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X marks the spot on virgina tech.... google earth, check it

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posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 02:21 AM
I posted earlier about the general conspiracy surronding the virgina tech incident.

I presented some evidence of the obvious symbolism within the crime.

Some examples are ................Blacksburg?

the numbers 04/16/07(ides of april), 33, 07.15 , 09.15.

The Knight Templaresq building, the fortress in which the killings were done, Norris Hall.

The killer was marked by the fish above his doorway.

The Killer, two years earlier was admitter to the courLION mental instatution.

The Lion, and the Knight templars.

Well its been a long time in coming for me, but my download of googleearth, even though its only been two hours, has been amazing, i have been all over the planet, and i am happy to say i have found some very interesting symbols within the Blacks burg and virginia tech.

Its exciting in that now with google earth others can verify symbols. Well the Blacksburg symbolism is beautiful, some of the clearest most obvious symbolism.

Lets just say X marks the spot, and

Francis Bacon would have" mabey" been proud of the blossom of his great rose

...............blacksburg, google earth check it out

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 02:27 AM
Universities are really big on masonic symbology so I don't think any of this is purposeful. That the shooter was brainwashed, maybe.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 02:37 AM
Of coarse the symbolism is purposeful, its representational.

It represents control. The pictures numbers and letters built into our city scapes are more then just pretty desighns.

The bullet buidings in Barcelona and london represent the power of the arms trade.

The gun shaped building of vancouvers colleges represents the power of the arms trade

The multiple needle shaped building in Vancouver, B.c. represent the power of the heroin trade.

Blacks burgs case is even more obvious,

x marks the spot under the guidance of the ROSE

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 02:55 AM
definetly brainwash, or blatant hypmotism.

have you ever seen people get him hypmotised, they will do what ever they are told, they will access power and strneght from within, they will bark like a dog, or strip on stage.

The same idea was happening with the killer.

He was hypmotized into doing his crime.

Who was he hypmotized by. Well thats were the symbols come in.

Id say its the classic entourage, the knights, the jesuits, the jews, rosi cross, and the skull and bones, all working together in amzingly high circles, to produce one of the greatest crimes on american soil.

You think the jesuits and brethren are going to let some kid from South korea pull one of the "great crimes" on american soil............

fric nooooo.............they are the true brilliant criminals

Grab your shield in your consience

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 08:54 AM
I don't think he was hypmotised.

But he might have been hypnotised.

Mind, that tape he made between the killings didn't make him look like he was hypnotised. Hypnotised people act normal anyway. He looked like what his teacher said about him. Sort of all wound up inside himself.

He even gave a little smile.

He looked like someone who had just shot two people and was now planning to shoot more.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 01:29 PM
Hypnotization happens in many different forms, and this guy was definetly an experimentation in the power and precision of mind control. Just like the school girl killer.

The point to this thread is the amazing symbolism built into the archetecture of BLACKSBURG.

its nuts.

Like ive been saying............X marks the spot, under the guidance of the ROSE

goole earth

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 01:41 PM
For all of you true conspiricy theorists, you must check out blackburg on google earth.

the rose and the x pretty much sums it up.

The x is directly over virgina tech, a wierd X.

And the rose is encased in about a 10 kilometer range, with the head of the rose drooped over virgina tech.

really amazing find

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 02:23 PM
The X is the runways for the Virginia Tech Montgomery Executive Airport. This was quite easy to verify by just checking the details that were posted in Google Earth that was tacked directly ontop of the X.

The "rose" is a golf course.
VT Campus Map

Amazing what you can do with a few minutes and the proper resources.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Exactly and exactly, but if you do any research into the archetectual conscrits of acncient times, and the relationship to the symbolism of controling forces.

Controlling forces exsisit, and they express their power through deeds.

Nucleuar tsunami.
Iraq war
school shootings, Columbine, montreal, vt, school girl massacre.
planes crashing, boats sinking(the titanic was sunk)

they display their god like powers through these actions.

Precision is Key, and is the refining of their superpowers.

For example, virgina tech death toll....33
times...0715, 0915, the 16th of april was the ides.

Through symbolism you can identify power sources.

So its great you think you have disproved the symbolism associated with Blacksburg,

but its not by accident that X marked the spot my friend, for the worse crime of the century on american soil.
and the rosy cross was their to see it through.

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by MXIII

For all of you true conspiricy theorists, you must check out blackburg on google earth.

the rose and the x pretty much sums it up.

The x is directly over virgina tech, a wierd X.

And the rose is encased in about a 10 kilometer range, with the head of the rose drooped over virgina tech.

really amazing find

Can't you post a link or a picture?

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by MXIII

Hypnotization happens in many different forms, and this guy was definetly an experimentation in the power and precision of mind control. Just like the school girl killer.

The point to this thread is the amazing symbolism built into the archetecture of BLACKSBURG.

its nuts.

Like ive been saying............X marks the spot, under the guidance of the ROSE

goole earth

Definetly? How do you manage to be so certain given the lack of any evidence?

This looks like you are jumping to conclusiosn rather quickly, and without reason.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:10 PM
and i heard on the news his sister is working for defense conractor in iraq(did anybody see his dead body)

but yeah the symbolism is there. like the other poster said its everywhere, hell, the washinton mutual logo is the sign of ka(without the 2 fingered claws,that would way to obvious and 11-11 in the middle.) this is a good find.

Finding this kind of symbolism in companies is the way to expose the complicit google(sorry didnt mean to go slightly off topic)

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 02:21 AM
Can someone post a picture of this?

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 12:45 AM
I would love to be able to post the rad google earth pictures that clearly show the X and the rose, two brilliant symbols blatantly representing the true virgina tech killers.

AGAIN, the virgina tech killings are completly ripe with tons of symbolism, and my first post outlines some of them.

the fish
the lion
the rose
the x
the ides

Its an exciting time to be involved in interpreting this powerful symbolism thats going on in our society.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 01:19 AM
First of all the Ides is on the 15 or march The Ides of April is the 13th. Carilion Health Center in Radford. The "X" is the airport and the rose is the VT Golf course...which I have played a few rounds on. The Architecture of VT is composed of hokie stone clad rectangular style building. In fact while the campus is very pretty, it is a bit on the plain side. Cho was a nutter. plain and simple. He was not brain washed, he was a very sick individual. Jesus does everything have to be a conspiracy? How about he was just sick!

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:11 AM
You got it. Was Bundy a puppet? no. Still a mad man.

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