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religion along with god is fake.

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posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:33 PM
how dumb can people be that they still believe in fairy tales??
show me proof that god exists and that jesus was real. everything the church has done everything the bible says contridicts its self. religion seperates sociteys and nations. cauising hatred and war. religion has done more to defeat its purpose then to protect it.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by logicaltruth14
everything the bible says contridicts its self. religion seperates sociteys and nations.

A couple of things, one being that you seem to be using the thought that disproving Christianity disproves all religions and 2, learn to spell. Oh and also definitive proof that any God does not exist.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by apex

Originally posted by logicaltruth14
everything the bible says contridicts its self. religion seperates sociteys and nations.

A couple of things, one being that you seem to be using the thought that disproving Christianity disproves all religions and 2, learn to spell. Oh and also definitive proof that any God does not exist.

wats ur stand on god and religion?

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by logicaltruth14
how dumb can people be that they still believe in fairy tales??

Many people believe many different things. It isn't polite to call someone "dumb" simply because their beliefs are different from yours.

show me proof that god exists and that jesus was real.

People believe by faith, most do not need proof.

everything the church has done everything the bible says contridicts its self.

That is your perception. It is not neccessarily the truth.

religion seperates sociteys and nations. cauising hatred and war. religion has done more to defeat its purpose then to protect it.

No, people separate society and cause hatred and war. Some use religion as their scapegoat.

If you choose to not believe in any higher power, or religious belief, that is your perogative. Please give us an argument on why you believe what you do. Blanket statements and name calling do nothing to help deny ignorance.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:48 PM
Ok, God exists, but is not as powerful as he is portrayed in most religious texts, at least that I know of. I believe that there is not a hell like portrayed in the bible, there may be something similar, but people's souls do not go there permanently.

Religion has been used as a tool of control, believe or hell fire has been a widespread system to force belief, and can quite easily have been twisted by man to suit their own ends.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by apex
Ok, God exists, but is not as powerful as he is portrayed in most religious texts, at least that I know of. I believe that there is not a hell like portrayed in the bible, there may be something similar, but people's souls do not go there permanently.

Religous text are the guidelines for that particular religion. To which text are you referring?

Religion has been used as a tool of control, believe or hell fire has been a widespread system to force belief, and can quite easily have been twisted by man to suit their own ends.

This is true, however, religious beliefs have also been a provider of comfort in grief and strength in troubled times. Once again, it all depends on your perspective.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by darkelf
Religous text are the guidelines for that particular religion. To which text are you referring?
I was referring to most descriptions of hell from the Bible, basically.

Religion has been used as a tool of control, believe or hell fire has been a widespread system to force belief, and can quite easily have been twisted by man to suit their own ends.

This is true, however, religious beliefs have also been a provider of comfort in grief and strength in troubled times. Once again, it all depends on your perspective.

I'm not saying it doesn't provide comfort and strength at times, I'm just pointing out that some of it is not quite so virtuous.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by darkelf
If you choose to not believe in any higher power, or religious belief, that is your perogative. Please give us an argument on why you believe what you do. Blanket statements and name calling do nothing to help deny ignorance.

your right its not polite to call people dumb or ignorant. but what else should they be called?
you say that they believe by faith and dont need proof. then why are there people on tv healing the sick saying that god granted them those powers that its by the power of god that they get healed and then they get charged money? theyre trying to prove god exists and at the same time steeling. religion requires committment. how can u commit to sumthing that shows u no proof of wat it is saying. god and religion is another tool of control power and to gain wealth. a blind person can see that.

Mod Edit: Shortened Quote.

[edit on 29-4-2007 by chissler]

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 04:11 PM
Everything that has or ever will BE is GOD. God is the sum of everything. Quit personifying the being that IS and you will realize what it is. Religion is a sham, God is real because you are real.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 04:25 PM
*This is directed at whoever started this topic*

There are many topics like this...& my shouldn't go there.

Some of the religious people on ATS will pound you as if you were Satan. Do not argue or question very religious people. They are like drunks in an arguement. Reason is out of the question. Their bible is their sword & thir bible is right because God says so.

Leave it alone. They do not respect your views, & you do not respect theirs. Nothing will change that.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 05:55 PM
This does not pertain to conspiracy within or involving religion.

This post belongs in the BTS religion and spirituality section. Here is hoping that it finds its way there.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 09:09 PM
It is not that religion causes problems. The problem is that people use religion to create problems. Conflicts are caused by a person or a group of people forcing their beliefs on others. Some people use religion to prey on others’ fears and pain. Some people use religion to control others’ actions. It is not religion that is at fault, but people.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 09:21 PM
a world without religion is just as bad as a world with religion imo. I myself am agnostic. I believe god may or may not exist. I don't think the human species will ever be able to prove or disprove the existence of god.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by logicaltruth14
how dumb can people be that they still believe in fairy tales??
show me proof that god exists and that jesus was real. everything the church has done everything the bible says contridicts its self. religion seperates sociteys and nations. cauising hatred and war. religion has done more to defeat its purpose then to protect it.

