posted on May, 2 2007 @ 09:20 PM
Maybe the term "neo-con" means something different in Europe than it does in the US? The "neo-conservatives," as the term is used in the United
States, have their very beginnings rooted in the 1930's at the City University of New York (CUNY) amongst a group of lower-class Trotskyists whose
parents had been Eastern European immigrants. This, of course, is after the first world war, and the group was started by a bunch of very poor
college students, not a secretive, evil, international cabal.
I blame the labrynthine structure of alliances, the fact that the war planners of the continental empires were overly postured with offense in mind,
and the balance of power in relation to the crumbling Ottoman Empire of the time. It's rather well documented. The folks who would found what would
later be called neo-conservatism would have just entered grammar school (if that.)