posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 03:22 PM
While this thread may seem as if I engage in repeated government bashing, considering the last thread I started, bear in mind that I am stating that
this is not the same as America bashing. America is not the government, America is the people of this great nation. It is sad that those who control
the power have no respect for the Constitution, or even empathy for anyone. They,IMO, do not reflect what it truly is to be an American.
Who has not heard of eminent domain? It is the law, around for some time, that regulates the process whereby a governing body may force you to sell
your land for the public good. This was intended, and for many years, used as a means for gaining road, water, and sewer easement. But now it has
taken on an unhealthy new form.
"..the government can seize your land for private use if they can prove it will serve what's called the public good."
"...Cities across the country have been using eminent domain to force people off their land, so that private developers can build more expensive
homes and offices that will pay more in property taxes than the buildings they are replacing.
Cities get the property by certifying that an area is 'blighted'. And guess who decides the condition of an area? Yes indeed, the same ones who want
to take it! Did you notice in the above quotes the use of the word 'private'? They can take your home, land that may have been in your family for a
century, and turn it over to whomever they chose. And they do.
If you own land that is in any way scenic or desirable, you are in danger of having to move. If some rich S.O.B. wants your land to build his 20,000
square foot mansion on, he gets the governing body to 'condemn' it, because he has the free money to pay higher taxes. How American is that? In 2005
a Supreme Court ruling upheld this type of theft by the rich and powerful.
In a 5 to 4 ruling Justice John Paul Stevens said that a public purpose such as "creating jobs" was enough to satisfy the intent of the Fifth
Amendment. Now any reasonable student of history would find it hard to believe that after breaking away from the Crown, where the law was defined in
accordance with the needs of the rich and powerful, that our forefathers meant for a the law to be 'bent' in such a way.
Land of the free? Equality for all? Does this sound like that to you?
So what are you going to do about it? It's easy to ignore things that likely won't effect you personally, but this one might . Your home could be
next. If you're not living in a mansion, you need to get involved now, before you need to start packing.