I agree most people are not getting satisfied with the religions or 'the middle man'.
What I'm about to say might make people upset because they think I am downgrading who christ was. I am not. He was perfect, just not saving us the
way the church would have you think. He is the best example of what we could be.
The church/institution is saying that God made inherently imperfect beings, then have demanded of them to be perfect, or face damnation. They are
saying then that, somewhere several thousand years into the world's experience, God relented, saying that from then on you didn't necessarily have
to be good, you simply had to feel bad when you were not being good, and accept as your savior the One Being who could always be perfect, thus
satisfying God's hunger for perfection. They are saying that His Son- the One Perfect One- has saved you from your own imperfection- the imperfection
God gave us.
In other words, God's Son has saved you from what His Father did. This is how many people say God has set it up. Now is this mocking God I ask? Many
people are starting to see that following the religion is not giving them the quench they thirst for.
The religionists would have you believe that God created you as less than Who He Is so that you could have the chance to become as Who He Is, working
against all odds- and , I might add, against every natural tendency He is supposed to have given you.
Among these so-called tendencies is the tendency to sin. You are taught that you were born in sin, that you will die in sin, and that to sin is you
nature. One religion even teaches you that you can do nothing about this. Your own actions are irrelevant and meaningless. It is arrogant to think
that by some action of yours you can "get to heaven". There is only one way to heaven (salvation) and that is through no undertaking of your own,
but through the grace granted you by God through acceptance of His Son as your intermediary.
Once this is done you are "saved". Until it is done, nothing that you do- not the life you live, not the choices you make, not anything you
undertake of your own will in an effort to improve yourself or render you worthy- has any effect, bears any influence. You are incapable of rendering
yourself worthy, because you are inherently unworthy. You were created that way they say.
I'm telling you, You Are Worthy to be like God. Raise your conscience to His level, but religionist insist you must do as they say or you will be
damned. One very good book I have come to understand more of this is... conversations with God. Start with book 1-3, then try friendship with God, new
revelations, c.w.God series. Give it a chance and see if there is any better explanation out there.
Life cannot be trusted as whole anywhere I'm sad to say. You can look within and be told what is of God and not though. I have been shown this on my
adventure and I thought I'd share. Jesus really did mean, did ye not know that ye are gods? and the kingdom of God is within you. We are all
individuates of the One that Is. God's body is us and Jesus.
If you like David Icke, his latest book, "Tales from the Time Loop" has the same Oneness idea of what are we doing here in a sense. He said, it's
as if there was this river of Oneness in the beginning. In this one part of the river, formed a whirlpool. The densest part of the whirlpool funnel
(the bottom) is where we believe to be the five sense world. The dense reality we have. As you go up to the corners away from the dense part, you get
the spirit world, other dimensions, etc. One day this whirlpool will stop and it will be a river of Oneness. He didn't say that exactly, but
something relative.
Getting back to religion... why do most people feel obligation to go? Meaning not feeling like going, but should go. You cannot believe in an
obligation-less relationship because you cannot accept who and what you really are. You call a life of complete freedom "spiritual anarchy." I call
it God's great promise. It is only within the context of this promise that God's great plan can be completed. You have no obligation, in
relationship. You have only opportunity.
Opportunity, not obligation, is the cornerstone of religion, the basis of all spirituality. So long as you see it the other way around, you will have
missed the point.
Relationship to God and ALL things(same thing) - your relationship to all things- was created as your perfect tool in the work of the soul. That is
why all human relationships are sacred ground. It is why every personal relationship is holy.
In this, many churches have it right. Marriage is a sacrament. But not because of its sacred obligations. Rather, because of its unequalled
Never do anything in relationship out of a sense of obligation. Do whatever you do out of a sense of the glorious opportunity your relationship
affords you to decide, and to be, Who You Really Are.
If you want to understand why I'm saying some things I say, read on:
[Edited on 1-7-04 by pacman]