Welcome to our very first
Head-2-Head Political PODCast Debate!
This is a new format that we are testing out with our members, and seeing if it works. We'll get our feet wet, give a few members an opportunity to
duke it out, and then see if we need to add, remove, or tweak any little portion of the process. Remember, this is your forum, your debate, and we
are hear to operate to meet your needs. But enough of that, lets get to it.
"Are Security Measures Justified To The Extent That Civil Liberties Can Be
Pro - semperfortis
Con - whatukno
1. Each member will post an opening statement, two rebuttals, and one closing statement.
2. If it is proven that a member is plagiarizing the podcast, they will forfeit the debate and possibly face further actions.
3. Each reply must be within 48 hours of the previous.
4. Opening and Closing Statements can be no longer than 6 minutes in length, and any rebuttal can be no longer than 12 minutes in length.
6. semperfortis will post first.
If either of you see an infraction, contact me via u2u to discuss the course of actions.
General Rules
The following
General H2H Debate Rules (current at the time this debate started)
1. Any violation of the terms of a debate will result in a forfeiture.
2. Any participant may voluntarily forfeit at any time.
3. Forfeitures are final. If you want a rematch, start a new debate thread.
4. Only agreed-upon participants may post to the podcast thread.
5. Disruption by non-participants in debate threads,
T&C violations or failure
to cooperate with the H2H staff may result in loss of Fighter status.
6. AP/H2H staff may take action as they see fit to maintain proper H2H forum operation.
7. As with all forums, the
AboveTopSecret.com Terms And Conditions Of Use
Good luck to both participants! Contact me via u2u when the debate has concluded.
[edit on 28-4-2007 by chissler]