How 'dumb' can someone be launching a tirade against something they clearly have very little knowledge about?

Plenty of people have already pointed out that it is not so much religion that causes these problems, but what man does with religion: how he uses it for his own means.

I take anything and everything in the bible with about the largest possible grain of salt, but I know for a fact that not 'everything' in the bible contradicts itself. For example, the bible claims Jesus rose from the dead. I don't know of any verses where it contradicts that claim - maybe you can point them out for me?

I wonder how much of the bible you have read. For you to be certain that 'everything the bible says contradicts itself' I can only assume you've read the whole thing several times. Otherwise it would be just 'dumb' to make such a claim about it - don't you think?

I'm not a Christian, nor do I believe the bible is true. I think religion has caused a great deal of pain in the world. I'm about as anti-religion as it gets, and I still find your post distasteful. What did you really hope to achieve by posting here? Did you hope a bunch of Christians would read your post and think 'You know what, it is fairy tales. I am being dumb. Thanks for setting me straight logicaltruth'.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 09:42 PM
Religion distorts spiritual truths, to turn people off specifically so they turn against the Creator of All That Is, and this is a fine example.

How can one deny your own Creator? I mean for physical reality to manifest, it first has to spring from a MIND-IDEA. What do you think that great MIND is??

When you pray, what do you think you are doing? How do you expect God to answer you? Part the clouds, make some magnificant entrance, and announce "Im am God, and Im here to answer your prayers!" No, chelas, thats not how it works.

Why do you think Jesus told his followers "I and my Father are ONE?" Why did Buddha say "search for the Kingdom of God WITHIN?" That is where God resides, little brothers of Earth, he resides within every single facet of his Creation.

Science has not even grasped the actual divine concepts, and has completely ignorned the spiritual, and most importantly, the consciousness aspect of Creation. Everything that ever was, is, or will be, was first thought of in the Mind of God, which is everything, and through the electrical wave patterns and most importantly, MOTION THROUGH DESIRE TO EXPRESS THE IDEA, is what creates reality. The electrical signals than interpret the idea of the wave pattern stemming from the motion of the desire of the idea.

Thats what the brain does, this is how we are able to see, the brain interprets the messages recorded on electrical nerve signals which were recorded from the wave thought form of the IDEA, and we then "decode" that interpretation of that signal into a holographic picture we see with our eyes. We do that 24\7, without even noticing it. Its an Illusion folks.

So remember, everything we see is just the interpretation of the vibrational wave thought forms from the electrical recordings of the IDEA, and our brain interprets that into pictures. This is how cameras work, its fundamental to nature. Its all in the Mind, Mind is everything, there is nothing but Mind expressing itself. But knowing this, how would a tree take form unless it was first thought of in a mind? The tree you see is the EFFECT of the CAUSE, the idea is not in itself the effect, it is the CAUSE. That idea first originated in the Mind of God.

There exists nothing but the Mind of God, expressing itself through infinite forms, for the sole purpose of expressing his IDEAS. You and God are one and the same. His mind is your mind, for there only is the mind of God. So when you pray to God, how do you think he will answer you? He will, and you will know it by the soft inner voice of the heart which exists in us all the time, telling us the right thing to do. Many people call it "intuition", its really your connection to your Father.

Folks, God never leaves you, he never turns his back on you, ever. But many many people turn their backs on God, and they wonder why their life is out of balance. When you balance yourself with the laws of nature, and you balance your mind body and spirit, and your male and female energies, you know the ying yang, only then can you ever really come to know God within.

The greatest achievement for any being in Creation is to become aware of God within. Few people throughout history have been able to achieve this awareness, but the few who did were always remembered.

This is the challenge we face now, with our civilization going into rapid decline, we are challenged to come back into balance with God and Creation, and turn this planet around to one of peace and Light. To deny God, and reject him, because of all the negativity on this planet, that is not enlightened, that is ignorant. Man, in his ignorance, creates death and destruction and blames God for it.

"But Im not the one doing it" Well, you ARE, my friend, oh you are. Thoughts create, and your negative judgements of your world will only add to the negative energy already accumilated on this orb, and it will FEED the darkness, it will help empower those who are evil and cruel. What you think and feel effects the whole, because we are all one and we better start realizing it.

So in summary, dont blame God for the ills of the world, and dont expect him to come down and save us. He expects us to help ourselves, and when we do, we will be provided with all the help we need. The first step is clearing your issues, and your deep seated fears that hold your true power back. You must raise your frequency to one of Love and Light, and then, you will be making a positive difference in this world, just by BEING here. Its how energy works.

