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Illuminati and Nickelodeon

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posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 12:26 PM
I've wondered about a show on Nickelodeon called Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's an amazing show and quite honestly I can't get enough of it. It also has a lot of trascendental messages, for instance in the episode "The Swamp" one character explains that we're all connected, all part of the same whole. This message is reinforced in the season 2 finale, where Aang (main character) must learn to "open" his chakras. He's told that the greatest illusion in the world is the illusion of separation, things we think to be separate but are actually part of the same whole. It shows a map of the Avatar world first with its borders and then all as one. Could this perhaps be a clue to world order? It even goes so far as to say that in order to achieve the greatest spiritual order (accessing the cosmic energies) that one must give up that which attatches him to the material world. I highly recommend that if you have the chance to watch this last episode, because the things that it talked about in there seem to fall WAY out of the comprehension of the show's target audience.

What confuses me is that for some there is a connection between Nickelodeon (via Viacom) and the illuminati. If the Illuminati is a bad force in the world, then why would they air a show like Avatar. It differs greatly from the usual material shown on the channel, which is for the most part without any kind of substance or value, despite its being entertaining.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 12:29 PM
When my daughter was younger she loved that show. She's lost interest now but I do see many transcendental messages throughout the show.

As for the connection between Nickelodean and Illuminati .... I think that 'they' know to target the young and indoctrinate the next generation that way. I have no doubt that any group that wants to be in power would go for the media and the education ... in this case Nickelodean covers both media AND educating youth.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 06:05 PM
Honestly I don't think there is anyone behind it, Avatar is a great show,
that takes it's basis from Asian, especially Indian, Chinese and Japanese
spirituality and culture.

The show does go to show a different philosophy about life, so I think it's
a good thing.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 06:18 PM
My sons say "that they love the show and have not missed a single episode. They think that Katara and her brother(side characters) are like yin and yang. And the one about cosmic energy spoken about in the previous post was about Aang trying to protect the two fish which represent the balance in the universe. And the fire nation is sort of like ancient rome or greece, gengis khan,trying to take over by materialism. Very much like the world we live in today really. So basically the show is informational in a spiritual way and entertaining." My kids are so real and cool...


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