way of education and training and soon join the ranks of the unemployed, supplementing their welfare cheques with crime and relieving their boredom and bitterness by attacking anyone who looks a soft target. They're no stranger to correctional institutions and jail: they have no respect for themselves or anyone else. They take pride in being considered 'hard cases' and gain 'revenge' by targeting their neighbours, local business-people, etc.

Members of NFHiB claim police are loften slow or reluctant to enforce ASBOs and often offer sympathy to the problem families rather than their exhausted neighbours.

Even quiet, rural areas are now suffering problems caused by anti-social youths, who callously beat and rob elderly pensioners or gang-attack young families doing their weekly shopping. Add to this the explosive situation caused by ridiculous levels of immigration by non-English speaking people and it's no wonder that 10 percent of born and bred British residents have reportedly escaped by moving overseas.

Personally, I believe the NWO-agenda is responsible for the insane numbers of migrants who've been allowed to literally flood into the UK -- also the nationalities of many of the migrants, many of whom appear antagonistic to the values and beliefs of their host-nation. Deliberate fragmentation of society/engineered destruction of established communities/forced introduction of alien cultures/repressive PC and other agenda which stifle dissent/staged destruction of long-held beliefs and values/outsourcing and unemployment/dumbed-down education, etc. = Divide and conquer.

The numerous social and racial problems faced by UK residents undoubtedly contributes to the emergence of 'problem families' and the fall-out upon their neighbours and within communities.

Many 'problem families' are now regarded as incorrigibles, as ferals. This reported attempt at rehabilitation can only be of benefit for all concerned, imo. I'm sure many members of NFHiB would applaud it, if for no better reason than it will encourage members of problem families to become accountable for their actions -- which isn't too much to ask of members of communities, is it?

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 11:17 AM

what if it comes down to the fact this person had never did anything, and the neighbours just make it up.

Well you see, in the UK we have these things called "courts". before anyone can be punished, fined, or shipped of to prison they have to be legally convicted in one of these.

That requires something called "evidence", and the people concerned are allowed to have something called "legal representation" to help them put their side of the story. It's a remarkable effective system, which has been copied all over the world..

I realise the US is a little shakey on the whole concept (GITMO anyone?), but really it's not that hard to understand is it???

edit: great post Dock.. You illustrate the problem far better them I could have..

edit2: thouh I'd take issue with the NWo agenda / immigration bit, but that's for another thread..

[edit on 30-4-2007 by nowthenlookhere]

[edit on 30-4-2007 by nowthenlookhere]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by nowthenlookhere

what if it comes down to the fact this person had never did anything, and the neighbours just make it up.

Well you see, in the UK we have these things called "courts". before anyone can be punished, fined, or shipped of to prison they have to be legally convicted in one of these.

That requires something called "evidence", and the people concerned are allowed to have something called "legal representation" to help them put their side of the story. It's a remarkable effective system, which has been copied all over the world..

I realise the US is a little shakey on the whole concept (GITMO anyone?), but really it's not that hard to understand is it???

no courts do not matter in this situation, neighbours make stuff up, and peoples lifes are destroyed. many of these things never goto court.

just look what i wrote above, and i will type again.
"i remember on the news about 6 years ago, in uk. there were mobs outside peoples houses all over britain, where neighbours were just making stuff up, and haressing anyone they want.
they had this women on the tv saying they are haressing this man, because they made up he was a paedophile. and what proof did they have, the women started saying that the proof they have for calling him a paedo is because he does not have or want a girlfriend.
so who protects his rights, while mobs are outside his home. "
factual case, where was the courts there, nowahere. there are plenty of cases where quiet families are victimised for years by groups of neighbours, where is the justice for them, there is no court for them to bring haressment charges.

in the real world this sort of thing gets abused, and will just get worse. what about things like directinal energy weapons that exist today and are being used on neighbours, without there knowledge.

no one knows what looney lives next door, and with these things, all neighbours have to do is make it all up.

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