Love and Light to you all, please search for God within, and you will find your paradise.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 10:35 PM
It is just as illogical for you to say that God does not exist as it is for me to say that he does since you cannot prove that either. Just because people prevert religion does not mean that it has no purpose or that there is no God. We are people, we are imperfect. For you to call others morons because you dont share their beief system shows your immaturity in my opinion. Good luck with that..

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 08:03 AM
So many paths..religion doesn't distort - language distorts - language is exclusive while it includes - it can never serve fully spiritually. Why do you suppose communication is done by thinking and not words - when little beasties beyond Horatio's philosophy of Heaven and Earth, come knocking just as the fire has dwindled to coals in the hearth....

And the Heavens are made of music.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by logicaltruth14
how dumb can people be that they still believe in fairy tales??
show me proof that god exists and that jesus was real. everything the church has done everything the bible says contridicts its self. religion seperates sociteys and nations. cauising hatred and war. religion has done more to defeat its purpose then to protect it.

Religion and faith are two different things. What's in the heart is what's important. History is littered with cultures that came to abrupt ends because they thought they were mightier than God.
My Mom always taught me, treat others how you would have them treat you. That's my religion. My faith is not even faith anymore. It's knowing. I know God exists, and that He will destroy those who do not take the consequences of life in the afterlife seriously. Not trying to force you, just warning folks. Time is coming very soon. Be prepared.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 12:17 PM

I used to be a hardcore atheist who thought all religion was complete bull and that religion needed to be wiped out...

Now I'm just agnostic, I try to respect people's religions, as long as those people respect other people's beliefs. I still have alot of problems with religion in general but still I try to be respectful.

I just dislike it when people use religion as an excuse to hate/persecute/kill people.

The reason I have no religion is simple: There are so many religions in the world, each religion thinks its the only right religion. How do you know which one is right? You can't prove any and many you can't disprove.

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 12:56 AM
But why deny God because of religions imperfections?

God sent many great teachers throughout history, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc etc to plant the seed of higher consciousness into the minds of men. Men, in their ignorance, failed to understand these higher divine concepts brought to Earth by God via what we now call "prophets".

In our misunderstanding, we misinterpret the meanings and teachings, and worse, the advesary (thats the satanic dark energies by the way) will use our ignorance against us, and create dualistic religions who fight with each other. This is what has happened.

God, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Abraham, or any other great spiritual leader in history, none of them ever advocated wars, or anything other than brotherly love, and to search for God within you.

Because our Elites have saught to keep real spiritual knowledge from us, and since they have desired to control us, they have created false religions for us to shut our energies into.

But you must understand now, little chelas, that THAT DOES NOT REFUTE THE EXISTENCE OF THE ONE SOURCE WE CALL GOD.

We have to really start understanding what the great prophets of old have always talked about, and we need to start realigning ourselves, getting back in balance with God and the Laws of Creation. We must understand that only through LOVE can we ever conquer FEAR.

Love, has this reputation as being weak, and theres this stigma that anyone who express's love is weak...

LOVE is the ultimate power, because it is without that which takes our power away, FEAR. And the greatest power of all, the greatest act of love possible, the thing that determines your REAL value, is simply GIVING. How much, and more importantly, the quality in which you give. When you can give out of Love, without expecting anything in return, you are truly on the Path of Enlightenment.

Did you know a persons real value and worth are directly proportionate with what he can GIVE? But, brothers and sisters, if you dont give of yourself, and your knowledge and talents and abilities, YOU HAVE NO VALUE! Value is not how much money you have, or how many things you possess, or your status in society. Your real worth is measured in what you learned, what you can teach, and what you can GIVE to others.

We give, the Creator gives, Mother Nature gives, because we are LOVE. God is LOVE. Your mother raises you because she loves you, if she didnt love you, you would not exist. Mother Earth gives to us all the materials we need, because she LOVES us. God gives us life, and a Creation to experience, and the power to co-create with Him, because he loves us. There can be no life without love, because life IS love. We are experiencing in this reality to enhance our understanding of LOVE. Through all the dramas that play out, and all the things we experience. This is the Truth you all know in your hearts.

Dont deny your divine selves, you are creations of God. Recognize it, and understand greatness is your birthright. You can deny it, and ignore it all you want, but there will always be that part of you, that soft inner voice deep within that tells you there is something more, and remind you of what you really are. When you start listening to that inner voice, that craving to understand yourself, and life....once you feed that part of you which is hungry for the Truth....only then can you find real peace and joy in your life.

Love and Light to you all.

[edit on 1-5-2007 by LightWorker13]

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